
Rise of the Pokémon Daycare: A Journey to Greatness

Fabio, a reborn soul in the captivating world of Pokémon, unexpectedly inherits a daycare facility. With a fresh perspective and a newfound purpose, he embarks on an extraordinary journey of nurturing and empowering both Pokémon and their human companions. Guided by compassion and driven by his vision, Fabio bridges the gap between trainers and Pokémon, inspiring a wave of change that reshapes the world they inhabit. As Fabio pours his heart into the daycare, he becomes a beacon of inspiration, bridging the gap between trainers and Pokémon. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. The grammar will possibly be very bad. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story. Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokémon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

Leo_Black_3690 · 漫画同人
17 Chs

A new Temporary Employee

Ethan then asks if he could work at the daycare for the week and have a place to stay, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. Fabio observes the young trainer for a moment, studying his earnest expression. The sound of Sewaddle's cry interrupts their conversation, prompting Fabio to turn his attention to the baby Pokémon in need. He gently scoops Sewaddle into his arms and offers him a comforting drink of Moomoo Milk, his tiny voice gradually subsiding.

As Sewaddle nestles against Fabio's chest, Ethan can't help but express his awe. "Wow, this Sewaddle is amazing," he remarks, his eyes wide with wonder. "How old is he? He looks much older and stronger than a Pokémon that's still a baby. Is there something special about him?"

Fabio chuckles softly, appreciating Ethan's keen observation. "You have a good eye, Ethan," he replies. "This Sewaddle is indeed exceptional. Despite being less than a week old, he displays remarkable strength and maturity. It's quite uncommon to see such development in a Pokémon of his age."

Ethan's curiosity intensifies, his voice filled with intrigue. "That's incredible," he says, his tone tinged with admiration. "Is Sewaddle a Pokémon of Rare potential then?"

Fabio nods, his expression reflecting Ethan's excitement. "Indeed, Sewaddle is a rare Pokémon," he confirms. "His strength and potential make him a prized find for trainers. I'm fortunate to have him in my care."

Ethan's eyes widen in awe, and his voice is filled with genuine surprise. "That's amazing," he says, his tone filled with respect. "I've always dreamed of encountering rare Pokémon. Your Sewaddle is truly something special."

Ethan's voice is genuinely surprised, and his eyes widen in astonishment. "I can't believe I have the opportunity to witness the beginnings of such a rare Pokémon," he says, his voice filled with gratitude. "The only other time I encountered a rare Pokémon was when I saw one owned by Clay, the Gym Leader in Driftveil City. But this is a baby Pokémon that brims with potential; he's something else."

Fabio smiles, impressed by Ethan's knowledge and enthusiasm. "Clay's Pokémon are undoubtedly formidable," he acknowledges. "But this Sewaddle possesses its own exceptional qualities. I think he has very great parents because he has a big roster of inherited moves."

After their insightful conversation, Fabio decides to extend a helping hand to Ethan by allowing him to stay at the Everson Daycare Center for the week. He explains to Ethan that in exchange for his accommodation, he will need him to assist with various tasks around the center. Ethan gladly accepts the offer, expressing his gratitude for the opportunity.

As a sign of trust, Ethan reaches for a Pokéball attached to his belt and releases a burst of white light, revealing his starter Pokémon, Blitzle. The electric Pokémon stands proudly, its vibrant stripes shimmering in the fading daylight. Fabio's eyes widen with curiosity and interest.

Curious to know more about Ethan's partner, Fabio activates his system, scanning Blitzle to access its information. The holographic display presents Blitzle's details:

Pokémon: Blitzle

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Lightning Rod

Gender: Male

Potential: Green

Inherited Moves: Shock Wave, Double Kick

Learned Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Wave, Tail Whip, Charge

HM/TM Moves: None

Fabio studies the information, taking note of Blitzle's adamant nature and Lightning Rod ability. He offers a nod of approval, impressed by Ethan's choice of partner Pokémon.

"Ethan, you've made an excellent choice with Blitzle," Fabio comments, a genuine smile forming on his face.

Ethan's face beams with pride as he listens to Fabio's encouraging words. "Thank you, Fabio," he responds, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "I believe in Blitzle's potential, and I'm excited to embark on this journey together."

Fabio pats Ethan's shoulder, offering words of encouragement. "I have no doubt that you and Blitzle will accomplish great things," he says warmly. "Now, let's get started with your tasks for the week. We have a lot to prepare before the official Pokémon season begins."

After the confirmation of Ethan's stay, Fabio calls Jennifer aside for a private conversation. He instructs her, "Keep a close eye on Ethan during his stay and assess his performance and character. Let me know how he fares by the end of the week to decide if he will be our first sponsored trainer, but don't mention anything about sponsorship to him just yet."

Jennifer nods, understanding the importance of her role, and assures Fabio that she will observe Ethan closely.

With the Daycare Center closed for the day, Fabio decides to use the medical equipment available to conduct routine check-ups on Sewaddle and Blitzle. Once he finishes examining them, Fabio approaches Ethan and says, "Hey, Ethan, let's have a chat."

As the conversation flows, Fabio transitions to the topic of Pokémon potential. He leans in and says, "I noticed something interesting during the check-up. Blitzle has exceptional potential. Its analysis showed a vibrant green color, which means it has a lot of room for growth and development."

Ethan's eyes widen with curiosity as he asks, "Green potential? What does that mean?"

Fabio explains, "Well, as you know, there are five officially known potential ranks for Pokémon. They are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Extra Rare. I purchased something very expensive that the Pokémon Leagues around the globe use. This device has a much more detailed potential ranking, with nine ranks. Pokémon with green potential coincide with the upper Uncommon Rank of the old potential chart. These have incredible growth potential. They can become quite strong and capable with the right training and guidance."

Ethan's excitement grows, and he replies, "That's amazing! I want to help Blitzle reach its full potential."

Fabio nods, impressed by Ethan's enthusiasm, and says, "If you perform well in your tasks, I'll be more than happy to share training techniques and strategies that can help you maximize Blitzle's potential."

Ethan beams with gratitude and replies, "Thank you, Fabio. I'll work really hard!"

With the important conversation concluded, Fabio guides Ethan to his accommodation within the Daycare Center. He shows him a cozy room with a comfortable bed, a small desk, and shelves filled with books and Pokémon-related items. Fabio assures Ethan, "Make yourself at home here. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask."

As the night settles in, Fabio shifts his focus to his own training. He gathers Liepard, Simisage, and Audino and leads them to a secluded training area. Under the moonlit sky, they engage in intense training exercises, pushing their limits and striving for improvement.

In the realm of Aura training, Fabio delves deeper into its intricacies. He demonstrates various techniques to his Pokémon and encourages them to do the same. They practice channeling their Aura, increasing their awareness, and strengthening their bonds.

During a break in their training, Fabio and his Pokémon sit together, catching their breath. Fabio says, "Our connection is growing stronger, and I can feel the energy between us. Together, we'll reach new heights."

His Pokémon respond with determined nods, and Simisage adds, "Simisage!"

Fabio smiles and continues, "Remember, it's not just about physical strength. We need to find harmony between our minds, bodies, and this special force named Aura. Let's push ourselves even further!"

The training continues, fueled by their shared determination to become stronger to defend this place in an emergency. Fabio and his Pokémon engage in challenging exercises, each step bringing them closer to their goals. Their conversations and interactions echo with a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding, solidifying their team spirit.

In the quiet of Ethan's room, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light, he sits cross-legged on the floor, gazing at Blitzle, who stands proudly by his side. Their conversation takes place in hushed tones, as if sharing a secret bond.

Ethan begins, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and excitement: "Blitzle, I can't believe how lucky I am. Starting this journey a week early led me here, to this amazing place with Fabio as the Daycare Owner. He's been so kind and even offered me a place to stay. It's not something you come across every day."

As Ethan speaks, he realizes the significance of the opportunity before him. He understands that this unexpected turn of events requires him to give his utmost effort. He continues, "I know I have to give my all while working here. Fabio deserves nothing less. I want to prove myself and show him that I'm willing to go above and beyond."

Turning his attention to Blitzle, Ethan smiles and says, "And I know you'll be right there with me, Blitzle. Together, we can achieve great things. I believe in you."

Blitzle responds with a confident nicker, its eyes shining with determination. It understands Ethan's words, and a silent understanding passes between them. It knows that this week and the journey beyond hold great importance. With the simple utterance of its name, Blitzle conveys its unwavering commitment to give it all.

Ethan's face lights up with anticipation as he gently pets Blitzle's mane. He feels a sense of admiration and intrigue towards Fabio, sensing a hidden strength and mystery about him. The prospect of learning from someone so experienced fuels Ethan's determination to grow stronger.

Blitzle nods, its eyes sparkling with an air of confidence. It lets out a playful zap of electricity, causing Ethan to jolt back in surprise. "Blitzle!" Ethan exclaims, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and mild shock. "I guess I should be careful when petting your mane."

The electric Pokémon looks apologetic, realizing its mischievous act. "Blitzle," it says with a remorseful tone, acknowledging its unintentional shock. To make amends, it leans in and gives Ethan's face a gentle lick, its way of offering an apology.

Ethan chuckles and wipes his cheek. "Apology accepted, Blitzle. Just remember, we have to be careful with those electric shocks. We don't want to accidentally zap anyone else, okay?"

Blitzle nods once again, its eyes filled with a mixture of determination and a hint of playfulness. It understands Ethan's words and promises to be more mindful of its electrifying abilities.

As the evening unfolds, Ethan and Blitzle continue their conversation, sharing unspoken promises and strengthening their bond. They both understand that this week will lay the foundation for their future endeavors. Together, they embark on a journey of growth, friendship, and unwavering dedication, always remembering the importance of laughter and forgiveness along the way.

I'm writing this late at night, so if there are any logic problems in the chapter, please tell me so that I can fix it.

Leo_Black_3690creators' thoughts