
Reincarnating As A Tragic Extra

Tragic Compelling Enchanting Those were the reviews for the masterpiece of a novel Some Loved It At First Sight, While Others Struggled To Understand The Hype. The story revolved around captivating and charismatic extras. Some were villains and some were heroes, yet one thing held them together, tragic backstories. It was the selling point of this novel To Have Empathizable Extras. To Have Extras That Were Interesting To them it was an masterpiece But to me, it was my way to rant, to complain about my unhappy life. Stage 4 Bone Cancer gave me a ticket to eternal rest, or so I thought. Begin The Story Of The Writer Who Wants To Redeem The World, To Make The World A Happy Ending That Was Not Just For The Protagonist. the image is ai generated and completely mine(I paid for this), call me stupid, pro was like 30 bucks but not my problem ¯\_(ツ )_/¯

Waffle_That_Exists · 奇幻
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Baby Troubles

But now...

All I can do is lie in my baby crib, immersing myself in the fancy embrace of my grand dreams.

That was not gonna be fulfilled anytime soon…

Out of nowhere a thought sprang up and I felt a serious need to turn my body.

Mustering all my might, I barely managed to flip my body in the baby crib, and now, the pose is suffocating and I cannot move.

Talk about impulsive thoughts.

I regretted it.

I started crying, not for anything, but hoping that the two would stop their lovey dovey scene and notice that I am currently facing my bed downwards.

And help me return to a comfortable position.

I laid there, still, helpless and frustrated, the cries of a baby echoing through the very lavish room.

My attempts to draw attention to my current discomfort were met with oblivious parental affection.

"Oh look! Lumea can turn his body! So cute!!" Lucen squealed again, he looked like a child that was given candy.

"Maybe he can wield the sword soon?" He shouted excitedly, which was quickly toned down by a fierce glance from Ludi, my mother.

"He is just three days old!" She shouted sternly, my father quickly realizing his faults went to quickly calm her down and apologized.

While she kept a stern face.

It was truly a pleasant experience, compared to what I had before.

As I continued to cry, I couldn't help but ponder my situation.

In my previous life, I wrote tragic tales and tormented the characters.

Yet here I am, trapped in the tragic tale,which was now an amusing yet irritating scenario of a baby struggling in a crib.

The days continued without fail, and soon I started to long eating solid foods, and not drinking milk every single day.

Imagine being a grown man that was being breastfed by his mother!

But the days were indeed more peaceful than what I used to have…

So I will let that slide.


I thought to myself, gleeful and happy at what happened now.

But I knew deep down that I have to prepare for it to come.

If I wanted to protect my very happiness.

Whether what was to come, was to be a tragedy or happy story, I really hope the ending would be the latter.

Nothing is set in the stone yet. So I better start making preparations

As I thought deeply and seriously, a soiled diaper brought me back to reality.


That Is a story of later.

So, once again, I had to cry for help.

The universal sos language, tears.

Only now do I know the power of tears

And soon the adults came to my rescue, ridding me of such embarrassment, but while they were changing my diapers, embarrassment lingered, I appeared very flustered, which was told off as cute.

I regretted what I said.

Being a baby was horrible.

I hope you would have to suffer like me too one day.

Being a baby consisted of simple things.

Eat, sleep, play and repeat.

And sleeping was a large part of the time you are spending on.

Since as a baby you basically have zero energy.

And after you are awake, you eat and entertain your parents.

Then you sleep again.

Oh yeah and don't forget to cry.

It is the most powerful item a baby can use.

Like a level 999 weapon that can defeat any boss.

In this case it can help you out of your troubles.

Too Lazy to write, expect chapters four of five a month

Waffle_That_Existscreators' thoughts