
Chapter-2 How to get out of this situation!?

Miya stared at Little rabbit big golden eyes and Dazed.Luna also stunned by sudden event and also stared at her.

Finally Luna can't stand it anymore and hop out of the temple.

Because of the divine aura from her, those elves are stunned and don't move. After a long time, they come to their senses and when they look at the spot, the rabbit isn't there anymore.

Luna exited from the temple and wander around.She saw the beautiful enchanted forest burned from flames of war between demonic queen Alice and moon elves.She stared at the scene forgetting to breathe.The scene make anyone felt cold in their heart.Miya found the rabbit staring at the battle field with horrified expression.She thought for a second that this rabbit is very unique one.She goes to the rabbit and touch it's ear.Luna was scared by just viewing the battlefield.When someone touch her,she was so scared that she accidently use a skill of her which is [Divine Punishment].

The light suddenly bind the Miya body and the sky started to shine brightly.Miya was stunned by sudden turn of event and Luna was also didn't know what to do.(Note.Luna didn't know how to use her skills yet).

The lightening strike the poor moon elve who didn't do nothing wrong but touching a rabbit ear.

"Oh Shit"

When Luna came back to senses, the poor Miya was laying on the ground.

"Oh shit Oh shit What should I do?"

Luna also didn't know how and what have happened.But she knew that it was her fault.The moon elves from behind are also lost for words and stared the scene.

"I would have never thought the legendary reborn scene would turn out like this"

Luna stared at Miya and she remembers that she have a skill called Divine Healing.But she didn't know how to use that at all.


[Divine Healing]


This is the powerful healing skill of the daughter of the Moon God.It can heal almost everything.

How to use

With the power of the light, from the kiss of the Divine Rabbit, to the pure hearted people....

"ok... What kind of bullshxt is this!"

Luna was feeling guilty and yeah this is the only way..

She get close to Miya and stared at the lip of Miya and gulped her saliva..xD

Finally the legendary kiss scene between a rabbit and a moon elve...

The fellow moon elves all stared at the event and for a second, they thought the lights were shining brightly demonstrating the legendary scene.

"Oww Where am I?"

Finally Miya wake up and open her eyes.The rabbit after kiss is staring at her hoping she would wake up.Those big round eyes with that expression can make people die from Cuteness overflowing.

After a while,


The Elder moon elve call her.

"I think aham* you should stop staring.You have been dazed for quite a while you know"

"Oh sorry..."

Miya blushed that someone had to warned her to get out of dazed.

Luna brainstorms how to introduce herself.

She found a stick and started writing on the ground.

"My name is Luna.Nice to meet you and sorry for the trouble T.T "

Miya stared at the words and awestuck.So this rabbit understand moon elves language?

"Amm Nice to meet you too Luna.Can you speak?"

"No.Very sorry for the troubles caused by me Miss"

The little rabbit wrote.

"It's ok.I should not have touch your ears haha I thought I die"

Miya chuckled and finally the tension goes off.

"Come on..We should go the palace..I know a way for you to learn how to speak.Also you should tell us why your aura seems so pure?We gonna have a very long conservation"

The elves,Miya and Luna enters the Moon Palace.