
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · 漫画同人
43 Chs

Ch 28: Changes due to Mana

The night has arrived in Kuoh Town, and everyone were already preparing themselves to take a good night rest. However, while others already went to sleep, in certain house 'five' people were in the living room, discussing about how is going to be their lives from now on.

Sitting in a chair of the dinning room, an elegant looking woman with white dress was sipping a cup of tea, which, one of her 'Knights' brought to her. Her 'Knight' was using a medieval armour, and due to the helmet covering the face, nobody except the elegant woman knew her gender; she hasn't even spoken.

On the other hand, Yuria, Asako and Zircon were also sitting in their respective chairs. Well, almost, because Zircon was starting to feel sleepy and he sat in Asako's lap while laying his head in her bosom.

He could just have slept in his new room, but because the topic was related to him, he decided to stay even if he could only listen.

"Now, about the deal that you offered me almost a month ago." Said Cleria. "You asked me to train your protégé in magical arts, in exchange of your help in 'cleaning up' the place. I am right?"

"Yes." Said Asako.

"Haah. You could have only asked. Maybe I would have refused if it was another person, but I am your mentor." Cleria's words were honest.

It has passed already more than ten years since that cheeky brat came to Kuoh Town in search of an 'adequate' teacher in magic arts.

At the beginning, she just started teaching her because she thought that might be fun to train a human to domain the magic.

However, as time passed, Asako's talent, but overall, her dedication and determination during her training allowed her to increase the amount of her mana pool to the point that it was comparable to a low-tier, middle-class devil.

Such feat had never been achieved until Asako appeared in the supernatural world. It could be said that if it wasn't for Cleria's training, then Asako might not be as strong as she is now.

Alas, this wasn't the reason why she was disposed to help her.

As time passed, she saw her grow, even if it was only during a couple of years, their relationship could be considered now as sisters, and Cleria is known for being very affective with her friends and family.

However, because she knew Asako's personality, she didn't insist more. Asako was the kind of woman that each time she asks a favour, she will do something for the other party in exchange, even if it takes her a while, but she always keeps her promises.

"Anyway, in advance I want to thank you for your help. However..." Cleria said the last word with a preoccupied expression. "Are you sure of this? After all you still have a job in that organization."

"Of course." Asako said. "I even told them to not call me in case it wasn't important or I would simply expose their dirt to the world."

Cleria seemed to be nodding in improvement, very aware of what she meant.

However, her worries weren't completely gone. Even if Asako is more than capable to destroy an organization like the OSD until nothing it's left, she is still one person while the organization counts with tens of thousands around the world. If a large-scale conflict were, initiate between them, then Asako, for most powerful that she is, she won't be left unscratched.

Even so, if she says that everything is ok, then everything is ok. At least she hopes that nothing happens.

"Haah." Cleria sighed. "I understand. Now, can you tell me why you want me to teach him magic?" She asked. "You must know that devil's magic system is different from humans'."

"I know." Said Asako. "However, you are the only person in which I can trust to teach him."

"May I first examine the kid's mana pool before making a final decision?"

Asako nodded. Apart from Yuria, she really trusted in the woman who was her friend and mentor. She has been always sincere with Asako and never tried to deceive her since she knows her.

Cleria then took Zircon's wrist with her hand and then started to examinee his mana pool with hers.

While using her mana, she was seeing Zircon's interior like if she was using a X-ray scanner. However, instead of only seeing the organs, muscles and bones, she could also see some kind of blood stream inside him, connecting with his heart.

It was only after a few seconds that she realize that his body somehow created a second type of vein inside him. Unlike the regular veins that conducted blood to his heart, these were conducting mana like if it was some kind of liquid to his heart and the rest of his body.

Then, the relaxed expression of Cleria changed for a shocked one. The reason? It was due to the parasite looking being inside his heart, which was feeding from the mana in Zircon's body. In normal circumstances, if something similar happened to anyone else, then that person would be dead by now. However, the parasite, even if it seemed to be feeding from Zircon's mana, at the same time it replenished it with a purer and concentrated version of it, making him stronger by each second, even if the process was slow.

"What is he?" She asked, yet with her shocked expression. "I had never seen anyone lime him."

She didn't say those words as flattery. She truly didn't know what Zircon was, and it was her first encounter with something like that.

"Then, can he use magic?" Asako asked while caressing Zircon's hair, making him feel sleepier.

Claire then snapped out from her previous thought and then she started to considerate the possibility.

"I'm not totally sure, but I don't see a reason for don't try it. Maybe he won't be able to use the same magic system as demons, but it deserves a try." She said.

"Then, can you also train J.B?" Asako asked.

"Me?" Yuria asked while pointing her finger at herself with a puzzled look.

Asako nodded. "Yes. You must have noticed that your mana pool has been increasing it size. It could be dangerous if you don't know how to use it."

(Now that she mentions it.) Yuria thought.

She had noticed that with each passing day, her body was feeling even stronger and that new abilities that she wasn't able to do before were starting to manifest. An example of it were the two spears that she summoned unconsciously.

She created those spear due to her emotions, and as the smart woman she is, she knows that if this continues like that, then there would be a time in which she loses control and end up hurting someone by accident.

She didn't want that, she nodded in agreement.


The three women, and even the 'Knight', seeing Zircon sleeping calmly in Asako's embrace, couldn't but smile after seeing his peaceful expression.

"It's a little late already. I think we should continue with our conversation tomorrow." Proposed Cleria.

The other two nodded in agreement and soon, they were preparing themselves to visit the dreamland.

"I hope you have enjoyed it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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