
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · 漫画同人
307 Chs

Yu Xiaogang's true face!

"You can have this bitch...j-just give me that damn herb!" Xiaogang uttered with a mad smile excitedly looking at the immortal herb in Xuan Yan's hand.


A sharp sound of a slap echoed through the room. "Arghhh!" Xiaogang's already crimson cheeks began to bleed and he cried in pain. Gritting his teeth in anger he turned to Liu Erlong.

*huff* Liu Erlong's chest heaved up and down as she controlled her pure rage. Her teary eyes trembled uncontrollably in pain and anger. She just can't believe the words that came out of Xiaogang's mouth.

A torrent of emotions surged within her heart, threatening to overwhelm her. Betrayal, heartbreak, and a deep sense of loss intertwined.

Calling her a bitch and negotiating her for a herb that cures his martial defect. He even told Yan to fuck her...

"YOU ARE BARGAINING ME FOR A HERB, XIAOGANG?!" she screamed as her face contorted in anger.

Xiaogang who is boiling in fury yelled back at her. "YES! BITCH! YOU ALREADY FORGOT ME AND HOOKED UP WITH HIM!"

"So I have no use for you anymore! I just want this herb. For that...I don't mind selling you!"

Then he eyed Xuan Yan and scoffed sarcastically "Heh...just by observing you two together, I can already say that you have traded your own body and let him fuck you to win his lov-*slap*"

Liu Erlong again slapped him as her body quivered in anger "Don't talk anything about Yan!"

Tears welled up in her eyes "I...I waited all these years...I waited and waited and WAITED...ALL THESE FUCKING YEARS for you to come back!"

"An-And now you are finally here...and you are selling me for a herb?"

"Is that herb so precious to you...you would s-sell your lover for that?"

Xiaogang, whose thoughts were already in chaos due to the overwhelming things surrounding him, and the continuous slaps made him even angrier...


"You are the one who foolishly fell in love with me. Haha... I never asked you to wait for me."

*huff* Liu Erlong felt her heart being stabbed by hundreds of needles hearing the devastating words that shattered all her hopes and dreams. All her waiting...all these years. All of them were in vain.

The years of waiting, the sacrifices she had made, the devotion she had poured into loving him, all of it felt like a cruel illusion, a tragic waste of her life.

She wasted her youthful and prime beautiful age for a bastard who didn't even truly love her. She sacrificed her whole life...waiting for something so useless.

"S-So...the reason you ran away from the marriage was not that we are cousins...but you never truly loved me. huh?"

Hearing this a wicked and mad smile came across Yu Xiaogang's lips. With a twisted gleam in his eyes, he let out a chillingly eerie laughter "Haha...you wanna know the real reason why I ran away from marriage?"

"It was not because we are cousins or my family...would punish for the illicit relationship...HAHA!!"

"It's because that day my Bibi Dong became the Pope of the Spirit Hall...Haha!"

"I want her...a powerful and beautiful woman over you...HAHA!!"

Liu Erlong was startled and her eyes widened in utter shock. She knew about Yu Xiaogang's past, he once loved the previous pope's disciple who is a genius with twin martial spirits. Bibi Dong!

But he said he already forget her and only truly loved me. T-Then from the start...his heart was never set on me.

She had clung to the hope that he truly loved her, that their connection was something profound and genuine. But now, she saw the painful reality that his affections had always belonged to another woman.

So..she was always his second choice?

Realizing the truth, a huge sorrow hit her. Her legs became numb and trembled, threatening to give out, but Xuan Yan's strong arms steadied her, providing an anchor amid the storm.

"Y-Y-Yan..." she turned her misty eyes at Xuan Yan. He lightly shook his head as his lips curved down in sadness.

Yu Xiaogang clenched his fist "B-But that damn...Qian Xunji..that bastard never allowed me near Bibi Dong."

"So I have no choice but to retreat back..."

Xuan Yan nonchalantly glanced at Yu Xiaogang. Even in the original he always wanted to go to Bibi Dong...at first, he can't go because of Qian Xunji...but after his death, he found Tang San.

So he thought of spending some time with him and using him to prove his theories.


Xuan Yan looked at the heartbroken Liu Erlong in his arms "Long'er..."

Liu Erlong rubbed the tears streaming down her cheek and glared at Yu Xiaogang "Yan give him that immortal herb..."

Xuan Yan tossed the plant and Yu Xiaogang caught it and looked at it with gleaming eyes "H-How to absorb this, huh?"

"Just eat it."

Yu Xiaogang quickly nodded "Eat it, right? Eat it..Haha.." he quickly ate the herb and chewed it down his throat.

Suddenly a golden aura enshrouded him and his eyes widened because of the tremendous spirit energy. T-This...

Despite the pain in his body he quickly sat crosslegged absorbing the spirit energy. His body trembled and within seconds a golden dragon appeared behind him.

He opened his eyes and his eyes turned mad "Hahahaha!"

"Now I understood...everything."

"my martial spirit..."

"I-It is not Luo San Pao...it is Light Holy Dragon! Hahaha..."

Flender was shocked seeing the dragon phantom. This is the dragon that forms during their Golden Iron triangle spirit fusion.

Actually, Yu Xiaogang was a genius but because of his martial spirit defect, he became a waste. And their rare spirit fusion brings out his true abilities.

But now the defect is cleared and his true talent is released. "HAHAHAHA!!!"

"This is me...my true talent. I am a genius!"

He gazed at Flender and said "Flender let's go and get my third spirit ring...Haha!"

Flender nodded and looked at Xuan Yan "Um...we...the disciples we admitted."

Xuan Yan sighed and nodded "Let them in. And you can also join the Academy as a teacher, you can use the Teacher's dormitory."

Flender bowed "Thank you!" He and Yu Xiaogang limped out of the room.


Liu Erlong's eyes glimpsed at Yu Xiaogang exiting the room and closed her eyes in sorrow. Even though she is a strong woman who solely built the Blue Tyrant Academy, now she is just a broken woman.

The weight of the revelation pressed down upon her chest, making it hard to breathe. A mixture of anger and sadness swirled within her.

As she processed the shattered illusions of the past, the bitterness in Xiaogang's voice echoed in her mind. His words had been like knives, cutting deep into her heart, slashing apart the fragile dreams she had held onto for so long.

How could he be so callous, so heartless, to dismiss her feelings as mere foolishness?

At this time she heard a soothing voice "Don't worry...He is just that kind of man and he.. don't deserve you."

"I already knew about Yu Xiaogang...That's why I triggered his emotions to show his true self."

"This is him!"

*weep* *sniff* Tears dammed out of her eyes and her breathing ragged. Xuan Yan gently patted her "First... get some fresh air to calm your emotions."

*swish* Both Xuan Yan and Liu Erlong appeared in the garden of their home and sat on the bench. Liu Erlong gazed into Xuan Yan's eyes "Y-Yan..."

Xuan Yan lightly rubbed his shoulder and beckoned her. "YANNN!" Liu Erlong held onto his neck strongly as she started to brawl her eyes out, tears and snot filling his dress but he didn't push her back. Her body trembled showing her intense agony.

"Y-Yan..I-I loved him..Yan...loved him so much. E-*hick* Even after I knew that he is my cousin...I still loved him."

"B-But he...he betrayed me..."

" I wasted my life...Yan...Ahhhh!!"

Xuan Yan softly hugged her and patted her back. "I already tod you...He wasn't worthy of you, he is just a trash and retarded."

Time in such a manner passed by, and he didn't even focus on it as he just kept hugging Liu Erlong, patting her back, or at times speaking consoling words. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the crying stopped, and only silence remained, as Liu Erlong still held onto him.

"Are you okay?"

Xuan Yan felt a tiny nod in his chest "Don't cry over for such a bastard. Such a beautiful and strong woman such as yourself deserves someone thousands of times better."

Xuan Yan gently raised her chin and rubbed the tears "Ah, my cute Long'er is crying. What should I do to make my lover smile gain?"

*chuckle* A small chuckle left her lips and Xuan Yan smiled "My Long'er should always smile and be happy."

Her cheeks turned a little red and snorted "Brat!"

"Haha!" Xuan Yan softly laughed and seeing him laugh Liu Erlong also giggled. Now her heart is calm and soothing in his embrace as she held onto him tightly.

Then she remembered Xuan Yan's words 'I know about him and triggered his emotions.' Then the part where he said she is MINE, he said that to trigger his emotions, but he doesn't love me?

She sighed deeply in her heart "Brat!"

But only then she noticed a detail. 'I know about him.' She glanced at Xuan Yan's blue eyes and asked "Yan, you said you know Yu Xiaogang, how do you know him?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Drop some powerstones!