
Scarlet Red Roses

The Red Roses are as beautiful as her Scarlet hair, her beautiful fragrance attracts many. This story depicts how the Fire Dragon fell for the Knight in armor. --------------------------------------------- A Fairy Tail Fan-fic. ---------------------------------------------

Im_Groot · 漫画同人
52 Chs

Chapter 20

At the tower of heaven

"you will defeat me..you say?" Jellal repeated as he and Natsu were in the midst of a standoff.

"You heard me." Natsu said in a firm tone.

Erza was just watching the two. She wasn't really worried about Natsu, seeing as how he was able to beat Jose

"how did you manage to make the council members fire Ethereion?" Natsu asked Jellal

"the only way for Etherion to be fired is by having 8 councilmembers agreement in its activation"

"heh, it is quite easy, if you had a loyal subordinate in the council" Jellal replied with a smirk

"Ultear" Natsu said to him

"correct" Jellal said to him

"After the council gathered to cast the Etherion, I had her level the whole place. The entire place was coming down around her. She was ready to follow my double to the end, just like Erza and everyone who lived in the tower." He laughed as he was amused how far his plan had gone so far.

"I see" Natsu said as his armor burst into flames

"you really are a scum"

Jellal smirked as he readied a battle stance

"Are you trying to goad me into making the first move? Do you honestly think you're a match for me?" Jellal scoffed.

"No..you aren't even near my level." Natsu just said simply.

"You say such interesting things Natsu Dragov, but don't compare me to Jose. He is not nearly as powerful as I am." He boasted.

"Just keep talking, puppet." Natsu snickered.

"Shut up." Jellal then shot a beam of light out of his hand as it hit Natsu. Natsu appeared to be unscathed, as his armor is taking all the blows.

""Not nearly as fast as Oneechan, but I can see the speed of his attack easier."" Natsu thought before he lowered his sword.

"Why don't you show me this..Dragon Slayer magic that you use. I want to see what its capable of..before I smash you to dust, that is." Jellal offered his hand.

"Careful what you wish for." Natsu said as he jumped forward.

"Karyuu no Tekken!" Natsu then ignited his hand and landed an exploding punch on Jellal's face as he grunted.

"Kagizume!" Natsu then kicked upwards as he landed another exploding kick to his chin that knocked him up in the air.

"Karyuu no Koen!" Natsu then created a giant flaming sphere as he threw it at and engulfed Jellal in a large ball of fire and exploded into a pillar of lacrima.

Natsu just stood there with a furrowed look, as if he was expecting something.

"Get up, you can do better than that." Natsu called out to the smoke. Jellal then emerged from the smoke with his long coat gone. He then glared up at Natsu.

"If you think i'll yield to this amount of power, you're gravely mistaken, dragon slayer."

""I can feel something draining my magic power by the second I use it"" Natsu thought as he could sense something was draining his magic

"looks like you realized it" Jellal said to Natsu

"I have programmed the tower to drain one of their magic, and that one is you, Natsu Dragov" Jellal smirked to Natsu

"I see" Natsu said to him

"if you want my magic so much, I'll give it to you." Natsu then clenched a fist and held his hand out.

"Karyuu no Hanabira!" He charged his fist with flames and then punched forward and shot a fireball at Jellal.

"Meteor!" Jellal shouted as he glowed with light and dodged the attack as it created a small geyser of red flames after it impacted. Jellal then shot towards Natsu and placed his palm on his armor.

"Purge!" Jellal shouted as Enryuo no Yoroi purged off of Natsu

"wha?!" Natsu exclaimed before Jellal kicked him away

"Ahg!" Natsu felt like the wind got knocked out of him after Jellal knocked him back. Natsu recovered after sliding to a standstill. He glared up at Jellal.

Enryuo no Yoroi falls to pieces as they clanged to the ground

"The hell?" He said as he breathed a little harder.

"I studied your armor for quite some time and develop a technique to purge you of it" Jellal said with a smirk

He then appeared behind Natsu and kicked him on the back and sent Natsu into a wall of lacrima.

"You said before in this fight that you would bring me down? If this is your full potential, then I have to say I'm quite disappointed." Jellal said grimly as he floated down.

"Karyuu no Hoko!" Natsu breath out a breath attack at Jellal who jetted away with his Meteor

Jellal then jetted towards Natsu as he sent a kick to his chin

Natsu fought back by ignited his fist in flames and tried to hit the man but it missed

"Natsu! stop using magic! You're just giving him what he wants!" Erza exclaimed at him

Natsu didn't listen as he was kicked away to the wall by Jellal

"if I stop using magic, I rather stop being a mage first" Natsu said as he ignited both his palms in flames and was about to jet towards Jellal but stopped as he coughed blood

"Natsu!" Erza gasped as she saw that his vest on his side was getting darker

"hoh? Looks like Ikaruga gave you quite the nasty cut, didn't she?" Jellal said to him

"Natsu! You've been fighting him with a wound like that?! are you stupid!?" Erza shouted to him

"Heh!" Natsu retorted as he stands up as he placed a hand to his side

"this ain't nothing" Natsu said before he clenched his teeth a bit as he burned his wound to seal it up

"You must really want to die." Jellal chuckled as he readied another attack. "I'll send you to hell with my Tentai Mahō!"

"Tentai Mahō huh? Looks like normal light magic to me." Natsu said as he recomposed himself.

"Normal light magic can't do this!" Jellal then held his arms out to the sides of him, then joined his hands together and pointed them to Natsu.

"Orion's Quasar!" A giant ball of darkness and light gathered in his hand and grew larger and larger by the second. He then shot it off towards Natsu.

Natsu just had a look of pure focus as his eye widened. He summoned his sword and got into a stance.

"Guren Giri!"He slashed vertically and a shock wave approached the attack and split it clean in half. The two halves passed Natsu and out of the tower, and then a large explosion appeared behind Natsu as it ruffled his hair a little.

"Tch!" Jellal scowled.

"Let the seven starts judge thee!" Jellal created seven magic circles in the sky as they created light energy

"Grand Chariot!"

The seven magic circles fired light blast like meteors at Natsu who saw the attack coming


"Natsu!" Erza exclaimed as she saw him standing before falling to his knees

Natsu had blood sipping out of his lips as he stood back up and readied his sword with him

"is that the best you got?" Natsu asked with a smirk

"Just die already!" Jellal activated his meteor spell once more and punched Natsu in the face. He then grabbed Natsu's vest and pulled him in as he kept punching him with his light enhanced fist. Natsu then grabbed Jellal by his collar and head butted him.

Jellal had a red bruise on his face, and stumbled back. Natsu stumbled back as well and tried to look back at Jellal. His eye widened.

"Haa!" Jellal whipped his fingers to his side as a long blade of light formed and shot at Natsu who wasn't prepared for it, and swept him off his feet and into another pillar of lacrima.

"YOU WON"T INTERRUPT ME ANY LONGEEERRR!" He shouted angrily as he once again sent an endless barrage of light beams at the spot Natsu crashed as he kept firing on Natsu.

"NATSU!" Erza shouted.

"And now to finish you off!" He then held his hands up and a golden magic circle appeared. All of a sudden, a black orb appeared and began growing. The shadows and light seemed to be bending as Erza gasped in horror.

"That spell..the shadows are-!?"

"Erg.." Natsu grunted. He was trying to get back up. He was breathing heavily and trying to stand up as he knelt on his sword. Natsu then looked up at Jellal who just smirked at Natsu with evil intent.

"it is time for the dragon to die!" He roared angrily, and was about to throw the attack, but then stopped when Erza was standing between them.

"You still need me..as a sacrifice right? If you attack Natsu, then you'll lose me!" Erza stated. Natsu was wide eyed from her actions.

"Erza! Get away! That att-mm-Blegh!" He coughed up blood and he dropped his sword. Erza looked back and saw him covering his mouth as the red liquid dripped onto the crystal floor.

"It's alright Natsu..I'll protect you." She stated as she stood her ground.

"Actually, I changed my mind." Jellal said as Erza grunted.

"I think I prefer him as the sacrifice." He had a maniacal look in his eyes as Erza was wide eyed. "It's unfortunate but don't worry Erza..for old times sake, it will all be over in a second."

"Arutearisu" He then threw it at Erza who was still in a state of shock.


An explosion was created as Erza had her eyes closed

"eh?" Erza then saw that Enryuo no Yoroi was on her and Natsu was in front of her with his arms opened

Time slowed down as Erza watched in horror. Natsu's hair covered his eye while he fell back and hit the ground. It was a moment of silence as Jellal just smirked.

"N..N..NATSUUUUU!" She screamed and scrambled over to where he was. His wound was open as he bled out. He then slowly looked at Erza and said, "Y..You..idiot..don't just..stand here..he's.." He pointed over to Jellal weakly. She looked again and saw him readying another attack.

"You're pretty persistent, but it was all just cheap talk in the end. Now this time stay dead!" He then threw another Altarias at them as Erza quickly covered Natsu and got in front him.

She didn't saw Simon running in and got in front of her


The attack was about to come as it then exploded in front of Simon

"S-Simon?.." Her tears were streaming down her face as she looked her childhood friend in the eye.

"he's alright" Natsu' voiced out as Erza looks to Natsu who wasn't on the floor

"why did you?!" Simon exclaimed as in front of him was Natsu

"I promised….remember?" Natsu said as he falls back with Simon catching him

"hey!" Simon shouted out to Natsu

"no…" Erza looks at Natsu who had blood all over him

"Natsu!" Erza screamed as she looks to him

The helmet of Enryuo no Yoroi glowed as the eye part on the dragon had tears falling

"hey Natsu!" Simon shouted out to him

"why the hell did you do that?!"

"I gave you my word" Natsu said to him

Flashback at the casino

"I need you to save Erza" Simon said to Natsu who was looking at him

"hey, that's what I been doing all this time" Natsu said to him as he patted his chest with his knuckles

At the tower where Natsu was resting a bit

"I leave Erza to you Natsu" Simon said to him while helping him up to stand up

"yeah" Natsu said as he got off of Simon and motions him to leave

"get out of this place before it goes Kaboom" Natsu said as he started walking towards the top of the tower

"I'll get Erza back" Natsu said with a determined face

Flashback ends

"get Erza….out…..while you still can." Natsu managed to say as he weakly snapped his fingers and Enryuo no Yoroi purged off of Erza and then assembled to Simon.

"Why...why..why did you do that? Why would you just throw your life away like that!? I-I'M NOT WORTH YOU RISKING YOUR LIFE FOR, BAKA! WHY WOULD YOU JUST THROW AWAY YOUR LIFE AWAY FOR SOMEONE AS MISERABLE AS ME!?" She screamed as the tears kept falling on the face of Natsu

"It's alright..Erza. I'll be fine" Natsu said as he snapped his fingers again

"hey!" Simon exclaimed as the armor on him was moving on its own

"Why..(sob)..Why?" Erza whimpered as she sobbed.

"because.. I like you." Natsu said with a smile on his face as he stands up.

She couldn't stop crying and just screamed as Simon takes her away with him.

"Simon! Let me go! Natsu! I need to help Natsu!" Erza screamed while trying to get out of his hold on her

"I can't! the armor is moving on its own!" Simon exclaimed in it as the wing sprouted as Simon flies off with Erza

"Natsu!" Erza screamed as she saw him standing up and faces off against Jellal

"You are as tenacious as a cockroach. No matter how many times I stomp on you, you just don't die." Jellal said, feeling irritated.

Natsu wobbled a bit as he caught himself from falling

Jellal then heard Natsu murmuring something as he kneeled down

"what?" Jellal said while looking at Natsu

"I said this tower is really precious to you, right?" Natsu asked as he clenched his fist up

"don't tell me!?" Jellal exclaimed as Natsu grinned and then punched the floor as the whole lacrima cracked

"stop it at once!" Jellal shouted to Natsu who grinned at him

"looks like I got my work cut out for me after all" Natsu said as he pulled out Gaia Ken

"I'm getting fired up!" Natsu said to Jellal who was glaring at him

"you..impudent Mage!" Jellal shouted before glowing yellow

In the air

"let me go! Let me go!" Erza screamed while struggling out of Simon's grip

"i would if I could!" Simon exclaimed in the armor as it was moving like it has a mind of it's own

Erza then struggled harder as she managed to get out of the armor's hold and was falling to the tower

"ERZA!" Simon shouted as he couldn't turned around to stop her

Erza grabbed hard against a wall and started to climb up it

""Natsu!"" Erza then ran up the stairs the tower as she heard explosions coming from above

Back with Natsu

Natsu was sent flying to a wall from Jellal's kick on his gut as he slid down but managed to catch himself

"hehehe" Natsu grinned to Jellal as he slammed Gaia Ken's blade to the ground and made a large crack that was getting larger

"you!" Jellal shouted as he uses Meteor to jet his way towards Natsu

"looks like someone is angry" Natsu said as he dodged a punch from Jellal and landed a knee on his gut

"Gah!" Jellal coughed out some saliva from the attack as Natsu then headbutted him

Jellal then glares at Natsu while holding his bruised forehead

""how is this possible?!"" Jellal shouted in his mind as Natsu was getting stronger by the second

""his magic is increasing by the second it is getting drained?!""

Natsu grinned to him as he grabbed the necklace on his neck

"for a long time" Natsu spoke as he grabbed the jewel in the necklace and pulled it off

"I always been holding back" Natsu looks at the gem in his hand as it glowed

"I never go full force if my loved ones are near" he clenched the gem in his palm as a crimson light glowed from within

"now, I can" Natsu smirked at Jellal before he was engulfed in a pillar of crimson flames

"..What..what is this power?!" His eyes widened. Natsu then comes out of the pillar of flames as his injuries all are gone and he head red dragon scales on his face and red slit dragon eyes.

Erza came in and saw Natsu

"..It's that power..the power of a dragon..Dragon Force!"Erza recognized this magic coming from Natsu. The ground beneath him cracked as his sudden rise in power was fractured the tower around him.

"So you had this trick up your sleeve." Jellal scowled.

"Erza" Natsu called out to her as he had already known that she wouldn't listen to him

Erza looks to him and saw that he had red scales appearing on his arms

"I don't want you to get in the way..so if I were you.. i'd get outta here before I destroy everything." He stated as his eye glowed red.

"Natsu.." Erza gulped as she stood up and slowly walked back. She then froze all of a sudden. The Binding Snake was still on her as she fell and hit the ground.

"She's not going anywhere, and neither are you." Jellal stated as he lowered his hand.

"I have just about had it with that mouth of yours." Natsu said darkly as Enryuo no Yoroi appeared beside Natsu as the colour of the armor started to change into a crimson dark red color

"your days are over, Jellal" Natsu said as Enryuo no Yoroi equipped itself to Natsu before transforming as the armor was now a part of Natsu

He then sprung forward as Jellal was knocked back and was sent crashing through the floor. Natsu and him crashed through countless floors non stop as he kept his grip on Jellal's face. Right before they hit the bottom, Jellal activated Meteor to slip out of Natsu's grasp.

"You'll never catch me with that speed!" Jellal smirked, thinking he had the upper hand.

Natsu just sprouted his wings and shot towards Jellal again, surprising him.

"Karyuu no Tekken!" Natsu's fist of enhanced fire connected with Jellal's stomach as Jellal coughed up blood. He was sent flying high in the sky.

"I..WILL NOT BE DEFEATED..BY SOME MERE PUNK!" He shouted angrily. He made several gestures with his hand and several magic circles appeared and were connecting by a line as Jellal glared at Natsu.

"Be judged by the Seven Stars! Grand Chariot!" All of the sudden the magic circles began shooting out hundreds of light beams, as they rained down on the tower. "I'll get rid of all of you, and me and Zeref will become the bringers of the new age!" He was shouting.

"be quiet!" Natsu shouted as he summoned Gaia ken to Erza's side as it spins and created a defense barrier around her

Natsu then dodged all of the light beam as he floated while looking at Jellal

"you will never be free!" Natsu shouted


"Abyss Break!? You bastard! Do you intend to destroy the tower itself!" Erza exclaimed.

"That's fine! Now that I created one, I'll just build another in half the time!" He smirked.

"If you take away the rights of people just to attain freedom, how is that true freedom?!" Natsu shouted.

"I don't give a damn what you think! I will be lord Zeref's instrument to bring freedom to this age!" Jellal smirked.

"Abisu Bureiku"The magic circle then glowed four different colors. "You think you can tell me how to attain freedom!? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" He shouted as the Abyss Break then fired a massive white beam of magic. It headed for the tower as Erza and the group outside watched in horror.

"I!" Natsu shouted as he summoned Enryuo no Kiba

Erza looked at him as she saw a red dragon appearing beside Natsu

"I am Natsu Dragov! The son of Igneel! And I will end you!"

Natsu roared out as the dragon did the same

"DIIIEEEEE!" Jellal shouted as he imbued more force to the Abyss Break

"Metsuryu Ougi!" Natsu then flied towards Jellal as the red dragon flied into Enryuo no Kiba and created golden flames into the sword

"HAAAAAAAAHHH!" Natsu roared as the flames continued to circle him. The Abyss Break then began shrinking.

"WHAT!?" Jellal yelled in disbelief. It was being shrunken and condensed into the sword.

"The sword is..absorbing the Abyss Break?" Erza guessed. After a few moments, Natsu had the attack completely sealed in his sword.

He then appeared above Jellal as Enryuo no Kiba's flames flashes bright as the sun

"Haza! Seisi Giri!"

Natsu slashed the sword at Jellal as he was engulfed in a large sphere of golden flames with Natsu


The attack headed downward towards the sea and crashed into the water. Natsu then landed back on the tower as he readied himself for another attack

The water around them became unsettled, and suddenly a massive explosion erupted out of the water, sending waves as high as buildings around the tower.

Natsu then shot towards Jellal who was falling down as his fist was encased in golden flames

"If you want to have a future of freedom, THEN FREE YOURSELF FIRST, JELLALL!" Natsu roared as he slammed his fist into Jellal's face and yelled in defiance.

Jellal was sent crashing down into the tower and broke through every floor until he hit the bottom with a loud crash. A wizard saint medal then came falling down as it ringed from pinging the ground. Natsu then came down and landed with a crash as he slowly recomposed himself.

Erza just stared in awe as she watched him. "He beat him...So this is Natsu's true power..the power of a Dragon Slayer." She thought as he just glared down at Jellal. He then breathed heavily as the transformation he went was slowly vanishing. His skin became less scale like, and returned to its original state. Enryuo no Yoroi glowed as it sparkled and disappeared back into the gem on his necklace

He was about to fall down into the hole that he pounded Jellal into as he fell to his knees, but he felt arms wrap around him from behind preventing him from falling. He then felt warm in the embrace as he knew that he was in Erza's arms.

"Natsu..i'm so glad.." She hugged him tighter and just poured her heart out into her sobs. She was holding in tears ever since she got to this cursed place. But she was glad it was over.

The one thing Jellal had over her was gone, and her friends were finally free. The nightmare known as The Tower of Heaven had finally came to an end.

"..Erza...We got to..get out of here." He said weakly. The entire place was slowly rumbling and Erza made wide eyes.

"The R-system-! It's going critical!" She said as she quickly put Natsu's arm over her shoulder. The two were trying to make it to the edge of the tower so Erza could fly them out. But suddenly the lacrima around them glowed slightly. She then looked around her and wasn't sure if they would get far enough from the tower before it blew.

"The power...it's actually destroying the very Lacrima containing it..." Erza thought, as she stared at the collapsing tower around her

"Its destructive power is far greater than I could have possibly imagined...even if we somehow get out of this tower, we'll still be caught up in the explosion."

streams of powerful magic exploded from the floor all around her,

"But we can't run from this...can't defend against it, even if we work together. What can I do?!" Just then Erza remembered something Jellal had said earlier, "He said I could fuse with the Lacrima, didn't he?" Erza stared at crystal before her, then back at Natsu, "If I were to be fused with Etherion...I could possibly control this magic and prevent the explosion!" she realized and put down Natsu to the floor

She then placed her hand to a nearby lacrima as it got sucked in

Erza hissed in pain as her hand began to sink into the Lacrima, "I'm sorry Natsu...but this is the only chance we have left!" The scarlet-haired knight grunted in pain when the Lacrima began to pull her in. However, as Erza let the Lacrima drag her in, she didn't notice that Natsu was starting to regain consciousness, "Good! The Lacrima is still ready to accept me!"

"Erza..." The scarlet-haired knight's eyes widened when she heard Natsu's worried voice. She turned around to see Natsu staring at her, his eyes open in shock, "Wh-What...are you doing? Why...Why are you sticking...your body in that crystal?"

"This is the only way of stopping Etherion," Erza said with a sad smile, as she avoided looking Natsu in the eyes because she knew if she did, she would break down and not be able to finish what she was attempting to do.

"Stopping...Etherion." Natsu repeated, struggling to get back onto his knees. Dread began to invade his body.

"The Etherion energy stored within this tower has gotten out of control...it's about to cause a massive explosion." Erza explained, as she felt her entire arm sink into the Lacrima, "But if I can fuse with Etherion, and seize control of that power-"

"You idiot! If you do that you'll-" Natsu was cut off when Erza screamed out in pain, as most of the right side of her body was pulled into the Lacrima, "ERZA!" Natsu scrambled to his feet, but his weary legs soon gave out, causing him to fall onto his stomach, "Erza please!"

"You don't have to worry about anything..." Erza said, grunting as most of her body was sucked into the Lacrima, "I'll stop this for sure..."

"Stop this, Erza!" Natsu exclaimed, as he frantically crawled over to the Lacrima Erza was in, "Stop it now!"

He then felt her hand to his cheek as she softly looks to him

"Natsu….thank you" Erza spoke to him softly to him

"I couldn't live my life without Fairy Tail, not without you, everyone, our family"

"everyone gave me the strength to fight and live through my nightmares"

"I could never be alive right now if it weren't for all of you"

Erza softly smiled to Natsu as she caressed his cheeks

"and Natsu" Erza said as her hand left his cheek

"I love you" Erza confessed to him

"for the bottom of my heart, I love you"

Natsu tried to reach out to her hand but failed as she was drifted into the lacrima itself

He then started banging on the lacrima while screaming to Erza

""from the day I met you"" Erza floated away in the lacrima as Natsu started to fade away in the distance

""I will always love you"" Erza smiled as a tear fell down her left eye and then drifted away



Natsu kept hammering his fist to the lacrima as tears fall down her eyes


The tower then exploded as Natsu was engulfed in it

In the ocean

"it exploded!" Wally and Milliana screamed

"wait!" Gray exclaimed

"the sky!? It's heading for the sky!?" Sho shouted

"Erza and Natsu are still in there!" Simon shouted out

"Erza! Natsu!" Lucy screamed

They were then swept away as the shockwave of the explosion blew the water bubble, they were in far away

At a beach

"What's...going on?" Erza muttered, raising her arms so that she could look at her hands, "Am I...alive? I..." It was then that Erza finally realized that she was being carried, lifting her head,

Erza's eyes slowly widened when she that it was Natsu who was carrying her.

"N-Natsu...did...did you...? But...how...?" Tears began to fall from Erza's left eye, as she gazed up in awe at him.

""You...You actually found me in that massive vortex of magic?"" Erza gasped lightly when Natsu's legs suddenly gave out, and he was forced to kneel in the water.

She then heard Natsu mumbling something out as he embraced her

"eh?" Erza said as she looks to him

"I love you too" Natsu whispered out as he tightened his arms around her

"I can't never live my life, knowing that you sacrificed yours" Natsu said as he looks to her

"Promise me you won't do something like that again..." Natsu's voice was barely above a whisper, and he was constantly sniffling to fight back his sobs.


"NEVER!" Natsu roared, unable to hold back his sobs anymore.

Erza shivered as he directed his ferocious roar right into her face. Tears ran down her face freely and grabbed his chin, she gently placed her forehead against his, "I promise."

Natsu then connected their lips together as Erza's tears falls down both her eyes

"I love you, Natsu" Erza said as she leaned their foreheads together

Erza then heard Lucy and the others running towards them

She then looks to Natsu as she gives him a peck to his forehead

"let's go home" Erza said to him

"yeah" Natsu said with a nod as both of them got up and then Erza got embraced by Lucy with everyone coming towards them

Hello guys, please support me on patron for chapters in advance. I am updating it daily. Donate to your will. Thank you.


Im_Grootcreators' thoughts