
Ruthlessness of wisdom

An unrighteous and cold hearted man from the apocalypse is reborn in the modern age. A story of a villain who lust after wealth and power armed with technological knowledge of 2390 and his dispase for human life accumulated through the apocalypse. He looked at the clear bleu sky that he have never seen before and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Dagistan_Russia · 都市
1 Chs

Where it all start

A clear sky and shining sun a beautiful day yet how many people can enjoy it. thursday 6 am people are already rushing to their work.

At this moment a pair of clear eyes quietly looked at this beautiful sky full of complex feelings Rainhart quietly enjoyed this moment of peace.

Rainhart used to be a middle aged man in his early fifties he was born in 2269 and lived for 30 years in the most advanced era he was a successful businessman from a wealthy family before world war 3 that wiped 90% of humanity and almost destroyed earth he was one of the luckiest people who managed to enter a shelter before the nukes destroyed everything in less than 4 years.

On 2324 exactly 20 years after the war shelter 03 run out of energy and the people in hibernation chambers has to leave and look out for food. following the next 23 years of his life Reinhart had to struggle between life and death, morale and honor and many more principal he tasted despair he tasted humiliation and many more yet he managed to gather outlaw, bullies, scientist, businessman and so on to create a survival base to create rules and order but he wasn't satisfied the world is just to big and there are so few people he could and he wasn't satisfied this wasn't enough he was already running out of time with all the radiation there his body was failing him until the day he closed his eyes he wasn't satisfied with his achievement.

yet the next moment he opened his eyes he saw a different view a different sky clear of any radiation he stood there intoxicated by the beautiful sky for 2 hours only then did he bother checking his surrounding and he was stupefied he was reborn in a 17 year old body with black hair and brown eyes he tried to check his surrounding and was even more shocked it was 2016 that was way before his great grand father was born.

At this moment he felt confused lost excited and his long dying ambition reviving at this moment he didn't care whatever this is a dream or reality he always did his best in everything from research to simple routine work this is when his ambition surpassed all his other emotion he wanted wealth power he simply wanted to stand on top of the world it was as simple as that no one would have understood him he tried so hard to gain power and wealth but his world was already destroyed there was simply no hope and now he have hope because this world is still alive he can rule it he was happy be smile appear on his face as he looked at the sky he wasn't young hot headed youth he was already passed that age where emotion could affect his body language yet at this moment he smiled uncontrollably he said in his heart "beautiful this world is just to beautiful, i will sacrifice anything and everything to stand at the top and enjoy it".

As man of action Rainhart didn't daydream for too long he started looking for information of the previous owner of this body he started searching in his small apartment. he found out that the previous body owner name was ling tian he was an orphan he was a 3rd year highschool student he worked a night shift in a small supermarket nothing out of the ordinary.

Rainhart judged the previous owner as ordinary at best he wasn't outstanding in his studies nor did he have any achievement in fact he didn't even train his body he was really skinny that displeased Rainhart who always kept his body in shape and took great effort to dress himself even in the apocalypse where almost no one cared about how you look putting that aside he took his phone and started looking on the internet about the current era while Rainhart had a vague idea about the current technology development just by looking at the smartphone in his hand he still wanted to know more after all he didn't live in this time and age and all he knows about the current era is from history books which in all honesty isn't accurate at all spending the rest of the day reading random stuff Rainhart could more or less understand how to proceed while further planning need indepth research and not just strolling in the internet for a day not eating for a day made Rainhart a bit hungry but he didn't care much he was already used to it in apocalypse where going without food for days is the norm not wanting to torture this already weak body and trying to adjust to this era more by an indent interaction with people Reinhart decided to take a stroll and buy something to eat on the way.

while walking on road there didn't seem to be any difference on how people act with the future just than Rainhart start laughing at how naive that statement was people kept same education system for more than 1400 years what can change in just 300 years he could only say that people are a bit more conservative at least those who look decent were concern about their image finding a relatively small restaurant Rainhart asked a takeout while he understood that eating there may help him interact more with people he didn't forget that he was in the apocalypse starving and eat nutrient supply to survive on the way here he could feel his saliva completely destroying his composed image more than once he was afraid of making a fool of himself by devouring the food there like a starving ghost.

AT:hello this is the first chapter so i want to express my thought about development of this novel.

I simply plan to create a character who want to get wealthy and powerful to stand at the top of the world just because he want. there is no great goal to save the world from world war 3 at all in fact i want to portray a character who doesn't care to start a war if he can gain from it. ( that was a bit extreme but i hope you get the idea ) i hope you enjoy reading this Gem.