
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · 漫画同人
119 Chs

Chapter 71

The weapon that Yoru launched, rushed towards the ten pawns. The ten pawns didn't realize what was happening, so they didn't manage to dodge all of Yoru's attacks.

However, out of the ten pawns, 4 were torn to pieces, 2 were seriously injured, 1 was lightly injured and 3 were not injured at all. Shidou who could use magic wasn't hurt at all because he was able to create a shield to protect him.

One of the pawns that wasn't injured was a woman with chest-length purple hair with glowing red eyes. This woman had tentacles coming out of her back.

'Maybe she's using that tentacles to protect herself.'

[In other words. That tentacles were very tough. But also elastic]

And the other one who was not injured was a girl with short brown hair. She is seen carrying a weapon like a sniper rifle connected to a tube on her back.

'How did this little girl survive?'

[This girl is using the gun she's carrying to shoot all the swords aimed at her. The weapon uses a fairly high air pressure. I think the bullets from that gun can penetrate steel]

'That's scary.' Yoru's face turned a little worried.

Yoru and the rest of the pawns didn't move at all. And just stare at each other.

After seeing the many survivors, Yoru decides to activate the Eye of Truth to find out his enemy identity.

'Of all the survivors, only the three of them are special.'

Yoru said they were special because of their abnormal status.


Name : Rize Washuu

Gender: Female

Age : 21

Level : 26 Force Upped

Race: Living Ghouls

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : S - 385

Endurance : S - 490

Agility : A - 294

Luck : B - 191

Mana : 0

Stamina : SS - 489

Mana Regen : 0

Stamina Regen : A - 191


- RC cell 100% Rinkaku

- Dragon (Dormant)


- Binge Eater

- Pawns



- Rinkaku



- Face : Red Glasses

- Body : Purple long sleeve shirt

- Body : White Dress

- Legs : Black Stockings

- Feet : White Shoes


Name : Mumei / Hozumi

Gender: Female

Age : 12

Level : 20 Force Upped

Race: Kabaneri

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : S - 235

Endurance : B - 220

Agility : SS - 354

Luck : C - 171

Mana : 0

Stamina : SS - 289

Mana Regen : 0

Stamina Regen : A - 161


- Kabane 40%


- Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

- Pawns



- Marksman



- Hand : High Air Pressure Gun

- Body : Red long sleeve shirt

- Leg : Brown Short Skirt

- Leg : Leg Protectors

- Feet : White Shoes


Name : Koichi Shidou

Gender : Male

Age : 2 days / 28 yo

Levels : 12

Race: Living Dead


Strength : S - 285

Endurance : S - 290

Agility : B - 194

Luck : E - 131

Mana : S - 357

Stamina : C - 189

Mana Regen : C - 166

Stamina Regen : B - 211


- Undead 100%


- Pawns


- Scratch

- Bite

- Mana Control

- Mana Gathering


- Spirit Magic Wind


- Body : Tattered shirt

- Leg : Tattered Black Jeans

- Feet : White Shoes


'See, their status is weird right?'

[Yes. Especially that woman and that little girl. They maybe someone like Shirley. Come out from space crack. But, they was out of luck and got caught by Bishop.]

'So you're saying that Shirley could possibly be like the two of them?'

[Can be. If you want to free them both. You must cut off their connection with Bishop. By means of using taming.]

'Ah. So push them a bit.'

[Rather than kill them both. From the potential that those two have. It would be a shame if the two of them to die]

'That's true. That's SS make me a little jealous.'

[Why should you? Yours is already EX]

'After update. But, their is original'

[It's just mean you're weak]

Yoru can't say anything for that.

[We'd better get this over with a bit quicker. Remember that they have cores. As long as their cores survive, they will regenerate.]

Hearing System's warning, Yoru then used his telekinesis again to retrieve all the weapons he threw earlier. He also took out a new katana in both hands.

Look at what Yoru is doing. All pawns that can still move immediately prepare themselves.

'System, is there a symbol that can restraint them?'

[Just cage them inside a barrier.]

Hearing that, Yoru extended his left hand towards the torn pawns and created a barrier on their bodies.

[Therefore. Their regeneration will be interrupted by the barrier. If they can't regenerate completely. It means they can't do anything.]

After that, with a sadistic and cunning smile. Yoru looked at the badly injured pawn like a predator looking at its prey.

Yoru, quickly dashed towards the pawns that were heavily injured trying to slash them. But unexpectedly, the katana he used hit something and couldn't touch the pawn's body.

Yoru knows why it happened. And he immediately looked at Shidou and smiled.

"I thought you were stupid." Yoru sneered Shidou.

"Don't compare the me now with the old me. You will regret it if you underestimate me." Shidou answered confidently.

"Underestimated you? I never underestimated you at all. But you were never on my mind from the start. So why should I belittle those I don't even need to think about?" Yoru taunted Shidou again.

Shidou who heard that all became very angry.

"YOU ALL. KILL HIM NOW!!!" Shidou shouted.

Rize, Mumei, and another pawn immediately attacked Yoru. Yoru is a bit overwhelmed by Mumei's speed and Rize's strength.

[You focus on your two hands only. Let me control your telekinesis.]


With the help of System. Yoru became slightly able to follow his three opponents.

Rize attacks with her 4 tentacles and both hands which makes her have a wide variety of attacks. Because with her four tentacles, Rize could perform maneuvers that could be considered impossible. Se can use her tentacles as arms or legs. So she can do an attack and defense with her tentacles.

As for Mumei. Take advantage of the speed and dexterity she has. Making the attacks she does unpredictable. Even more so with the weapons she uses. She can use the weapons to hit and shoot. Allows Mumei to attack from a distance or at close range.

'Actually the ones who are the problem here are Rize and Mumei. With both attacking and defending alternately I don't have much time to counter.'

[Yeah, fighting those two is like fighting five people at once. Moreover, every single blow from Rize's tentacles had great power. And with the speed that Mumei has, she can attack multiple time at a time]

'The battle of attrition is not in our advantage. We have to finish everything soon.'

When Yoru was thinking. Yoru received a heavy blow to his stomach that sent him flying.



'I forgot about Shidou.'

[Me too]

"Hahahaha... Loot at you, crawling on the ground!!!" Shidou looked really happy.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot that you are still here." Yoru taunted Shidou while cleaning his dirty clothes.

Shidou felt very disrespected by what Yoru did. And he start using all his mana.

After that, the wind started blowing towards Shidou which gradually became stronger, and a tornado finally formed.

Everyone tried to avoid and stay away from the tornado. Even Rize and Mumei also stayed away, not to mention the pawns. However, many ordinary zombies were dragged down and fell victim to the tornado.

Yoru looked a little worried and search for where Saeko and the others were. But he instantly felt relieved that Saeko, Shirley and Souichiro could stay away.

"Uwaaaahhh... That's cool." Yoru said.

After seeing the large tornado formed Yoru was completely amazed by Shidou's ability. But, there was something that made Yoru curious.

"Are the inside is protected?"

[I know what you think. So. Just try it.]

But, before Yoru tried what he wanted to do. He created a barrier that covered Rize, Mumei, and all the pawns. He also did not forget to create a barrier for the entire Saint Isidore University. After that, Yoru stretched out his hand towards the tornado.

Not long after, a magic circle appeared at the tip of his katana. And flames came out from the magic circle.

"First, fire ball" Yoru launched a fireball at the tornado. But the fireball was instantly extinguished.

"Not enough. System, how much mana do I have?"

[800. Because I've been focusing on mana regeneration and stopping the modification process.]

"In that case, okay."

The magic circle reappeared in Yoru's katana and fire also came out again.

"Because the fire ball didn't work. Next I will use the flamethrower." The small flames that shot out from the magic circle immediately turned into fierce flames and the flames smashed into the tornado.

At first, the flames couldn't touch the tornado because they had died out too soon. But then Yoru did something that left everyone dumbfounded.

"Pour more mana."

The flamethrower magic that originally only required 50 mana. Yoru uses more mana and makes the flames bigger.

100 not enough.

150 not enough.

200 not enough.

250 not enough.

Yoru repeated the process over and over again. Until System is overwhelmed with mana regeneration process. Until finally she was forced to buy a skill.

[1-star Mana Affinity successfully purchased]

[Receive a tilte "Beloved Child Of Mana" Mana potential+1, Mana Regeneration potential+1, Mana+1000, Mana Regeneration+100]

With a new skill that adds the amount of mana and mana regeneration. Yoru can use more mana. And with that the intensity of the flames that Yoru created with the flamethrower also increased.

Until finally the tornado that can't be touched at all, little by little burned and finally became a tornado of fire that was so powerful.

The flames of the tornado burned everything around it. And because the heat intensity is to high. The ground around the fire tornado started to melt and turn into magma.

"If the outside is becomes like that. How about what's inside?"

"I hope it become well done?"

[That's impossible. The quality of the meat is not that good. So it will never be well done. Maybe charcoal]

Hahahaha Hahahaha.....

Yoru burst out laughing after hearing what System said.

The fire tornado lasted for 15 minutes until it slowly started to shrink and went out.

After it went out, all that was left was the puff of smoke that occurred due to the burning of the ground and everything around it.

"I don't know why this is all happening. But, I'm starting to dislike this all."

[He's like a cockroach.]

Yoru's face looked angry.

Of course he's angry. Because from the smoke he could see the silhouette of a person standing. Before long, the silhouette moved and then loud laughter sounded.



Shidou managed to survive. Even with burns all over his body. But Shidou still looked fine and kickin'.

Seeing that, Yoru readied his katana and prepared to run. Yoru added symbols to the katana he held and created magic circles all over his body and the soles of his feet.

After a few seconds. An explosion occurred where Yoru was standing.


Yoru suddenly disappeared. He slid swiftly towards Shidou. And when he was in front of Shidou. Yoru slashed at Shidou swiftly.

Shidou who was laughing uncontrollably before, suddenly stopped. And Yoru immediately vomited blood after doing it all.

"The recoil is no joke."

[At least we succeed. Your body will just return to normal after all. What's the problem]

"Something that hurt is will alway hurt."

[You can turn off your pain sensor]

"No thanks. Pain is limiters for human body. If I turned it off. It will hinder me."

After that, Shidou's body immediately shattered and only the red colored core remained where Shidou was standing.

After that, Yoru looked at Rize and Mumei. And he smiled slyly.