
Chapter Three

The morning mist made it hard to see through the window. Dew trailed on the glass, beads of water glided down. One droplet caught my attention. It snaked effortlessly along its path engulfing the little beads as it moved along until it met one of a similar size. Gracefully, they merged. Two strangers intertwined into one, yin and Yang. Both they glided, until they sank into the window creak.

Till death do them part.

My hands went up to my neck. I winced. I could feel the marks. The pain was enough evidence.

'Did I actually draw him in my sleep?' I wondered.

My nightmares seem to have a chokehold on my reality. They seem to manifest itself in the physical but how? I sighed. I must be thinking too much about it again. This sounds just crazy.

I could feel a strong gaze boring into the side of my face. My head instinctively whipped to that direction. It could feel it from the woods outside. I squinted to see a bit clearer into the early morning fog. But it was futile.

Something moved.

I saw it.

I know I did

From the corner of my eyes

I leaned closer to the window, scouting the trees.

Knock. Knock.

I yelped. My heart in my hands. Literally.

"Sky? Are you in there?" Mom spoke softly from behind the door. Her voice laced which concerned.

I sighed in relief.

"You didn't look too good after the day at the park. I'm worried."

"I'm alright mom. There is nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mom. I'm even getting ready for school now. I'll be down in a few."

"Alright dear...."

There was a long pause.

"......you know you could tell me anything right..."

"I know that and thank you. I'll be down soon."

Her tiny footsteps receded downstairs.

Maybe I should tell her what's really happening to me after that night. She is my mother after all. I immediately shook that thought off. That would make her more worried. She already has too much on her plate.


I hopped into Tylor's convertible and instantly met his deathly glare.

"Why? What did I do?" I looked around clueless.

"Check your phone." He stated bluntly.

I stared down at an insane amount of texts and missed calls from Tylor.

"Why so many?" I looked up at him.

" You got me worried Sky"

"I'm so-..."

His arms moved swiftly around me engulfing me into a hug. The rest of my words lost on my lips.

"I care about you so much. You have no idea."

I eased into him more. He felt like home. He was home.

Tylor's hands moved away. The void in my heart moved back in.

" You know that scarf looks ugly on you" He chuckled

I playfully smacked his arm.

"This is my favorite one. You brute"

The car revved to a start. 'Let me down slowly' by Alec Benjamin played through the speakers as we drove off to school.

School was as hellish as ever.

Scratch that.

School was more hellish than ever. Even more so on a flipping Monday.

Finally, the last class of the day and one of the few classes Tylor and I share together. He was sat right infront of me with Cloe, having the best time of the life it seems. I don't know why seeing the flirtatious smile on her face irritated me. I rolled my eyes, doddleing down abstract sketches.

"Hello Class. Sorry for being late." Mr. Rivera rushed through the door. He seemed out of breath as he hanged his coat out. My eyes drifted to the clock that hanged at the corner of the room.

'It was just five minutes past time why was he so pressed over time.' I thought to myself.


I've seen this scene play out before. This was the second time I've lived out this moment in my life. Like a deja vu. But where?

"Listen up everyone.." Mr. Rivera boomed from the front.

My attention shifted to him. He straightened his spectacles on the bridge of his nose then continued "We have a new student joining us today. A transfer student. Come on in Mr. Reigns."

Whispers and murmurs shot through the room as everyone was eager to see our new student.

A tall frame emerged from behind the door, his bag pack swung shruggingly on his left shoulder.

His hair platinum, his eyes as grey as mine.

My eyes grew wide. My limbs went numb, fingers cold to touch.

"Andrew" I gasped

Almost immediately his head whipped in my direction. As if scouting for the person that mentioned his name. He possibly couldn't have heard it. His name came out only as a whisper.

My eyes fell to the floor averting his gaze but I could still feel it boring through my head.

How can this be? It was only a dream.

Mr. Rivera still spoke but his speech was muffled by the ragging thoughts in my head. He was just a ghastly voice that could only be heard in a far off distance.

"Sky?... you okay?" I heard Tylor ask from infront of me.

I looked up at him wiping my sweaty palms in my skirt.


"You sure? You look pale."

So Mr. Reigns go ahead and take the empty seat by Sky. She would be your partner from now onwards.

My heart sank.

My teeth shattered with anxiety at every step he took.

Andrew pulled the chair back and plopped down right by me.

"Hi. I'm -....."

"Excuse me sir I need to go to the nurse's office"

I hastily grabbed my bag and dashed through the door before anyone could stop me.

My head was in a spin. It even made the ceiling of the nurse's office whirl.

"Your vitals seem okay, just your heart rate and temperature that has spiked a bit. I would attribute that to that fact that you full on sprinted over here." The nurse trailed off.

I laid there, back flat, hands on my chest. Thoughts overwhelmed me, dulling my senses.

Parts of the nightmare was a blur, scrambled pieces in my memory. The existence of Andrew is the only part that wasn't as foggy as the rest. Who was he in the dream? How were we connected? I knew just his name nothing else.

"Miss Sky?"

I looked over at my caregiver

"I've been trying to catch your attention for a while now but you seemed spaced out."

"Huh? Oh sorry about that. My head was at another place"

I propped myself up, my feet dangled from the bed.

"Oh no. You should lay down back down. Regain your strength."

"No need to worry I feel much better already"

Streaks of light lined the room. It was a small infirmary. The bed at the center, the medication stand at the corner and her working table at the opposite side. The scent of drugs and detergent filled my nostrils.

"Is there anything else you would want me to do for you?"

I sighed.

"Do you believe in an alternate dimension?"

She burst out laughing.

"Yeah I know it's silly" I looked away embarrassed.

"Oh no dear. It's not. It just took me off guard. I genuinely wasn't expecting to be asked that" She chuckled.

"Well, scientifically, some schools of thought do believe of its existence."

"Do you think someone could be able to travel through these universes?"

"I'm the worst person to come to with these kinds of questions. Why are you interested in stuff like these anyways?"

"Mmm. Nothing really just curious."


Her soft eyes trailed across my face, eyeing every bit of expression.

"Alright. I'll check your vitals one more time just to be sure then you'd be all set to go".

I nodded.