
Reincarnated with Fairy Tail System! (DxD)

Reincarnated in Highschool DxD with Fairy Tail System! MC dies and a wild mysterious ROB(?) appears! Now he is in a very dangerous world and his only aid is a System in `Spartan Difficulty`. Will he survive? Or will he become another casualty in the many wars and conflicts? This is his journey through a world full of threats, a journey that will change his life and the fates of millions. Advanced chapters on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EdenofKovir ko-fi.com/edenofkovir

Eden_of_Kovir · 漫画同人
14 Chs

A ROB wants to chat

Luka realized his actions and his cheeks began to burn with embarrassment as all the people inside the restaurant stared at him.

He laughed nervously as he sat back down in his chair.

`I have a System!` Even his embarrassment couldn't drive away his happiness.

A System is a blessing as it means he won't be completely helpless. Being transported in an unknown world in the body of a child is very dangerous and something that has been worrying him all day.

Fear has been haunting his mind and slowly corroding it with numerous possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last:

And if this world has demons? Or gods? He would be screwed!

Or what if this world is on the brink of a zombie outbreak? An ordinary child doesn't have much chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse.

`A child would have very little chance of survival in a traditional Zombie Apocalypse, let alone if the zombies were something like in Resident Evil.` Luka shudders at the few memories he has of that game, he only played a demo in a video game expo but it was enough to traumatize his then 7 years old self.

`If this world has divine, demonic or magical threats I would have been screwed! But a system- I will no longer be at the bottom of the food chain!`

Luka suppresses the urge to check the system functions immediately since he doesn't know what will happen and doesn't want to attract more attention than he has. He quickly finished his meal and after paying the 9 euros that the menu cost, he almost ran out of the restaurant.

He ignores the complaints of the people as he runs down the sidewalk towards a park he saw when he was going to the library. The pinkhead ducks under a long package being carried by two men, and absently apologizing as he nearly collides with a woman.

After a few minutes he finally makes it to the park and stops running, resting his hands on his knees and breathing hard.

After catching his breath, he walks to one of the more secluded parts of the park and sits under the shade of a tree.

`How do I activate the system?` He rubbed his chin trying to remember how Han Jihan used his power. `But that is The Gamer, my thingy is called The Fairy Tail System. I really hope it is about the anime and not actual fairy tales.`

"Activate the System!" He tries to say and nothing happens.

"Status!" Nothing.

"Skills!" Nothing.

Luka growls annoyed.

"Just my luck... Getting a system and not being able to use it..."

"Fairy Tail System!" Again nothing happens.

"Tsk. Let's try this: Interface of the Fairy Tail System!"

Several words appear in front of him, the words are floating and black in color written in a very Arial-like style.

[The Fairy Tail System!]



[Battle Arena]

"User, Store and Battle Arena? No Skills or inventory?" Luka feels part of his emotion leave his body like air from a balloon that has been punctured by a needle.

One can clearly see the disappointment on his face.

`I can't allow myself to be disappointed so easily! Surely this System has something great!`

"Let 's see [User]!"

When pronouncing that word, a page with his personal information replaced the other floating words.

[Name: Elysia Luka Artois "Luka Artois"

Race: Human (Mage)

Age: 8 years old

Magic: None]

"That is... so underwhelming. No stats." Luka slumps his shoulders and one could see a dark cloud appear above his head.

"Maybe the store has something OP for me! I can't lose hope just yet! [Store]!"


-Aera: is a Caster Magic involving the ability of flight by creating temporal wings. (10,000P)

-Transformation Magic: is a Caster Magic that focuses on transforming into people or things. (20,000P)


System Points: 0P]

Luka saw a list with all the types of magic that he saw in the anime and many others he either doesn't remember or didn't appear in the anime. The list is huge and tremendously varied, the problem is that to acquire any kind of magic he needs System Points and he has exactly 0 points.

"What the fuck are System Points anyway?!" He growls annoyed, every passing moment his enthusiasm and illusion with his system decreases.

The system decides to answer his question:

[System Points are the currency used in the [Store] to acquire different types of magic. User can earn System Points by defeating enemies in the [Battle Arena]]

"And how exactly am I supposed to defeat anything with a kid's body and no magic?!" He snaps and the birds that were in the tree he is leaning against fly away scared by the sudden noise.

"Tsk. There is no point in getting angry, let's see what [Battle Arena] is."

[Battle Arena: A sub dimensional space where you can challenge different beings in a deathly combat. By defeating enemies in the Battle Arena you win System Points, the amount earned depends on the strength of the enemy.

It has two modes:

-Duel Mode (1 VS 1)

-Battle Royal Mode (1 VS many enemies)

The Battle Arena has different difficulty settings:

-SSS (5000/50 000p)

-SS (1000/10 000p)

-S (400/4000p)

-A (160/1600p)

-B (80/800p)

-C (40/400p)

-D (20/200p)

-E (10/100p)

-F (5/50p)

-G (1/10p)

NOTE I: The first number is the amount of System Points you earn winning in the Duel Mode, and the second number is the amount of System Points you earn winning in the Battle Royal Mode.

NOTE II: Upon entering the [Battle Arena], you have a set amount of time to defeat your enemies, when that time is up or when you win, you will be transported back to where you were when you entered the [Battle Arena].

NOTE III: It does not matter how long you stay in the [Battle Arena], when you are returned to reality the moment will be the same you entered the [Battle Arena]]

"So I need to win two duels on the highest difficulty setting just so I can buy the cheapest magic in the store." Luke looks at the sky with dead eyes. "Of course this is not going to be an easy journey. Han Jihan had easy difficulty and Ainz had creative mode, while I am in Spartan Difficulty."

He clenches his fists and suppresses a cry of rage.

"Since Fairy Tail magic is pretty strong and my System is in Spartan Difficulty I can assume this World has Fairy Tail Level threats, maybe even Dragon Ball level threats." He snorts and runs a hand over his face. "Calm down, calm down. This is not as bad as it could be, I need to see the bright side: I am a mage and with enough effort I will be able to learn powerful magics. Slow and steady wins the race, right?"

|(Well said, young one.)|

Luka's eyes widen and he looks around in search of the source of that familiar voice.

`That voice! Is that being!`

|("That being" is a bit rude, wouldn't you say? But I understand why, you don't even know my gender, or if I have one. You will be surprised how many creatures do not have a gender, or at least not one that can be understood by human standards.)|

The voice sounds like a professor giving a lecture, calm and unhurried.

"Where are you? No- Who are you? Why did you isekaid me?" Luka sees no one around him, just a small family playing on the swings about a hundred meters away to the north and a man walking a dog about forty meters away to the east.

The voice does not come from any of those directions, it comes from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"It's in my head!" He realizes.

|(Bravo! I'm actually communicating with you telepathically. As for your questions... I'm sorry, young one, but I can't answer them.)|

"You cant or you dont want to?"

Luka hears the being chuckling.

|(... who knows? Maybe both, maybe none.)|

"You're being enigmatic on purpose, aren't you?"

The being doesn't respond but the redhead can practically feel its amusement.

"You won't answer that, are you at least going to tell me why you're talking to me? I don't think this is small talk between ROB and victim."

|(ROB and victim?)|

That being laughs.

|(I suppose those words are not completely wrong, but remember young one: you died and I saved you, more than being my victim you are my beneficiary.)|

"I am grateful for that." Luka sincerely looks at the sky, because it is the only place he can think of looking at while he talks to this mysterious being. "You saved me and I'm grateful, but I'm not naive enough to believe that someone powerful enough to do what you did will do it for no reason."

|(...you are smart. I am talking to you to wish you good luck in your journey, it will not be an easy one, as you said, your system is on "Spartan Difficulty"-)|

The being laughs again, finding the concept very entertaining.

|(-and to give you one last gift, as you said it's unlikely you'll earn System Points in your current state. So young one, choose a number from 1 to 1000.)|

"W-what?" Luka looked at the sky confused.

|(I will give you a random magic, so choose a number.)|

`That is great! Any magic is better than no magic!`

The pinkhead rubs his chin and after thinking about it for a moment he decides to say a random number.


The voice laughs for some reason, like there's something funny about that number.

|(Haha good choice, young one. Ice-Make is a great magic, use it wisely. I shall bid you farewell now, good luck.)|

[Magic: Ice-Make Acquired!]

[[User] has been updated!]


[Name: Elysia Luka Artois "Luka Artois"

Race: Human (Mage)

Age: 8 years old

Magic: Ice-Make]


NOTE: The System is on "Spartan Difficulty", I dont want MC to become OP toooo soon. I want him to work hard and earn his power, there are toooo many MC that start with OP power and then the author have to nerf him/her every two chapters so the battles can be entreteining.

The System has two useful functions:

-Store that allows him to acquire new magics.

-Battle Arena for fighting experience (real-life experience, not video game exp) and System points.

There are no bonuses to learn things faster or anything like that. Luka will have to work hard to increase his power but worry not, at the end of the story he will be very OP (Highschool DxD Top 10 stronger-type of OP).

Power lvls:

SSS -Ophis/Great Red

SS -Top tier Gods/Super Devil

S -Ultimate Class Devil/6 pair wings Angel

A -Strong High Class/4 and 5 pair wings Angel

B -Most High class Devil/3 pair wings Angel

C -Strong Middle class Devil/Weaker High class Devil/strong 2 pair wings Angel

D -Most Middle class Devil/2 pair wings Angel

E -A Strong Low class Devil/strong 1 pair wings Angel

F -Non Trained Low class Devil/weak 1 pair wings Angel

G -Regular humans