
Gu Yue Mo Bei

Fang Zheng had just arrived on the first floor when he first saw a Black Boar Gu quietly placed on a separate counter in the center.

Boar Gu is also a series of Gu worms, mainly including Flower Boar Gu, Pink Boar Gu, Black Boar Gu, and White Boar Gu.

Among them, the Pnk Boar has the lowest value, because it has only one ability, which is to gain weight. After the Gu Master is infused with primeval essence, the Pink Boar will improve the Gu Master's body and make the Gu Master gain weight. No matter how skinny he was, he can become a big fat man. Therefore it is generally only used as an auxiliary material for refining Gu and no Gu Master is stupid enough to use this stuff to gain weight.

Flower Boar Gu is the most common Boar Gu. The surface of the Gu worm is generally spotted, either black with white, black with powder or white with powder, and a few have black, white, and pink. The function of the Flower Boar Gu is similar to the same type of Brute Force Heavenly Bull Gu, which temporarily increases the strength of the Gu Master.

The Brute Force Tianniu is known as the strength of one bull, while the Flower Boar is the strength of one boar. The Flower Boar Gu consumes the same amount of primeval essence as the Brute Force Heavenly Bull Gu, but it can last ten breaths and lasts twice as long as the Brute Force Heavenly Bull Gu. This kind of Gu worm that temporarily increases vigor is very useful for low-level Gu Masters such as Rank 1 and Rank 2, because Gu Master's real essence is limited, and after the real essence is exhausted, the Gu worm cannot be motivated, and it will be ineffective. Therefore, in the battle between Gu Masters, close combat is inevitable, which reflects the role of Gu worms such as the temporary increase in strength, such as the Boar Gu and the Brute Force Heavenly Cattle Gu.

A Black Boar Gu or White Boar Gu sells for as high as 600 primeval stones on the market and it is often bought by people as soon as it appears.

The ability of the Black and White Boar Gu is to transform the Gu Master's body and fundamentally increase the Gu Master's strength.

Although the brute force Heavenly Ox Gu can endow the Gu Master with the power of an ox, it can only last for five breaths. With too much power, it will be too much for the Gu Master to bear, and there will be strong sequelae.

The strength that Black and White hog Gu gives to the Gu Master, although it is a little bit every day, accumulated over time, but as long as you have it, it is the Gu Master's own strength. Even if both Black and White Boar Gus died, this power would still remain on the Gu Master's body.

It is precisely because of this that the price of black and white hogs is higher than that of wine worms. It is generally believed that the value of wine worms is slightly less than that of black and white hogs. Because wine worms can only refine True Essence, in a fierce battle, Gu Master's True Essence can easily be exhausted. For the rest of the battle, the Gu Master relied on his fists and his own strength. This is the value embodied by black and white hoggu, which is more reliable than liquor worm.

However Fang Zheng still really wanted a wine worm to help him refine his true essence. Unfortunately even in the family's secret recipe Gu room, there is no rank two wine worm, so this plan can only be put on hold for the time being. .

When Fang Zheng arrived, there were already quite a few Gu Masters surrounding this Black Boar , commenting or voicing admiration, because this Black Boar only sold for 520 primeval stones, which was lower than the market price, at least one hundred prime stones lower, the temptation is naturally great.

After scanning around Fang Zheng found that there were many more precious Gu worms on other counters.

There are Jade Skin Gu, Whirlwind Gu, Trace Stone Gu, Broken Blade Gu, Jade Skin Gu and so on. These Gu worms can be combined with Moonlight Gu to form higher-level Gu worms.

Although Jia Fu didn't fully understand the secret recipes of these combined refining, but after so many years of business and experience accumulated he knew which Gu worms the Gu Yue clan needed more.

"Jia Fu Xing Shang is naturally not targeting the Gu Yue village family. It can be seen that this time he really did his best, and it seems that he was stimulated after returning. So looking at it this way, the success rate of my plan has increased a few times again. It's done." Fang Zheng's heart moved when he saw this and according to Jia Fu's performance it seems that the struggle between him and Jia Gui is in full swing.

Just when Fang Zheng was thinking about it, a man patted him on the shoulder, and when he looked back, he saw a horse face, tall stature, and sturdy aura. It turned out to be Gu Yue Mo Bei, a former classmate.

"Fang Zheng, long time no see. I heard that you defeated "Senior" Gu Yue Man Shi. You did a good job."

'Is it Gu Yue Mo Bei?' Fang Zheng nodded expressionlessly and gently pushed his hand away:

"Well, it's just Gu Yue Man Shi, he can't stop me. Do you have anything else to say?"

Fang Zheng's indifferent attitude made Gu Yue Mo Bei a little surprised, but except for his sister Gu Yue Mo Yan all the seniors he had met were all ignorant. It seems that Fang Zheng has also learned such a bad habit.

"Haha, I see, Fang Zheng, are you going to buy this Black Boar? Hmph, tell you, I won't give you a chance. I lost to your brother Gu Yue Fang Yuan last time. I will definitely not lose to him with the Black Boar." Gu Yue Mo Bei guessed that Fang Zheng must have come to bid for the Black Boar because he lost to Fang Yuan's strength last time at the end of the year. This time there is a Gu worm that can give Gu Master the power of a boar and Fang Zheng will definitely not let it go.

Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly thinking that this Gu Yue Mo Bei has a lot of inner drama, so he casually mentioned:

"Hehe, Mo Bei, what you think. You should know how to bid for this Black Boar, right? "

Seeing that Fang Zheng looked down on him, Gu Yue Mo Bei was a little displeased:

"Fang Zheng, are you mocking me? How could I not know? I just need to take a piece of paper from the counter and write on it with a pen. The price of the Black Boar. Then put it into the hole on the side of the counter. If I have the highest price among all the people who want to buy it, then this Black Boar will belong to me."

Through Gu Yue Mo Bei's words, the side confirmed his previous conjecture, Fang Zheng smiled slightly because he had relied on the content of the original book before and he didn't know the real situation, but now he can finally confirm it. This Black Boar gu, I want to get it, because the power of a Boar is very helpful to Fang Zheng.

Seeing Fang Zheng get up and go to the counter to pick up the paper and prepare to fill in the price, Gu Yue Mo Bei hurriedly stopped him.

"Wait, Fang Zheng..."

Seeing how Gu Yue Mo Bei hesitated to speak Fang Zheng frowned and asked:

"What's wrong, Mo Bei, is there anything else?"

Gu Yue Mo Bei was a little strange, he spoke hesitantly:

"Fang Zheng, I heard that you brought back a young and beautiful little maid from your previous mission. According to rumors she seems to be a very beautiful young girl, so... can you give her to me?"

Fangzheng: "???"

"It's like this, the girls in the village are too monotonous, servile and uninteresting. So I want to try the taste of an ordinary girl in the mountain village... Of course, I don't want you for nothing, If you agree I can give you 500 primeval stones, what do you think?"

Gu Yue Mo Bei was staring at Fang Zheng with a bead of sweat on his forehead. He prefers small and cute girls, but most of the girls in the cottage are basically born of slaves and they all look disgusting. A qualified Gu Master girl of the same age is too troublesome because she is the heir of Mo Yi's line and marriage has always been a political marriage, and his grandfather will not allow him to marry a wife casually.

Originally Gu Yue Mo Bei thought he couldn't get the love and girl he wanted, but not long ago he heard rumors that Fang Zheng brought back the girl and he couldn't help but get excited. A mortal girl from a mountain village, he has lived in a clan village since he was a child, but he has never seen him much.

So Mo Bei found an opportunity to hide in the grass and finally saw Qing Luo who was fetching water by the river.

Qing Luo is so petite and exquisite, and the goose yellow clothes on her body are simple, but it is difficult to hide her face. She is only about fourteen or fifteen years old, with big black eyes, clear black and white, as pure as crystal.

The sun shines on her face through the overlapping and lush leaves, reflecting her skin like snow, and showing a translucent blush and warmth.

She had a pair of ponytails, her pink lips were pursed at this moment, she was biting her teeth, and her face was full of hard work. She struggled to bring the full bucket up from the river,

After stopping, the girl who felt a little hot puffed out her pink cheeks, let out a sigh of turbidity and stretched out her white hand as a fan, fanning her cheeks.

At this moment Gu Yue Mo Bei felt that her heart was running wild. This was the girl she had always dreamed of. The girl in the clan village couldn't compare with the girl in front of him. Because they were Gu Masters, those girls were pampered and did not touch the spring water with their ten fingers. And because they graduated from the academy, they all went to perform missions, fought with wild beasts and fought to the death with other copycat Gu Masters. Most of his speeches were rude, more manly than men, and their temper is also very hot. They didn't look like girls at all, which made Mo Bei very broken.

After that Gu Yue Mo Bei felt that he was finally moved. So this time Mo Bei intends to take that beautiful little girl away from Fang Zheng's hands.