
Chapter 26

Between late nights with Laurel, early morning training sessions with his rescues, and the last pre-holiday riding lessons, Sebastian was one step above a riding zombie as he went through the motions of running Maestro through his paces. Muscle memory and long-ingrained habit were the only things getting him through at the moment. That and the fact that the gelding was already exceptionally well trained. Surefooted and responsive, he was a dream to ride. If he ended up staying, he'd make an excellent addition to the riding school. Or the therapy program. Because there was gonna be one of those now.

He still couldn't quite get over it. But Laurel was all in, throwing the full power of her determination behind planning. She'd already filled up a legal pad with notes on things to research and questions for her brother. Watching her do her thing was both intimidating and sexy as hell, and it was easy to believe everything would be fine simply because she willed it to be so.