
Stranger Danger

Kayla's POV

Zoe and I have gotten to the restaurant when I spot Eric talking with someone, who's obviously female, at a far corner of the restaurant. I have this bitter taste in my throat.

It's not jealousy is it? Nah can't be. We've only seen each other for a few days plus it's not like I like him or something.

I keep glancing occasionally at the both of them until Zoe taps me and points in the direction of a handsome, tall, muscular, blue eyed hottie who waves at the both of us. Yep my Brit us definitely the whole package. Wait did I just say 'MY'. God I need a strong dose if coffee before I slowly and painfully turn into a lovesick Zoe.

Thinking of Zoe, I immediately spot her with Mr. Handsome. He's saying something but from the dazed fairy tale look on her face she's not listening at all. In fact, I bet you she drooling internally. I squeeze her palm gently so she returns to earth.

She gives me a little frown like she always does when I snap her out of a trance.

The Brit smiles and returns my phone and I smile in return having no idea why he's smiling. I just hope he's not going to ask me any questions about what he just said cuz I have no freaking idea what his pink lips have been moving about for.

Pink lips? Oh God... I'm becoming a Zoe.... Help

Just as he turns to leave he turns back and says, " I forgot to ask for your name ".

Oh God that British accent will be the end of me.

" Kayla", I say. He smiles and walks away.

" Well that was strange, you didn't even ask for his name", Zoe says while I mentally facepalm myself for be stupid enough to forget such an important thing. Well I blame it on the Zoe part of my brain. I hope I meet him again. For now Mr. Handsome will do.

I turn to face the table where Eric was sitting now that my pretty distraction was gone. But not only was Mr. Handsome gone, Eric had also left with whoever it was he came with or came to meet.

The bitter taste has returned but this time I push it down while thinking about my new crush. ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††

I'm home now eating a sandwich when my phone rings. I look at my screen and see Adrian. Well that's odd. I don't know anyone by that name.

I answer the phone a little tense until I hear the British accent that has had me enchanted all day.

"Hi Kayla, it's Adrian, the guy you met at the restaurant. So sorry I saved my number without your permission but well I had this feeling you wouldn't give it to me". He says while I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

How could he think I wouldn't give him my number, I would've given him my hand in marriage in a heartbeat.

Okay what!!!!!

Get a hold of yourself Kayla or you may not need Zoe's help to embarass yourself.

"Oh... No problem", I say trying to sound as cool as possible but end up sounding like an excited 12 year old, " I was just a little worried cuz I don't know any Adrian that's all.

"Oh, lucky me then", he says and I laugh a little.

"So tell me how did you get my phone", I ask since my Zoe brain didn't ask earlier.

"Uh... I thought I told you at the restaurant", he says and I facepalm myself internally for yet another mistake made by my lovesick self. I guess I did have to pay attention afterall.

"You did? I'm sorry it's just I had a lot on my mind this morning".

Yep, you had a whole lot thinking about his eyes and lips and accent and height and...

Shut up brain, not helping.

"You left it at the bar while you were drunk and when I tried calling out to you, you left with a guy. Luckily you saved your other number with my other number so it wasn't so hard finding you. By the way, password is a really weak password", he says and I can hear the humor in his voice.

"Well silly me, though it was to your advantage and please don't think I'm dating the guy I left with he's just a friend". I say forcing a laugh while slapping my self for sounding so desperate. He didn't ask Kayla, he didn't freaking ask.

"Oh kk", he says and I can imagine him laughing at my weirdness, "Well I've got to go now, I'll call later tonight if you are okay with it. "

"Oh I've got no complaints. Talk to you later, byeeeeee. " I say and he hangs up.

"Adrian", I whisper as I continue eating my forgotten sandwich.


Eric's POV

I'm in my room texting Emily thanks for keeping me company this morning but I can't get my mind off Kayla and the blue eyed blondie she and Zoe came to see. I couldn't wait to find out what he was there for since Emily insisted we left early so we could go to her house so she could take her siblings to the park. I don't know what Kayla was there for and I had no intention of asking her since I would just sound like a jealous stalker.

I take a shower, get dressed and head off to Kayla's house. What for? I have no idea but I'm going anyway.


I'm in my car parked outside Kayla's house. Wondering whether to go in or not. I decided to do the former when I see her outside watering the plants. Her family have always loved plants especially her dad.

She spots me and walks... Cross that.... Marches over. The look on her face is anything but pleasant. Why do I feel she's upset with me? Probably cuz she's upset with me.

Oh no.... What have I done to her this time? I hope I'm not going to be blasted with curses and abuses for something I have no idea about.....

She stops infront of me and with as much spite as she could gather says, " What the hell do you want".

Uh-oh I should have picked a better timing. Oh well the deed us done and it is irreversible. What to do?

With as much spite as she had spoken I said, "We need to talk".

Obviously this got her attention as the look on her face wavered a bit before saying, " what for "?