
Rem: Zero Starting A New Life In Another World At Zero For Rem

Rem just finished her song and she is very happy about it so she decides to get something to eat, but as soon as she starts going to the kitchen, Rem starts to feel a bit dizzy and very anxious in an unknown reason. She keeps ignoring these strange things happening to her until eventually she falls asleep. But she hears a voice, telling her to wake up, and she woke up, not in her own home, but in a fantasy world! Rem decides to explore the place and she immediately made the assumption that she is a video game character and her purpose is to have a great adventure! So she declared her video game name as Remura! The story of Rem's adventure will now begin! It will be awesome and fun! .. ... ... Right...? (I have a patreon! Please support me if you like the story! Patreon.com/TionUwU)

Vivalavistamia · 漫画同人
71 Chs

A Coward

Rem: Zero Volume 5, Chapter: 60! Tion_Official.

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Augh… It's so tight… N-no! I'm going to get crushed!!

Rem opens her eyes in horror and she looks around and sees a dark forest surrounding her.

It's super windy and the dying leaves fly past Rem.

The wind is super strong that Rem cannot even stand her ground.

She looks behind her and sees a black mist chasing after her. Without a second thought Rem quickly tries to get away from the nightmare.

She covers her eyes as lots of flies fly past her. She perked to where the flies are coming from and to her dismay.

She sees Subaru standing, far away from Rem. He looks super angry, he looks to be in dismay, he looks to be in concern, but not for Rem.

Seeing this, Rem takes a step back but Subaru takes a step forward and his hands inch closer to his swords.

Rem quickly runs away from Subaru but he runs like a speeding race car and he catches up to Rem with his swords out and this looks to be another death for Rem!

She looks away in fear, but sunlight arrives and it makes Subaru turn to dust.

Rem looks at the dust and her eyes are

open and she can feel… warmth, on her head and on her hand. … what is this?

Who is touching Rem right now?

Rem feels very relaxed…

Rem feels…

[Rem: Zero]



[Beatrice: How long do you plan to sleep? Wake up!]

Beatrice kicks Rem right at the stomach waking her up.

Rem holds her stomach, groaning in pain.

[Rem: Awgh… Duele… …? W... where…]

[Beatrice: You're awake, get up and sit anywhere you like, Betty isn't going to say anything else.]

Rem sits up and looks around.

It's the forbidden archive.

Did Beatrice carry her here?

Wait a minute.

She looks to her hand and she holds her head.

[Rem: Hey Beatrice. Did you move me here? Also By any chance you touched me by the hand and the head?]

[Beatrice: Betty did what she had to do. I'm not staying in that stinky room of yours. Also No, I didn't hold nor touched your filthy body, it's too disgusting, I suppose]

[...Rem: a...are you sur-]

Rem gets hit by a book right in the face as she holds her nose and groans.

[Beatrice: I just said what I said. Betty isn't going to repeat herself, now go do me a favor and just sit and read quietly, I suppose.]

Rem just sighs and looks at the book she's been thrown at.

Seems interesting.

Rem decides to read it.



It's been quiet.

Beatrice remained in the same place while Rem keeps changing places and keeps changing books to read.

She can't read half of it yet, but she does understand what the book could possibly mean.

[Beatrice: … ? … someone's calling.]

[Rem: Huh- what?]

Beatrice closes and puts the book she's reading to her side as she gets off her sitting place and walks to the door.

She places her hand on the door as everything starts to brighten up and vibrate.

Rem looks around in a panic as she looks around at what's happening.

[Beatrice: Ah yes, I forgot about you.]

[Rem: W-wait a minute, you're just going to leave me here??]

[Beatrice: I suppose, but if you stay where you are, you'll be safe. The forbidden archive still exists if you're wondering what happens if I leave, just make sure you don't leave, or just leave, I suppose.]

Beatrice opens the door, leaving and closing it and the vibration and the bright light stopped.

Nothing is happening, so Rem's safe, but what happened? Why is Beatrice going out?

Rem closes her book and walks to the door and holds the door knobs.

She takes a deep breath before opening it and she does some karate moves…


[Rem: The sun…? I-Is it finally morning? R-rem finally passed the night…?]

Rem steps outside the room and she pauses. She looks around.

No Subaru.

She continues walking to the window to see the bright sunlight.

Rem sees the sun… she survived…

She's smiling greatly as she can feel tears rolling down on her cheeks.

She wipes them as she thinks it's probably too childish to cry in this situation.

It would be embarrassing if Emilia saw Rem just randomly happily crying because Rem sees the sun.

[Rem…? Is that you?]

Rem looks at the voice and it's Emilia!

Rem was startled but she made sure she wasn't backing off to the window.

[Rem: Jeez Mimilia! Don't scare me like that!]

[Emilia: …Rem. There's… … No. Just- follow me Rem.]

Emilia grabs Rem's wrist as she makes her walk with her as Rem starts to get a little nervous.

[Rem: uhm, where are we going? Is there something wrong? … ah that's right! I forgot to ask you something, I wanna ask of you if you wanna go on a date with someone very special! Uh, they might be aggressive, but I doubt they're always like that!]

[Rem: E-emilia…? Why are you quiet? Is there something wrong…?]

Emilia stops walking and looks at Rem with a worried expression, as Rem is confused, but it quickly changed when she heard a loud scream from outside.

That sounds like… Ram?

What's going on??

After walking outside, Rem stops but Emilia doesn't stop walking.

[Everyone is here, except for… don't tell me…]

Rem slowly approaches and to her horror, she sees a blood covered Subaru on the ground, and not moving and Ram is there, crying to his…

Rem walks to the immobile Subaru and she takes a close look at him, and he's…


[Rem: A-agh!]

Rem looks at Ram who just slapped her hand and her grief and sadness is written all over Ram's face right now.


[Ram: Don't you dare touch him!!]

Rem hearing this grief in her voice she backs away from Ram and walks back to Emilia.

[Rem, Mind: What happened? Why is Subaru dead? Isn't he the killer…?]

[Roswaal: Despite his wounds, he died of exhaustion. As if he was merely asleep. It's actually more of a curse than magic.

(Oh it's time for check up time! It's time for check up time! I'm too lazy so that's why I'm doing this so bad. If you don't mind, I'll try my best in the next few words I'll enter!~ I'm writing this shittly because I'm lazy and I don't get paid, so enjoy the story while I still write it.)

Serious mode on this chapter.ON YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!

[Rem's Mind: As if he was merely asleep? It's more of a curse? I...I know those words…]

Rem looks at the lifeless body of Subaru at the distance with distraught in her eyes.

[Rem's Mind: If that's the case… Subaru wasn't using a curse on me… There's no way he would curse himself. So that only leads to…]

Roswaal turned his eyes on Rem whose eyes are shaking and abnormal sweating.

She seems lost in her thoughts like trying to put a puzzle piece together but the only problem is that you can't see where you're putting them, so you have to feel the pieces and connect them and hope you get it right.

[Roswaal: Gu~est. You seem to have something on your mind, it's appreciated if you know of something about who was responsible for injuring and killing my beloved butler. This whole thing makes me a bit angry.]

Emilia tugged on Rem's shoulder as Rem looked back with eyes of a person that doesn't know what to do.

Emilia doesn't quite understand Rem and why she looks like this, but there's one thing that's valid.

From the looks of Rem's eyes. She seems to know something.

[Emilia: Rem… If you know something, please tell us.]

Rem looks at the ground and she sees her sweat drops on the ground. She's been sweating too much, she looks suspicious!

But in reality, Rem is nervous and lost.

She doesn't know what's happening and she doesn't understand why it's happening.

Rem once again bites her lips out of nervousness as she tries to think of something.

[Rem's Mind: I-I have nothing…! I really don't know what happened. You all seem to see me like this because there's something you all don't know, and I can't really understand them…

I can't-


Rem looks away as the memories flood back to her.


A clean cut was made on Rem's cheek and her horn comes out in full manifestation and a vase shatters behind her.

[Rem's Mind: This cut…]

She holds her neck.

[Rem's Mind: T-this…]


Rem looks to who gasped and its Ram.

She's… surprised, but at the same time, she doesn't believe it.

Rem just noticed it as well.

She pats her forehead and she feels a horn.

… her horn.

Why is it manifested?

She doesn't remember it being physical.

This never happened before…

[Ram: You're… You're an oni… R-Rem...?]

Rem backs off when Ram is standing up and looking at her, like she's lost in thoughts as well, like a question she's been asking herself has finally led to the answer.

Ram tries to walk to her but Beatrice stands in the way.

[I'm sorry , but I'm contracted to protect this woman at all cost, I can't have you hurting her.]

Beatrice looks to Roswaal who's been quiet this entire time and hasn't moved from his position ever since he asked Rem a question.

[Beatrice: Roswaal. I can confirm you that this woman has done no involvement in this death of your butler. She's been with me inside the forbidden archive this entire time, so there's no possible place for her to be in this scene.]

[Roswaal: A~h, that doesn't matter now.]

Roswaal faces Beatrice as he holds his hands out and some orbs of colors appear on his hands.

[Roswaal: Since you have stood so bravely to protect her, it's quite obvious that you like this woman.]

From the looks of it, Beatrice is also starring her magic. Rem doesn't quite understand from Roswaals glowing balls, it has to be magic.

[Beatrice: Just limit your jokes to your makeup and sexual fads.]

[Ram: All of that is not important at all!!]

Ram's tears can be seen rolling down on her cheeks as she looks at Rem.

[Ram: Don't block me. Let me through…!]

[Ram: You may be someone who I think it is, but that doesn't change the fact that you know something… If you know something, anything! Then tell me! If you know of B-Subaru's enemy, then tell me. Help me, help him… ]

She grinds her teeth.

[Help both of us…]

Ram is in tears, but she's in anger, especially at Rem.

She seems to know something, but she's not telling her or anyone.

At this rate, Rem doesn't know what to do.

She's never been in this kind of situation before, and she's not good at explaining and if she were to explain, that thing… that thing might kill Rem for good…

Seeing Ram is trying to reach out to Rem, it was blocked by Emilia.

[Emilia: I'm sorry Ram. But despite all this, I'll still try to believe in Rem.]


Emilia then looks to Rem.

[Emilia: Rem, if there's anything you can do to help Ram and Subaru then please..]

She wants the pain to go away…

She can't hold it captive inside of her any longer…

It's going to explode if this keeps going…

[Rem: a…]

Emilia looked at Rem, Ram got more aggressive and attentive while the other two still watched a close look at each other, seeing who fired first.

[Rem: a… I'm sorry…]

She's about to do something stupid, but she can't afford to lose this power of hers not now!

Rem turns around and she quickly runs away saying sorry out loud.

[Emilia: ! Rem!]

After Emilia shouted Rem's name out, both Roswaal and Beatrice fired at each other creating a large smoke but Ram's wind blade was going for Rem, but she managed to dodge it.

Rem keeps running and she's not turning around.

[No! Come back!! COME BACK!!!]

Rem plugs her ears as she shakes her head.

[N-no! I swear! I don't know anything!!]

I ran.

And I ran.

I kept running.

I didn't stop…

I kept running and running.

I don't get tired.

In my mind.

All there was.

Is for me to only run.

That was only in my mind when I was running.

To run, as far away as possible.

I ran, and ran. Until I eventually ran out where to run…


[Why… Why does Rem have to deal with all this?? Why does she have to do this???]

Rem coughs as she trips and looks back.

She ran far away and the mansion is very far now.

Rem quickly rushes to the forest and she keeps running.

There was nothing for Rem now. It's all ruined. Nothing is left.

Slowly stopping, Rem looks around the place she's in right now.

… This place seems familiar.

[Rem: This is where Rem died. … wait a minute… die… I-I can die… I-I can die a-and restart… I-I can do that! H-how did I forget??]

Rem looks around and she sees a cliff.

She walks to the cliff.

She looks down to it and she sees spikes of rocks down there.

[T-this is it… I-I can die here… I-I can try again! I-I-!

Rem tries to step off the cliff but fear gets to her and she pulls herself away from the cliff, falling on her butt.

[Rem: I… Rem… You're such a coward… You're a coward… A-All you have to do is die t-then everything will go back like nothing ever happened… why are you such a coward??!]

Rem lays down as she cries to herself.

Seeing that she can't even kill herself proves that she really can't do this...