
Revolution! A nation in limbo

The world of Yvir is a place ruled by kings, queens, mages, and sorcerers. That was the status quo for thousands of years, legitimized by what they call "Chosen of the Deities." However as the common folk toiled for worthless gain, the discontent arose, and the storm was brewing... The working elf has found themselves at a crossroads for history isn't decided by one person, it is the people who make it.

Kahimu · 军事
4 Chs


In a time long past but never forgotten,

when otherworldly beings sought to subjugate every living being in the world of Yvir.

Demons arose from the depths of the darkest pits of the earth, driven by their need to dominate all life.

For years the kingdoms of Yvir fiercely resisted their invasion, but as the dead continued to rise, the future looked bleak.

That is until the mages of Yvir developed a spell to make the demons weaker, eventually the kingdoms fought them back and closed the portals but the war ended at a high cost.

But upon the ruins that was left from the "Great Resistance" one kingdom rose to restore order from the ashes.

The Commonwealth of Aclarus remained strong even after in the face of the invading demons, they stood as the sole guardian in a world wrought by the underworld, a guardian not just for the elven race but for all.

200 years would pass and Aclarus would remain unchallenged in their position, races from all over the globe flocked to the Commonwealth for opportunity, it was a golden age of progress for the nation.

Soon enough technology progressed rapidly, in a span of 40 years inventions would come out to make daily life more easier, light and heavy machinery that can produce items which for some seems like coming out of thin air, the automobile and trains which moved without the need of horses or any animal pulling it, and the telegram which could transmit message from long distances.

This was reminiscent of the magic the demons had ages ago, naturally panic among the nobles ensued although the archmage himself clarified he cannot sense magic in the machinery which slightly calmed them down, nonetheless the western regions of the kingdom welcomed these advances all the while the nobles in other regions banned the imports of these machines in their territories.

Factories were built, opportunities grew as citizens from the agricultural regions flocked to the industrial regions for a chance at a better life, settling down in continuously growing cities.

As the amount of profits grew so did the exploitation, the new industrial laborers were being overworked to death, unfair wages for dangerous conditions, all of this combined was enough to spark protests all across the industrial regions.

But even then their complaints fall on ears pretending to be deaf, some responded to their demands with violence, soon riots and small uprisings took place.

Chaos ran rampant as the workers turned on their bosses, the law enforcers were overwhelmed by the riots, laborers took arms, the recent inventions such as the rifles, revolvers, and machine guns proved to be fatal, the rest of Aclarus could only watch as what they presumed to be corruption from Demon magic was causing all this violence.

Peace had to be restored, King Siero ordered a legion of mages and sorcerers to enter the industrial regions to quell the riots, managing to suppress them, sometimes with bloody results.

A revolution was neutered, or so they thought, hostilities between the workers and the upper classes and the mages would continue after 10 years since "The Days of Rage" a shadow was looming behind the crown.

Furthermore the peasants sympathized with their industrial counterparts as the nobles became more and more demanding on their output, mistreatment and over taxation has led them to become more hostile towards their lords.

Even though the Days of Rage was quelled, the prospect of change remained, a hope for all the laborers that all of this can still be better, for their children, for their friend who died from being overworked, and for the next generation so that they may never go through the hell they're experiencing.

There are rumors of the royal houses bickering amongst themselves about the succession of the throne, while King Siero was still in power, he was very ill, the Aclarusian Grand Army commanders along the Mage and Sorcerers Legions choosing sides already, political stability drops as whispers of war spread.

Aclarus is a nation in limbo.

This story is first published on wattpad now on webnovel! in college right now so don't expect this to be updated that much, even though I took some practice rounds before finally writing this story down, I'm no expert so criticism is welcome and please point out spelling and grammatical errors! And finally I hope you all enjoy this story for how long it goes, thanks again and love you all!

Kahimucreators' thoughts