
Second chance: Not alone? Huh.

I really was in the past… So, what now? Another lifetime of wrongs, living like an animal, only to satisfy my base instincts? Another burnout, with dull emptiness inside? Yeah, sure, sounds fun for a while. *** “Knowing you, I can’t really feel surprised. But keep in mind that your choices affect all of us. It’s no longer just you. You are not alone.” Her words were quiet, but they hit me like a bag of sand. Not alone? Huh.

NameIsLife · 都市
138 Chs

If you are willing to share, I am more than willing to listen.

I parked the car in the school's parking lot, noticing the familiar, unassuming sedan with the same bodyguard lady chilling beside it. She tensed a bit after seeing the high-tier car in the vicinity, which I shall praise her for.

Now I had another period of time to kill, and so it led me to preparing the prank I thought of earlier. To my endless shame, I actually had that piece of paper, which was equally incriminating and damning as all hell, in my wallet… What an amateurish mistake, and someone stupid like me had the audacity to comment on other people's qualifications.

Now I just needed the writing utensil. Pen, pencil, crayon, whatever. Sadly, neither I nor the entirety of Bella's prized vehicle had something like that in sight. Yet another time I sighed in defeat.

Then my gaze once more fell onto the bodyguard lady, who kept glancing over here, most likely believing that she was being overt. I had ten more minutes to kill anyway, and this could be pretty fun. Ugh, I should ask Bella to lend me one of her boys for a sparring session, I start to get a bit too eager to provoke people.

I left the car, noticing that the bodyguard lady still recognized me from our previous encounter, and, it seems like it, got further briefing on my reputation as a troublemaker. As expected from the Su clan.

I caught her gaze and nodded with a smile. And then set my course on approaching the jumpy girl, now in a full on guard mode.

"Hey, you must be Su's relative I heard about," I greeted her, stopping at a polite distance, far enough to convey the peaceful intent behind my actions. "Sorry to disturb you out of nowhere, but I found myself in need of something to write with and wanted to ask if you have a pen or a pencil I can borrow."

She took a bit of time to register my request. While keeping her silence, the bodyguard lady took the pen out of the chest pocket of her office jacket and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I voiced my gratitude. "Will return it in a few."

"Keep it." I finally received confirmation she wasn't mute.

It was an overly paranoid move. While having some valid points behind, she also risked coming off as rude, and could possibly provoke someone she clearly shouldn't. Like the young master of the illustrious Long clan, for example.

"Thanks again," I repeated my words of gratitude once more.

I shook my head, chasing away the notion of giving her unasked advice. Then I returned to my vehicle, feeling her gaze on my back the whole way. Once inside, I took out the piece of paper with the drawing of Long Chen's, my bastard of a father, personal seal, and added my phone number underneath. Now, what should I add that is eye-catching enough to get lady-in-white's attention? An obvious choice dawned upon me almost instantly. Long Tian. This was the truth anyway.

With this done, I neatly folded the note, making sure that the writings are hidden from the first glance. Then I added 'For the lady-in-white' on the outer side. This was more than enough, all things considered.

I took out my phone and decided to notify my girlfriend of my presence.

Me: [I'm here]

Me: [waiting for you]

Olivia: [Honey!]

Olivia: [We are on our way]

Olivia: [Oh, Su agreed to have a talk with you]

Olivia: [I kind of forgot to say that before]

Me: [thanks]

I looked at the messages and thought about whether I should praise her in text or in person. The latter won, since this way I will have the opportunity to see and, knowing her apparent propensity for physical shows of affection, experience Olivia's reaction.

I hid the note to lady-in-white into one of my pockets, and left the car again, making myself easier to spot for my girlfriend. Less than five minutes later, following the wave of freshly liberated students, Olivia and Su Lin walked out of the school gates. Just the two of them this time.

My girlfriend noticed me almost instantly, and waved her hand in greeting, the brilliant smile I liked so much on her, sadly, makeup covered face. I waved back with the smile of my own, completely genuine, since I managed to actually miss my girl after just one night. Ugh, I really start to get attached.

I decided to meet them midway, since it was my initiative to seek this talk with Su's young lady. As I approached, Olivia ran to me, and I caught the Olivia-shaped missile in my arms.

"Ugh, I missed you," she proclaimed, burying her face into my pecs. I prayed that her wall of paint wouldn't leave unwashable stains on the fabric.

"It's great to see you again," I responded in kind, kissing the top of her head.

"Hello there," Su Lin, as my girlfriend knew her, said her greetings in a polite but cold tone.

"Greetings," I nodded back.

Olivia, reading the mood once again, released her embrace and moved to my side. Good girl,

"I heard you have something to discuss with me," the pig-tailed young lady spoke, going straight to the business.

I took out the piece of paper from my pocket, and extended my hand, implying to her to take it.

"I need you to give this to Lady Kouzuki." Her poker face instantly broke after hearing my words, deliberately construed as an order rather than request. Ah, right, once more, this wasn't the ruthless bitch I was used to interacting with either. Future knowledge was a double-edged sword. She read the recipient name I left on the outside, and her shock became even more apparent. "I trust you don't need me to warn you about the importance of this thing, Yin."

"As you wish." Reacting more to my tone than to my, very heavily laced with implications, instructions, she inclined her head portraying the perfect bow. "This little one won't fail."

"Thanks in advance then," I accepted her words with a nod, indicating that it was the end of the conversation. Su's first young lady bowed once more, and I turned to Olivia. "Let's go home."

"Let's go home, honey." Opting not to ask unnecessary questions, the quality I liked more and more about her, my girlfriend replied and hugged my arm.


On our car ride back home. Contrary to her usual behavior, my girlfriend wasn't in her usual chatterbox mode.

"Do you want to know more about what it was all about?" I decided to break the silence and ask Olivia a question.

"Do you think I need to know?" She asked back.

"This depends on whether you want to get more involved into my life. While I won't like you less, no matter what you decide, some of these things could possibly push you to the sidelines at times," I explained.

"Is this information important?" Olivia decided to ask for specifics.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Ugh, do you think you can trust me with it?" And I thought we were done with her insecurities. Well, I guess it's not relationship related, so…

"I want to trust you," I stated. "I wouldn't let you meet Bella otherwise. And I wouldn't let you have free access to my home, either."

"But, you know, I am…" She started rambling.

"I don't care." I cut off her self-doubt session. "I asked you a question, Olivia. And I want the answer."

"What if I fail your trust?" She was still looking for an excuse. What are you? A Claire?

"Then I will add it to my list of trust related issues, and will know better next time," I joked grimly. "Though, since you are a self-proclaimed 'realistic girl', knowing these things will, probably, make you try twice as hard."

Giving her time to think, I focused on the road. A few minutes later, she came to a decision.

"Ugh, I feel so stupid now, honey. I've already decided to create more bonds with you. And you even offered to give me another one, all by yourself." She chuckled. "If you are willing to share, I am more than willing to listen."

Hearing her repeat my own words, I smiled.