
Rem: Zero Starting A New Life In Another World At Zero For Rem

Rem just finished her song and she is very happy about it so she decides to get something to eat, but as soon as she starts going to the kitchen, Rem starts to feel a bit dizzy and very anxious in an unknown reason. She keeps ignoring these strange things happening to her until eventually she falls asleep. But she hears a voice, telling her to wake up, and she woke up, not in her own home, but in a fantasy world! Rem decides to explore the place and she immediately made the assumption that she is a video game character and her purpose is to have a great adventure! So she declared her video game name as Remura! The story of Rem's adventure will now begin! It will be awesome and fun! .. ... ... Right...? (I have a patreon! Please support me if you like the story! Patreon.com/TionUwU)

Vivalavistamia · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Happy Fine Dining






The door opens to the dining room as Rem looks around. She's amazed by the interior. She's amazed by everything so far.

"I feel rather uncomfortable by watching you upstairs."

Rem looks to who said that and it was Betty, who seems annoyed.

"Are you stupid or something? I'm guessing you are since you don't know much, I suppose."

Rem: "Hey! I may be stupid, but don't you think you're being too aggressive, Lolita??"

Betty looks at Rem.

"Lolita? What's that supposed to mean? I haven't heard of it before, but I don't think it means anything good."

Emilia comes in with Puck on her left shoulder.

Puck: "Hi, Betty! It's been four days since we were out. Are you feeling alright and fine?"

This loli blonde went from, Hey you're stupid. To. Omg! You're here!

Rem doesn't quite understand this twin drilled loli, and calling her a loli is better than calling her a little girl or a child it seems.

Rem sees Betty with a different expression, or in other words happiness and appeasement as she walks to the table with Puck on her hands.

Emilia giggles as she looks at Rem.

"Are you bewildered? Beatrice is very close to Puck."

"Bewildered? Not really, Let's say I was surprised."

Rem says as someone comes in.

"Ah, what a surprise! Beatrice also came which is unexpected!"

Rem looks at the person, and Rem was already in shock of this person who came with such weird clothes.

"Do you want to join for dinner? If you do, I would be overjoyed."

Betty looks at the guy and she's back from being the loli who doesn't care much.

"I'm not in the mood to see another self-contented fool."

She continues to praise and appreciate Puck.

"Betty is just waiting for Bubby."

She said that with another expression of happiness and maybe love but who knows.

Rem's Thought's: "Why does this person speak in a whiny voice type? Is he trying to be fancy or it's just how he talks?"

Rem looks at the guy and waves at him.

"H-Hi mister performer! I don't know what's your purpose here, but I guess there's many things I don't know about rich people…"

Emilia: "Uhm… Rem. He's…"

Rem looks at Emilia but is interrupted by the guy that stands next to Rem.

"Ah there's no need, I don't mind it, it's alright, Lady Emilia~"

Rem raises an eyebrow.

"Uhh, so wait. Who are you?"

"I am the owner of this manor."

He looks at Rem.

"Roswaal L. Mathers."

He then gets close to Rem's face as he whispers.

"Rem Sasaki."

Rem's heart just stopped for a second when he mentioned about being the owner of everything here, and he called her by her name.






A few minutes later, the food was served and Rem was sitting next to Emilia.

Rem blew on the spoon that had hot soup on it before she ate it, and her eyes lightened up.

Rem can't say anything but bring out a soft moan, but that's because the food is delicious Of course!

"This is amazing! I've never eaten something this delicious before."

Roswaal nods following with a long hum of agreement, which makes Rem a bit uncomfortable.

"Despite his looks, his appearance and his antics, Subaru here is a great cook."

Roswaal said with his usual tone, which Rem still has to get used to.

She takes a bite of the other food here and she looks at Roswaal.

"It's the butler, right? His name… is Subaru? He made all of this?"

"I did, but I couldn't have done it all if it wasn't for Ram who helped me prepare the dishes. She's not very good at cooking so I'm the one in-charge of it."

Subaru said with a well mannered attitude.

He seems to be different. Maybe it's because he's a butler and he has to act like one.

Rem: "Ohh, she's not very good at cooking huh? If that's the case, she must be good at something too, like cleaning perhaps?"

Subaru: "You've won yourself a prize, and it's nothing. You're right, Ram here may not look like the cook, but she is very good at cleaning, and also washing."

Rem: "If that's the case, Ram is good at cleaning and washing, while Subaru is good at cooking, but not good at cleaning and washing?"

Subaru shakes his head.

"No, you're mistaken. I'm good at all the houseworks, and I'm also good at cleaning and washing. Even better than Ram does it."

"Wait what?"

Rem looks at Ram with a confused look.

"You really are exceptional."

Rem was about to take another bite until Roswaal started speaking again.

"You're a young lady in the Margrave Mather's manor, in the Kingdom of Lugunica, and yeeeet~ You know nothing about this place at all."

Rem looks at him, with a sweat drop falling down on her face.

"O-Oh. Is there something I should know…?"

Roswaal was silent and Rem might have said something that she shouldn't have said, but his smile doubts that as Roswaal starts.

"A lot has happened and we are kind of in an unrest, Because Lugunica doesn't have a king at the moment."

Rem freezes for a moment after hearing that.

Roswaal: "There's no need to be alarmed because everyone knows this fact, so there's no need to have an uneasy feeling."

Rem: "Really? That's great. I thought I was going to be in trouble for hearing that."

Rem's Thought's: "This is probably the first time in a long time that I've ever been to a dinner with others. Reminds me of that one time…"

Rem was in thought but it was broken once Roswaal speaked once again.

"When the king has died, there has been an epidemic that broke out in the city~

It's a surprise but when the king died, his descendants alsooo, died with him, all at the same time."

Roswaal: "As we speak, the country is right now managed by a council of wise men, and they are trying to select a neew king."

Rem crossed her arms.

"I-I see. I understand now. 

After the King's passing the country is trying to find a new king."

Rem touches her chin.

"It must be tough to choose a leader and it's very difficult to rule over a large place as well."

Roswaal: "Considering the fact that you've met our lovely Lady Emilia here, there's no denying the fact that you are alreeeady~ associated with the Mathers Family."

Rem just gulps and looks at Emilia.

"Hey, Miss Mimilia. He keeps calling you Lady Emilia even though he's the owner of this place, is there something I missed??"

"One must regard a person with a high social status with respeeect~"

Rem was looking at Roswaal when he said that and now looks at Emilia with a hesitant look.

"Wait… so you're saying that…"

Emilia looks at her.

"I'm the 42nd candidate to be the next king of the Kingdom of Lugunica. 

I'm kind of under Margraves Mathers protection.

 I-I'm really sorry that I haven't told you much earlier.."

Rem was a bit surprised but she shakes the thoughts out of her head.

"Oh, that's nice. But now this feels pretty weird, considering I'm in a place, next to a person that could be the next ruler of this nation."

Emilia takes out her Insignia and puts it on the table.

Rem: "Hey, that's the Insignia, right?"

Emilia nods.

"This is the only proof of me as a candidate. To determine if I'm qualified to be the next king, that competes me in a trial."

Rem looks at Emilia with a worried expression on her face.

"Trial...? You lost the Insignia that qualifies you to be in a trial?? If that's the case to be honest, I think that trial is not possible at all!"

Emilia looks at Rem.

"W-wait! No! I didn't lose the Insignia, y-you know it yourself that it was stolen!"

Rem: "That's almost the same thing!"

Rem crosses her arms looking at the Insignia.

"I've been rude and I'm very sorry for that, but if you did really lose the Insignia, can you have it reissued or something?"

Roswaal: "I'M veery sure that if you lose it there will be severe consequences.

If people decide that the one who can't protect the Insignia, is incapable of ruling this nation, they are pretty much screwed!~"

Rem rubs her chin, thinking about something before she looks at them.

"If that's the case. Helping Emilia get it back is pretty much a big help huh? If that's so, I should be getting more rewards then, yes?"

Emilia: "Ah- Yes! Of course. I owe you a lot, and you really have helped a lot. I can tell you're not good at choosing your rewards, but I think you've thought of something right? If that's the case, don't be afraid to say what you want."

Roswaal raises his hands up.

"Yes indeed, don't be afraid. Whatever it might be, I can ensure you will get anything you want. All you have to do is name it."

Rem grins as she stands up.

"If that's the case. I have something in mind!"






Rem went silent, and blushed a bit.

She can't think of anything…

Wait…That's right!

Rem: "W-wait? Hold on! L-let me try again!"

Rem sits down and eats her soup as she stands up again.

"If that's the case. I have something thing in mind!"






She puts her hands on her waist as she smiles confidently.

"Please hire me to work here in this mansion!"

She rubs her head as she blushes.

"I… also want extra pillows for my bed…"









Ram sneezes, but it's a quiet and soft one.