

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · 奇幻
101 Chs

The back way

"Sir" Finley knocked on Herman's door.

"Come in,Finley" Herman replied."Give me some news,Finley" Herman sat up eagerly.

"Well I don't know if this will be considered good or bad news" Finley said with his head bowed.

"What's wrong,Finley?" Herman asked.

"The Sofia we investigated isn't the one that committed the crime" Finley reported.

"Well,you're right I don't know if it's good or bad news,but at least, we've located the criminal" Herman said, stroking his chin.

"Yes sir,should I bring her in?" Finley asked.

"No, never mind. Take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow,you strike and bring her in"

"Roger that,sir" Finley bowed before leaving.

"Finally" Herman deeply sighed after Finley left. He was happy that they had found the suspect. All that was needed now was to interrogate her and possibly get her to turn a new leaf."Maybe I'll even get her to give me a reason she did it" Herman muttered,glancing out the window. The cool breeze and bright atmosphere induced drowsiness in Herman. He hadn't slept well in days because of all the work on his shoulders. He wished for the work to just magically disappear ,but he knew the only way that would happen if he was dead.

"What are you fucking?" Herman heard a loud voice from the floor below.

"Oh My God!" He shook his head slowly, massaging his temples."They never shut up"

"Answer me,sixth. Who or what are you fucking?" Seventh asked with her arms folded.

"It's none of your business" Sixth smirked.

"Oh ,it is. You go out then come in at around two AM . You're interrupting my beauty sleep" Seventh snapped.

"It isn't really a beauty sleep when the person isn't beautiful" Sixth retorted with a sly smile.

"Take that back" Seventh huffed.

"I don't think I will" Sixth said with a brief nod before leaving seventh.

"That guy!!" Seventh seethed as she stared at his retreating figure."I just feel killing him"

She shook her head rapidly."No,it's okay. Think positive" She controlled herself.

"You know,I think he's right" Aevulis spoke from behind.

"That's it" Seventh snapped as she went after Aevulis."It's either you take that back or die by my hand"

"Ooh, spooky" Aevulis chuckled.

"Simpletons" Threos muttered. Their rooms were next to each other,so he could hear them bickering loudly.

"Let's get this over with" Threos groaned.

The girls chose a small family restaurant about two hundred metres from the gym after their training.

"Have you ever visited this place,Mirai?" Sofia asked.

"No,why do you ask?" Mirai replied.

"Because you're very excited" Sofia chuckled lightly.

"Aw,I love your sweet smile" Mirai smirked."How would you feel if I take you for myself?"

"I don't think I'd feel good,Mirai" Sofia chuckled.

"Yeah" Mirai laughed."Anyways,I'm happy because this is the first time I'm eating with you guys. It's kind of a nice feeling"

"Yeah,now that you mention it. This is our first time eating together" Eleanor said.

"Kind of makes us a family in a very weird way" Jessica frowned.

"Whatever" Eleanor chuckled."It's kind of sweet, right?"

"Yeah,it is ,and we should look out for each other as a family" Sofia said.

They ate their meal in a light and joyful atmosphere with Mirai providing the jokes. She was the most energetic of all the girls,and she wasted no time putting everyone in the mood. After about an hour,they decided to call it a day and head home.

"We're still meeting at the gym tomorrow" Sofia said to the others before they left. When she got home,she was about to take a shower but decided against it."It's not flared up for about two weeks now" Sofia muttered,glancing at her arm. She didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. Worse thing was she didn't even know how to activate the power.

"Maybe I'll hurt myself" She thought, remembering the time her palm healed in a few seconds."What if it doesn't heal though. I can't afford to get injured at this stage"

Ultimately,Sofia decided it was best to play things safe as she went ahead and took her shower.

Back in rheurym

Cesar and Rita found a place to lay low and discuss the information they had gathered.

"So that huge building is like their king's palace. They call him a rabban" Rita said.

"So how do we get to speak with him?" Cesar asked

"I know a guy" Rita smirked.

"Okay,but do we really need to speak with their king?"

"Of course. Our plan is to confront him"

"You know,he can just deny everything and send us to jail"

"I know that" Rita said,playing with her thumbs anxiously.

"How about we take the back way?"

"The what?"

"The back way as in we completely go off radar. We sneak in,get the girl,and sneak back out" Cesar explained.

"Oh,why didn't I think of that" Rita said sarcastically."You just failed to account for one little problem"

"Which is?"

"We don't know where the hell the girl is being kept. Heck,we don't know who she is other than she's different from the rest"

"Guess, it's back to information gathering" Cesar sighed deeply."But asking people for the whereabouts of a prison is a little weird,isn't it?"

"Not if you know the right people" Rita smiled."Just leave this one to me. By this time tomorrow,I'd have gotten the prison's location and even her cell number"

"Okay,but what are we going to do about the zombies? If we neglect them for too long,they're sure to cause trouble in the future"

"I think we should focus on getting the girl. If the girl's safe with us,the zombies won't come" Rita replied.

"Yeah okay" Cesar agreed."Getting used to your new body?"

"Yeah,it's a lot of work though" Rita replied.

"Tell me about it. Anyways,how about you log out first ,and I keep watch?"

"You're serious?

"Of course" Cesar grinned."Just looking out for you that's all"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yung_Dannycreators' thoughts