
Who Are You?

After school, I quickly pack my stuff and sprint through the halls. "hey you! No running in the halls!!!" a teacher calls out. I didn't care, I ran strait to the roof, and when i reached my destination. There was no one there, i sigh. "Maybe I'm to early" I mumbled as I place down my bag.

my eyes stare in the distance while my thoughts wonders off to space. Soon, my phone rings, a text message was sent by unknown. "Eh?" I said as I pick my phone up and look at the unknown message. it read 'Hey! It's the boy who sent you to the roof. But I'm not telling you my name'

Surprisingly, I text back though I was confused. I sit down not taking my eyes off my phone.

Me: 'hey did you send me to the roof?'

???: 'I wanted to see you face to face'

Chills ran down my back and goosebumps appear on my arm, was he watching me?

Me: 'Are you watching me?'

???: 'maybe I am, maybe I'm not'

My curiosity got to me, and I looked around. I seemed scared, my phone rings again.

???: 'I'm not a stalker, I promise'

I sigh in relief and try to calm my nerves my breathing in and out

Me: 'Who are you?'