
SCP Life Diary of a D-class Personnel

Hello, welcome to join the scp foundation, as a D-level personnel, you will get the following benefits: First, you will get a unique identification number printed on your brand new orange clothes (prison uniform), such as D-213. That’s not enough, you will also get a brand new name, which you will use to communicate with each other in the future! Like Billy-D. As a D-Class, you just have to satisfy your superiors, and they’re good guys with guns! They will help you to have friendly interactions with all kinds of safe creatures (help the ten-meter killer lizard clean the room) In order to protect your health at all times, our infirmary is always open, even if your work here is as easy as taking a walk! When you’re done with a D-Class for a month, you can go home (and be shot), no matter what prisoner you were- Don’t wait any longer, come and join scp! This is not mine I do not own this fanfic

Joyboy2023 · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Chapter 9: : Maozi will never be a slave, unless food and shelter are included!

ah! —In my eyes, there is only darkness! ...by-The first dutiful son of Lordaeron.

I shook my head violently and finally woke myself up a little bit, but all my eyes can see now is a mosaic, which means that I can't see anything clearly.

What happened? Cara and I went to the hotel for a drink, and I had a pint...and then...


In an instant, the hairs all over my body stood on end, I'm afraid I've been **** by someone! My brain became sober in an instant, and even my eyes could see clearly. Obviously, I was sitting on a chair, and the man sitting opposite me was wearing glasses and wearing the familiar white coat. Immediately, I couldn't help but swear, "I am Cao Li Lailai!"

It's been a few days since I escaped from this **** shelter? TM was caught again! I am now even more desperate than being beaten by a bear! I tried to stand up, but then I found that I was directly imprisoned on the chair. The hard metal shackles made me unable to move. If the person locked here was a girl, I would smile and say, "There should be something here. book."

But now it's me who is locked here, I can't laugh at all! Not only can I not laugh, I even want to spray Dr. Cao Li Lailai in front of me to death with the fighting saliva of our fighting nation.

Also, where did this guy Kara go? I knew I couldn't trust women! Why have I survived so many ordeals but not a single beauty test? Why am I so easily deceived? I can't wait to slap myself twice! If it wasn't for the consideration that I can **** a bear with my bare hands and I would probably kill myself with this slap, I might really slap it (just say it out of pain)!

"SCP-2333, how are you feeling now?"

Dr. Cao Li Lailai asked me with a smile.

SCP-2333? Looks like this is my new codename, but how do I feel about it? hehe!

I immediately raised the CNM international gesture towards Dr. Cao Li Lailai, and the other party seemed not surprised by my reaction. He shrugged indifferently and continued to ask, "Why did you run away?"

"If I don't run away, I'll lock you up?" I retorted, and looked at the room I was in. There are only me and Dr. Li Lailai Cao, but I'm sure there will be a lot of SCPs outside the door Soldier.

"We, the SCP Foundation, usually don't take drastic measures when dealing with harmless SCPs. After all, our motto is control, containment, and protection. Although we can't give you complete freedom if you cooperate, we can satisfy your needs as much as possible. Request, even if...you caused seven guards to be injured and admitted to the hospital when you escaped, one of them may have completely lost the ability to reproduce."

Fuck! ? Am I that **** my feet? Didn't I already control the intensity! ...Oh yes, I will become stronger when the time stops...

I couldn't help being a little embarrassed. When I looked up again, I found that Dr. Cao Li Lailai was writing something in a notebook with a pen.

"Then, I'm going to ask the next question." Dr. Cao Li Lailai glanced at me, rolled his eyes and continued: "When did you discover your ability? Is it innate? I sighed, I was caught, I can only answer truthfully: "I found it in the first experiment after I came to the SCP Foundation, and I almost died at that time."

"Very good, the first experiment..." Dr. Cao Li Lailai wrote something down in his notebook and continued to ask, "This ability is not something you can control yourself? How long does it usually last? "

"Why should I tell you?"

That's right, why should I tell them my ability? Then wouldn't it be easier for them to catch me! ? Take a look at Dr. Cao Li Lailai's ugly face of capitalism! Maybe what else will I use to tempt me! We guys all have tm unshakable iron will, you still want to seduce me?

"If you cooperate, we will send a box of vodka to your containment room every day. At the same time, if you want to keep a bear as a pet, we can also satisfy you."

"My ability will only be activated automatically when I am attacked, and the duration will last until the danger passes!"

Hmph, it's actually vodka and a bear...then I should give you some face today and tell you a little bit of a secret! (Obviously I have to tell the whole story, okay?...

"Isn't your change of attitude a bit too...forget it..." I saw Dr. Cao Li Lailai sighed, and I knew that he was the kind of person who had no taste! Absolutely no vodka! "Okay then, do you think you acquired this ability for any other reason?"

"I don't know." I simply replied, I can't say that I came from another world, can I? Even if I say so, they will probably believe it.

After all, the people in SCP are well-informed, and they have seen a lot of ghost things. Things that sound NB like my time-traveling are probably "Oh, you have time-traveled, is that world safe? Is there an SCP?" ?"

But I'm sure I won't tell all about myself, everyone needs privacy!

"Okay, next point, what do you think about capturing the Ciriya agent you returned to the Foundation?"

"So Kara is a pseudonym? ... I don't want to talk about women right now, I'm about to be imprisoned for life for women."

ah! —In my eyes, there is only darkness! ...by-The first dutiful son of Lordaeron.

I shook my head violently and finally woke myself up a little bit, but all my eyes can see now is a mosaic, which means that I can't see anything clearly.

What happened? Cara and I went to the hotel for a drink, and I had a pint...and then...


In an instant, the hairs all over my body stood on end, I'm afraid I've been **** by someone! My brain became sober in an instant, and even my eyes could see clearly. Obviously, I was sitting on a chair, and the man sitting opposite me was wearing glasses and wearing the familiar white coat. Immediately, I couldn't help but swear, "I am Cao Li Lailai!"

It's been a few days since I escaped from this **** shelter? TM was caught again! I am now even more desperate than being beaten by a bear!

I tried to stand up, but then I found that I was directly imprisoned on the chair. The hard metal shackles made me unable to move. If the person locked here was a girl, I would smile and say, "There should be something here. book."

But now it's me who is locked here, I can't laugh at all! Not only can I not laugh, I even want to spray Dr. Cao Li Lailai in front of me to death with the fighting saliva of our fighting nation.

Also, where did this guy Kara go? I knew I couldn't trust women! Why have I survived so many ordeals but not a single beauty test? Why am I so easily deceived? I can't wait to slap myself twice! If it wasn't for the consideration that I can **** a bear with my bare hands and I would probably kill myself with this slap, I might really slap it (just say it out of pain)!

"SCP-2333, how are you feeling now?"

Dr. Cao Li Lailai asked me with a smile.

SCP-2333? Looks like this is my new codename, but how do I feel about it? hehe!

I immediately raised the CNM international gesture towards Dr. Cao Li Lailai, and the other party seemed not surprised by my reaction. He shrugged indifferently and continued to ask, "Why did you run away?"

"If I don't run away, I'll lock you up?" I retorted, and looked at the room I was in. There are only me and Dr. Li Lailai Cao, but I'm sure there will be a lot of SCPs outside the door Soldier.

"We, the SCP Foundation, usually don't take drastic measures when dealing with harmless SCPs. After all, our motto is control, containment, and protection. Although we can't give you complete freedom if you cooperate, we can satisfy your needs as much as possible. Request, even if...you caused seven guards to be injured and admitted to the hospital when you escaped, one of them may have completely lost the ability to reproduce."

Fuck! ? Am I that **** my feet? Didn't I already control the intensity! ...Oh yes, I will become stronger when the time stops...

I couldn't help being a little embarrassed. When I looked up again, I found that Dr. Cao Li Lailai was writing something in a notebook with a pen.

"Then, I'm going to ask the next question." Dr. Cao Li Lailai glanced at me, rolled his eyes and continued: "When did you discover your ability? Is it innate? ?"

I sighed, I was caught, I can only answer truthfully: "I found it in the first experiment after I came to the SCP Foundation, and I almost died at that time."

"Very good, the first experiment..." Dr. Cao Li Lailai wrote something down in his notebook and continued to ask, "This ability is not something you can control yourself? How long does it usually last? "

"Why should I tell you?"

That's right, why should I tell them my ability? Then wouldn't it be easier for them to catch me! ? Take a look at Dr. Cao Li Lailai's ugly face of capitalism! Maybe what else will I use to tempt me! We guys all have tm unshakable iron will, you still want to seduce me?

"If you cooperate, we will send a box of vodka to your containment room every day. At the same time, if you want to keep a bear as a pet, we can also satisfy you."

"My ability will only be activated automatically when I am attacked, and the duration will last until the danger passes!"

Hmph, it's actually vodka and a bear...then I should give you some face today and tell you a little bit of a secret! (Obviously I have to tell the whole story, okay?...

"Isn't your change of attitude a bit too...forget it..." I saw Dr. Cao Li Lailai sighed, and I knew that he was the kind of person who had no taste! Absolutely no vodka! "Okay then, do you think you acquired this ability for any other reason?"

"I don't know." I simply replied, I can't say that I came from another world, can I? Even if I say so, they will probably believe it.

After all, the people in SCP are well-informed, and they have seen a lot of ghost things. Things that sound NB like my time-traveling are probably "Oh, you have time-traveled, is that world safe? Is there an SCP?" ?"

But I'm sure I won't tell all about myself, everyone needs privacy!

"Okay, next point, what do you think about capturing the Ciriya agent you returned to the Foundation?"

"So Kara is a pseudonym? ... I don't want to talk about women right now, I'm about to be imprisoned for life for women."

I can't help but feel a little desperate, why does this SCP really send a woman to catch the SCP? What about men? Why use it! Not even a girl! I bother!

Alas, I don't have any views on women, it's just that my psychological shadow is a bit big... I also have a problem, Kara, ah, no, Agent Ciriya is so obvious that he wants to approach me, but I don't feel it It's not right at all! Emotional I haven't seen a woman for such a long time, so the whole person is numb?

"Okay, the last question, this question is very important." Dr. Cao Li Lailai wrote a few more entries in his notebook, then raised his head and looked at me, "What do you think of the Foundation?"

I was silent now, and I didn't give a response for a long time. To be honest, I don't know the foundation or the people or monsters with special abilities they guard. Anyway, the SCPs I saw were locked in my own prison. In the asylum, I also saw them because I was forcibly dragged to do experiments, but before I even had a **** word, those cute little things jumped on me and tore the guy next to me in half.

Now that I think about it... emmmm, I suddenly want to have a fight with them. It seems that I can't satisfy me anymore... But those guys who are dead are really going to end miserable.

To be honest, the SCPs I have seen in experiments are all Keter-level, and I feel that the Foundation is the only cage that can lock them, but I don't want to be locked...I know that a Safe-level SCP treatment needs The treatment is much better than Keter-level SCPs, but that is not enough, I have time-traveled, but it does not mean that I will let fate lock me up in the shelter for a lifetime! I want freedom not a cage!

Hmph, the only thing we Maozi admire is vodka, what is your destiny? Can I drink it? ?

But for the time being, I'd better not play it dead, if I don't cooperate obediently, it will be very difficult for me to run out again if the foundation strengthens its defense against me.


As a result, I just opened my mouth and didn't know what to say, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com I can't be foolish, can I? Anyway, I was a D-class personnel, and I was forced to do so many experiments. If I exaggerate too much, I will be suspected, and if I am not satisfied with my f*cking boast, it will make others unhappy! If I'm suspected of having a second escape and deemed difficult to contain, then I'm basically scheduled for Keter! You must know that most Keters have no human rights or beast rights in the foundation, so you can't ask for anything. If you look at Mr. 682, if it weren't for him, NB would have been played to death by the foundation long ago!

Alas, I hope I'm exaggerating.

So how should I answer this question asked by the doctor? I first looked at Dr. Cao Li Lailai who was waiting for my answer in a serious manner, and then pretended that I could still hold my chin and think. After a while, I finally thought of what to say!

"Mao Zi will never be a slave." When I said this sentence, I found that Dr. Cao Li Lailai's eyebrows were wrinkled into a pimple, so I hurriedly said the next sentence, "Unless food and shelter are included!"

...a silence.

Dr. Cao Li Lailai finally loosened his eyebrows. Gaia was much more kind than he imagined, and judging from the fact that he felt embarrassed and embarrassed when he mentioned that the guard was injured at the beginning, although he has superpowers , but still just an ordinary person at heart.

Isn't it just food and shelter? what is this? You will live in a large suite of 100 square meters, and you will have the best breakfast, lunch and three meals! Although the vodka itself may be a lie, a case of vodka for three days is enough for you! Bears? You can raise it if you like it! Just please don't mess with 682 every day!

"No problem, SCP-2333, if you have other needs you can ask later, but for now we should all get some rest."