A board ROB decides to entertain himself by messing with the multiverse. Like all of my other books, I write stuff like this whenever I have a spark of inspiration or just for fun. If you want to read this, that's fine but don't expect this to be finished or even get that many chapters for that matter...
"I'm bored".
ROB or Rob to be grammatically correct, is a random omnipotent bing with unlimited power. So what does such a being do when it is bored? 'Why don't I mess with the omniverse? I can create a guild, and send a bunch of characters on quests for cool rewards. Yes, yes this will be so much fun.' Yes, this is what he thought to do with his power over the omniverse. Why does it say multiverse in the title instead of omniverse? Well, that's because it searches better in the algorithm.
"Hmm, now how should I start this? Oh, I know." Rob then proceeded to snap his fingers and around him the black starry void he was floating suddenly changed into a medieval-looking guild hall. "Yes, this is perfect. It looks just like that otome game I played in my last life. (image)
Yes, this Rob did have a past life. He was once known as... well his former name doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is that this Rob was once a human who was reincarnated in a fantasy world by the previous ROB to become his successor. And the successor did just that. He overcame his challenges, became strong and lived a righteous life that led that world into a new age of prosperity all so that he could prove himself and become the next Rob.
And prove himself the successor did. Once he returned after his adventure, the previous Rob gave up his powers to his successor and returned to nothingness.
What the previous Rob didn't know, or more than likely didn't care about, was the fact that his successor had a bit of a mischievous side. And that is what led to this moment. Only after a couple of days as the new Rob does he decide to mess with the omniverse because of boredom.
It was like speeding on the open highway at night. You know it's probably a bad idea especially if you get caught, but it's just so fun to go fast. (as fuk boi)
"Okay, now that I'm done with the interior I need some rules," Rob said as he snapped his fingers again and a chalkboard sign appeared near the entrance. on the sign read:
Welcome to Rob's Multiverse Guild!
Rule number 1. No fighting in the guild hall.
Rule number 2. No destroying guild property.
Rule number 3. No sexual harassment of any kind to the staff or other members of the guild.
Rule number 4. No shoes, No Shirt, No service.
If you break any of these rules, you will be given one warning. If you break the rules again you will be removed from the guild, permanently banned from entering, and if applicable, be stripped of any quest rewards received. For any information on becoming a guild member or a member of the staff, please see the handsome and extremely cool guy standing behind the counter who is constantly cleaning a small glass cup.
"Yes, that'll do fine for now, If I need any more I'll add them later. Hmm, I feel like I'm missing something." Rob thought aloud while looking around. "Oh, I know" He then proceeded to make 3 doors and put them in different parts of the guild.
The first door was on the far right of the guild hall and on this new door was written the word [Arena]. Here, guild members could test their skills against an artificial opponent or challenge another member of the guild. "As long as they don't fight each other in the guild hall, I will give them this."
The next room was on the left side of the guild hall. On this door, the words [Training Room] were written. The name was self-explanatory, but this room was of course no ordinary room of course. This was made so that while guild members were in the training room, they will be able to train their bodies and powers 10 times faster than if they did it in their universes.
Finally, the last room was near the back of the guild hall beside the bar counter. This room was the [Recreation] room. Here the members could relax at any time and be privileged to food and drink that aid with recovery from the fatigue of the training room or heal from previous injuries. The cherry on top of it all was the media corner. Here the members could read, watch or interact with all types of media from the omniverse, but there was a catch. Guild members cannot interact with any media about them or their universe.
For example, if someone from the DC Universe joined the guild, that person would not be able to access any information on the DC Universe. Not because they were banned from it, but because it simply would not show up for them. Subsequently, any other member of the guild would also not be able to tell that person about the DC Universe because subconsciously they would not think to.
"Alright, I think that's good enough for now. Now it's finally time to send the entrances." Rob said with a smile. He then snapped his fingers and sent the doors out into the omniverse.
Rob then walked behind the counter, summoned a glass and a rag and started cleaning it while waiting for his first guest. He didn't need to wait long as soon the door cracked open and a small girl walked in looking slightly confused.
That's it for now. Like I said in the synopsis, don't expect a lot of updates for this.
Anyway, the first person to guess who that little girl gets to be a character in a future chapter. Just remember it must be an original character, so give me a Character name, gender and appearance along with your guess.