
Reincarnated in Naruto with Godly Talent

Unlucky guy gets killed by god test driving a truck as result the soul gets couple of wishes and the choice to reicarnate in world of his choice! Follow along as this soul will fight and train to get stronger and at the same time making sure to get some beautiful kunoichi's as wifes. *DISCLAIMER* I do not own any character depicted in this story apart from the OC all rights reserved to the respective author of Naruto. Also if you're the owner of the picture of the cover and wish for me to remove it DM me and I will remove it.

XSilentX · 漫画同人
2 Chs

1. Meeting with the Big Man aka God

" " - Dialogue

' ' - Inner Monologue

** - Sound effects / Sometimes actions

() - Author thoughts

Hope you enjoy it!! Keep in mind that this is my first time writing something like this, so please bear with me. This is just for fun pretty much wish fulfillment.


"Fuck!, where the fuck did that truck come from, like for real of all the things to die couldn't it be like a nuclear warhead, okay maybe not.. that would probably hurt or not.. no clue" - said a voice coming out of a blob of light right after being killed by truck-Kun.

"So where am I ?" - Looking around and everything the eye can see is clear white like blinding white, "fuck my eyes! someone turns off the sun or something for real".

"Ah, sorry my bad young one" - says an old man that looks like morgan freeman (If your god doesn't look like morgan freeman I don't know what to tell you, you ain't doing it right in my book.) meanwhile the blinding light goes to a bearable level.

"So, young one welcome to what I like to call my humble abode!", - the old man gives a warm smile to the newcomer, hands spread wide, looking like a nice grandpa.

"Let me give you a quick rundown of what happened and will happen." - not even letting the young man respond to the already absurd situation, clearly this isn't his first rodeo and he has better things to do.

"So first of all, I'm god, YES! you're dead. NO! there's no coming back to your previous world, sorry (not really) but the good news is just like what you've seen before in those novels and animes in your world, you get to reincarnate or transmigrate in a world of your choice with 3 wishes as long as they are acceptable and also where you wish to be born" - says the self-proclaimed God with a small smile on his face.

"Well yeah kinda hard to survive a truck coming at you 200/km an hour"

' Well it's not like I had any attachments left my family already passed away and I only have had my cat overall it had become a pretty boring life, go to work come back home, eat, bathe, read some novels, play some games, sleep, rinse and repeat. Can't lie this scenario is tempting for avid readers of novels like mine

"So first things first, where you the one that sent a truck after me ?"

"No.. yes sort of you see well *cough* I was test driving the new truck we got for murder.... talent gathering, and you kinda appeared in front so now I need to make sure you go on with your life since I ended it abruptly by mistake and kinda fucked the world balance a bit, nothing a quick reincarnation or transmigration won't solve." - God shows a small smile like he hadn't admitted to just ending my life.

If the soul had a body or a face for that matter, his eyebrows would probably be twitching a lot.

'The audacity of this bitch... talent gathering my ass, well at least I get some wishes'

"I see, so I get to choose whatever world I want? Also, do I have to wish for my appearance, or does that come included in the whole reincarnation/transmigration deal ?"

"To your first question, it's possible to reincarnate/transmigrate you in whatever world of your choosing from a simple fanfiction to a popular anime, whatever you so desire? When it comes to appearance, no need to worry about having to spend a wish to choose your appearance, fret not since it is my fault you've come to a sudden end of your boring life I will give it as a freebie" - said the god with a warm smile as if he didn't just offend his way of life, but not like he could complain, after all, it was the truth his life was truly boring.

"I see, thank you very much I will gladly take it" 'Might as well be polite even if he murdered me, he's still god after all no point in angering something I can't deal with.

Seeing this God was pleased that this soul wasn't being a little bitch about it and was even being polite.

"Moving along where do you want to start? Choosing the World or going with the Wishes ?"

'Hm well I probably should choose the world first and then base my wishes on it'

"Let's go with the world, I choose the Reincarnate in the world of Naruto." ' Tons of hot babes to catch, chakra being a thing ( And cause author is a newbie)'

"For my first wish, I wish for Godly Talent in whatever I do" ( This won't give him instant mastery or anything of the sort, its more like he can learn more efficiently and has a better understanding)


"For my second wish, I will go with the ability to adapt and stay cool-headed no matter the situation" 'After all, I'm about to reincarnate in a world where killing is normal and I will probably have to do it a lot if I want to protect myself and the people I care so since my life was peaceful and I had never had to kill I don't want to deal with the whole situation of having a hard time coping with my new reality or hesitating to kill'


"The third one would be to have Eidetic memory " 'This one will help a lot in remembering the plot and also learning in general can't be forgetting important characters and all that'

"Granted, you have one last wish or more like choice, I will let you choose the start of your new life. You can choose to be born as an orphan and raised in an orphanage, raised by a normal civilian family, or be born as the son of a Daimyō or a major clan. By the way, if you choose a clan with a kenkai Genkai it's guaranteed you will have it no need to worry so choose your heart's content"

'Well that's sort of a no brainer a clan with Genkai Genkai, needs to be in the leaf too after all I need to make use of my knowledge of future events, so that leaves Uchiha, Hyuga, Nara, Senju, Akimichi, and Uzumaki if want large chakra reserves and also those Adamantine Sealing Chains but I can probably still figure out a way to do it even if I'm not a Uzamaki with enough time.

(I probably missed a couple sorry but it doesn't matter)

I really want the Sharingan ( I just find it really cool, fight me !) tho how the fuck will it fit into the plot, guess I will just ask god '

"I wish to be part of the Uchiha and have the Sharingan can you make it so it doesn't fuck the plot you know it will be a real pain in the ass if all my plot knowledge becomes useless " 'Please say yes, please say yes' ( or the author is fucked basically )

"Alright granted less work to have to change things up anyways I will make it so you're saved in time but your parents ended up dead and since you were just a kid in the end you weren't killed " ( definitely didn't bribe the god, trust me *cries* there goes my lunch money )

"Okay time to choose your appearance" - god lifts his hand and the game window show's up in front of me, well time to get to work.

Half an hour later...

In the game window, you can see a tall man with a stature of 1.95m with long black hair, clear green eyes, ( face shape is the same as the cover), with a messy sort of hairstyle overall a handsome guy.

"Alright, I'm pleased with this appearance, Umu! Definitely god-tier talent indeed" ' Now the ladies will be all over me but that can be troublesome too like that annoying pinky, oh well I will solve it once we get there

"Well it's time for you to go enjoy, now I have some people to murder.. scout" - god waved me goodbye, and then the world went dark...

So my first chapter like ever so hope you enjoy! I had hard time choosing which world to go with but ended with naruto.

Please leave some constructive comments ! No hate tho this is just for fun and I will completly ignore/delete them.

Yes its lazy writing not wanting to fuck with plot but this is just for fun and sort of wish fullfiment. So sorry not sorry.

Anyways have a great day and hope you enjoy!

XSilentXcreators' thoughts