
Sanctuary God

( ON BREAK TILL FURTHER NOTICE ) “Protect, what needs to be protected. Help those you find worthy of help. Don’t let anger take over you, fight through sorrow, and rise a victor. Destiny did not choose you, you chose it, learn from what you’ve lost, and adapt right afterward, that's what it means to be a Martial Artist”

Sin_KG08 · 奇幻
381 Chs

Meet Fu(Part 2)

"Woah Kid, cool it, I ain't here to fight you, I'm just tryna say hi"

Said the man while backing up a bit as he raised his hands upwards while smiling at the kid who simply placed the net of boars on the ground

"Last time a random man appeared in this mountain my grandfather died. I'm not taking any chances"

Replied Shu while taking a fighting pose but before he could do anything he felt a hand being placed on his right shoulder while hearing a whisper in his right ear

"I'm not here to kill anyone kid, I just wanted to ask if you could give me one of those boars.."

Said the man with quite a scary tone, making Shu tremble a bit causing him to remember the fact that he was so scared that he couldn't help his grandfather, making him turn around with quickness trying to kick the man but said man backed up quick enough to dodge his attack

"Come on man, I'm just hungry. Let me have just one boar, just one"

Begged the man while clasping his hands together as he closed in on Shu begging even more as Shu backed up looking up at the man with a confused look

"No, their mine to eat, go hunt some yourself"

Replied Shu with a calm tone as he picked up the net walking away from the man after deducing he wasn't a threat, yawning as he kept walking, but the man wasn't gonna give up, and with quickness, he appeared in front of Shu with his hands still clasped together as he continued to beg him for a boar

"Come on man don't be so mean, just one, one is fine. You've got like.."

He turned his head to the net of boars, beginning to count them with a finger as he then turned his head back to Shu

"You've got 9 boars in there, what's giving one away gonna do?. Please just let me have one, please!"

Continued to beg the man making Shu back away as he then began to run, trying to avoid the man but the man was right behind him.

Shu ran up mountains, ran through rivers, forests, but even then the man was still behind him, with an innocent smile and his hands still clasped together

"What the hell is this guy's problem?.."

Said Shu to himself while jumping up a tree grabbing off of a branch with one hand before swinging himself forward as he landed above a rock, leaving the forest they were once in, thinking he had finally lost the man, but before he could even start walking the man was already in front of him continuing to beg

"Alright dammit, ok!, ok!, you can have one, just stop chasing me for god's sake!"

Shouted Shu looking at the man with irritation before taking out a boar and handing it over to the man, who smiled happily as he grabbed it

"You're such a kind person, hehe"

Said the man while turning around as he began to walk away making Shu raise his right eyebrow in confusion and a sense of disrespect

"Hey, don't just walk away, at least tell me your name, you ungrateful bastard"

Said Shu, while the man turned around to look at him, smiling as he nodded

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say my name. Well, my name's Hanaku Fu, nice to meet ya"

Said the man before disappearing in a blur, leaving Shu alone in that small place

"What the hell, what type of guy just begs a person for food and disappears. Well whatever, this should be enough for a week"