
Rise of the Pokémon Daycare: A Journey to Greatness

Fabio, a reborn soul in the captivating world of Pokémon, unexpectedly inherits a daycare facility. With a fresh perspective and a newfound purpose, he embarks on an extraordinary journey of nurturing and empowering both Pokémon and their human companions. Guided by compassion and driven by his vision, Fabio bridges the gap between trainers and Pokémon, inspiring a wave of change that reshapes the world they inhabit. As Fabio pours his heart into the daycare, he becomes a beacon of inspiration, bridging the gap between trainers and Pokémon. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. The grammar will possibly be very bad. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story. Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokémon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

Leo_Black_3690 · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Final Preparations

Fabio meticulously arranged the final decorations in his shop, ensuring every detail was perfect. Simisage diligently assisted him, carefully placing items in their designated spots, creating an inviting atmosphere for customers.

Fabio: "Simisage, let's make sure everything is perfectly arranged. We want the shop to look its best when we open."

Simisage nodded in agreement, its nimble hands working in sync with Fabio's guidance.

Meanwhile, Liepard roamed freely across the expansive ranch, its agile form gracefully exploring every nook and cranny. Audino, with utmost care, attended to the precious eggs, ensuring their safety and well-being.

As Fabio focused on his tasks, the front door swung open, and the soft chime of the bell filled the air. Startled, Fabio turned his attention to the unexpected visitor, a determined woman standing at the entrance.

Fabio: "Oh, hello! I'm sorry, but the shop is not open until next Monday. We're still finalizing preparations."

Jennifer: "I understand, but I actually came here specifically for a job interview. Is there any chance we could proceed today?"

Fabio was surprised by Jennifer's determination, and his curiosity was piqued.

Fabio: "Well, that's quite unexpected! Please come in. Let's talk."

They exchanged introductions, and Fabio began to explain the multifaceted role Jennifer would undertake as his assistant, responsible for managing the checkout counter and assisting with various tasks.

Fabio: "As my assistant, you'll have a variety of responsibilities, including managing the checkout counter and helping me with daily operations. Are you comfortable with these tasks?"

Jennifer: "Absolutely! I'm eager to contribute and learn. This sounds like a great opportunity."

Curiosity sparked, Fabio led Jennifer to the basement, where he proudly unveiled the employee rest area, pointing out the separate bathrooms and the dedicated kitchen.

Fabio: "Here's our employee rest area. I believe in creating a comfortable work environment, and having these facilities helps foster a positive atmosphere."

Jennifer's surprise was evident as she absorbed the extent of the provisions Fabio had made for his employees. Filled with gratitude, she handed him her resume, revealing her previous employment at Passerby Analytics Inc.

Fabio: "Thank you for sharing your resume. I see you have experience at Passerby Analytics, Inc. However, I noticed a gap of approximately five years in your employment history. Could you provide some insight into that?"

Jennifer took a deep breath, preparing herself to reveal her personal circumstances.

Fabio listened attentively as Jennifer explained her situation, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Jennifer: "You see, after my husband's passing, I became a single parent to my four-year-old daughter, Emma. We faced financial challenges, and unfortunately, affordable childcare options are scarce until the age of six. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to bring Emma to work with me."

Fabio's surprise was evident, and he paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. Inside his mind, Sol, his ever-present companion, offered insight into the matter.

Sol: "Fabio, it's important to note that in the Pokémon world, there are no specific provisions for small children. School typically starts at the age of six, and trainer school begins at ten, when children can receive their first Pokémon. The age to embark on a journey is generally fourteen. Social security benefits also vary depending on the region."

As Fabio remained deep in thought for a minute or two, Jennifer couldn't help but feel a growing sense of uncertainty. She feared that her request might be too unconventional, jeopardizing her chances of getting the job. However, just as she prepared herself for possible rejection, Fabio's words broke the silence.

Fabio: "You know what, Jennifer? I've been thinking, and I don't see any problem with your daughter coming here. As long as Emma doesn't break anything, I truly don't mind. We have enough space to accommodate a child, and I believe in providing a supportive environment for our team."

Relief flooded over Jennifer as a bright smile spread across her face. She was grateful beyond words for Fabio's understanding and openness.

Jennifer: "Thank you so much, Fabio. Your kindness means the world to me and Emma. We won't be a disruption, I promise."

Fabio returned her smile, his decision unwavering.

Fabio: "I believe in giving people a chance, and I understand the challenges parents face. Welcome to the team, Jennifer. We're excited to have you and Emma onboard."

They shook hands, sealing their agreement and embarking on a journey of collaboration and understanding where Jennifer could pursue her professional aspirations while providing a nurturing environment for her daughter.

Fabio led Jennifer to a cozy corner of the shop, where he pulled out a folder containing documents. With a smile, he opened it and pointed to a page displaying the monthly income she would receive. Jennifer's eyes widened as she took in the amount.

Jennifer: "Wow, this is... a lot more than I expected. Thank you, Fabio."

Fabio: "I believe in providing fair compensation for hard work. You'll play a vital role here, and I want to ensure you're well taken care of."

The weight of gratitude settled on Jennifer's shoulders as she realized the financial stability this job would bring.

Jennifer: "I can't express how much this means to me and my daughter. It's more than just a job; it's an opportunity for us to build a better future."

Fabio nodded, understanding the significance of this opportunity for Jennifer and Emma.

Fabio: "I'm glad I can be a part of that journey for you both. Speaking of which, let me introduce you to some very special members of our team."

Fabio gestured toward the Pokémon that resided in the shop. Jennifer's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly approached them, a sense of wonder filling her heart.

Jennifer: "Oh, they're amazing! I've always admired Pokémon, but I never had the chance to have one myself."

Fabio: "Well, here you'll have the chance to get to know them better. In the long term, you'll also be responsible for preparing their food. But don't worry, I'll guide you through it."

Jennifer: "That's incredibly kind of you, Fabio. I've never been much of a cook, but I'm willing to learn. And I promise to keep your grandmother's secret recipe under lock and key."

Fabio chuckled, appreciating Jennifer's willingness to take on the responsibility.

Fabio: "I trust you, Jennifer. And I have no doubt that you'll do great. Now, let's go over some more details about how things work around here."

Fabio proceeded to explain the shop's operations in thorough detail, pointing out various areas and providing Jennifer with a comprehensive list of prices for the items. He also elaborated on his vision of sponsoring new and aspiring trainers and nurturing their growth and success.

Fabio: "We're more than just a shop; we're a community that supports and encourages trainers on their journey. Together, we can make a difference in their lives."

Jennifer listened attentively, absorbing the information and feeling a sense of belonging growing within her.

Jennifer: "I love the idea of fostering a supportive environment for trainers. It's wonderful to know that we're not just selling products but also helping them achieve their dreams."

As their conversation neared its end, Fabio and Jennifer exchanged warm farewells, their excitement for the future palpable.

Jennifer: "Thank you again, Fabio. Tomorrow, I'll bring Emma with me. I can't wait for you two to meet."

Fabio: "I'm looking forward to it. Take care, Jennifer. See you tomorrow!"

With a newfound sense of purpose and hope, Jennifer left the shop, her heart filled with gratitude for this opportunity that promised to shape a brighter future for her and Emma.

The following morning, Fabio eagerly awaited the arrival of Jennifer and Emma. As they entered the shop, Emma's eyes widened with excitement and wonder. She couldn't contain her enthusiasm as she took in the sight of the Pokémon residing within.

Emma: "Wow, Mom! Look at all the Pokémon! They're so cute!"

Jennifer smiled, her heart warmed by her daughter's joyous reaction. Fabio approached them with a warm smile on his face.

Emma: "Hello, Mr. Fabio! I'm Emma!"

Fabio: "Hello, Emma! It's lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to meeting you. So, Emma, how old are you?"

Emma paused for a moment, deep in thought. Then a bright smile crossed her face as she proudly held up her hand, extending four tiny fingers.

Emma: "I'm four years old!"

Fabio grinned, delighted by Emma's adorable response.

Fabio: "Hello, Emma! I'm so glad you could join us today. I have a feeling you and the Pokémon are going to get along really well."

Emma: "Really, that's great. And Mr. Fabio, I have a question. Can I pet them? Can I, please?"

Fabio nodded, his eyes twinkling with delight.

Fabio: "Of course, Emma! These Pokémon are very friendly and love meeting new friends. Go ahead, say hello!"

Emma approached Audino with wide-eyed anticipation. With a gentle smile, Audino leaned down, her voice soft and soothing.

Audino: "Audino!"

Emma giggled with joy as she wrapped her small arms around Audino, hugging her tightly. Next, she turned her attention to Liepard, carefully stroking the Pokémon's sleek fur.

Liepard: "Liepard!"

Fabio watched the interaction with a heartwarming sense of satisfaction. Jennifer, on the other hand, felt a twinge of worry, concerned that Emma's energetic nature might irritate the Pokémon.

Jennifer: "Fabio, I hope Emma's excitement doesn't bother the Pokémon. She can be quite lively sometimes."

Fabio reassured her, his voice filled with confidence.

Fabio: "Don't worry, Jennifer. These Pokémon are experienced in working with children. They're gentle by nature, and you know how to interact with them. In fact, they've been a part of my grandparents' daycare for a long time."

Jennifer let out a sigh of relief, her worries eased by Fabio's reassurance.

Jennifer: "That's a relief. Emma just loves Pokémon so much. Despite everything, she's still such a cheerful child."

Fabio smiled warmly, his gaze shifting to Emma, who continued to interact with the Pokémon with unbridled joy.

Fabio: "It's beautiful to see her spirit and love for Pokémon shine through. I'm glad she can have this experience and be a part of our Pokémon community."

As Emma giggled and continued her delightful interactions with the Pokémon, a sense of happiness enveloped the shop. In that moment, it was clear that Emma's presence would bring a special kind of joy and light to Fabio's shop, creating a haven where Pokémon and people could come together in harmony.