
Reincarnated as SCP-096 in another world!!

This is my first fanfic so reviews are welcome and encouraged - Our MC Logan is reincarnated in the My Hero Acadamia universe as SCP-096, lets see what chaos he creates. - I do not own MHA nor the SCP Mythos.

StopMotion_experts · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 1: wake up and System

The forest was beautifull, yet ominous. Tall pines reached more than one-hundred feet, sparce but thick underbrush provided plenty of shade.

In a clearing there was nothing but thick waist high grass, then suddenly he was there. The man looked horrifying. A long unnaturally streched out body with arms that almost reached the ground, pale skin, and a suprizingly normal face.


I was woken up slowly by a ray of sunlight hitting my face. I cracked open my eyes and was immediately awake, my body shot up and I looked around in a panicked state.

' Where am I?! ' I thought.

My eyes swept through the landscape and picked out the tall pines, dense brush, and thick grass that layered the ground. I must be dreaming, no, I can't be. Everything feels too real, the wind on my face, the grass beneath my legs, and the sun beating down, everything tells me that this is real.

Then how did I get here? Was I kidnapped?

Then i had an idea that made me giddy,

'Status!'  I thought 'YES!!'

I looked at the screen that popped up in front of me.


Name: Logan

Age: 16

Race: (Demon) SCP-096

Level: 1 (0/50)

Titles: N/A

STR: 125 - N/A

DEX: 100 - N/A


INT: 13

WIS: 7


-- Skills

Passive: (Shy Guy) (Immortal) (STR-50) (STR-100) (DEX-50) (DEX-100)

Active: N/A


"... What the fuck!! Im the shy guy?!" I screamed out loud.

And thats whan I noticed my voice was different, it was deeper and sounded like i was constantly angry. I examined my body frantically and saw the pale hairless skin, the massivly elongated arms.

I numbly thought, 'How did i not notice this.'

I took a few calming breaths, in four seconds, out another four.

After a few minutes i was finally calm enough to think rationally, 'I can just avoid people untill i find or make something to cover my face with.'

I looked on in confusion as i stood up and moved around, 'Everything feels intuitive, natural. Did i get its muscle memory as well?' I thought 'If so then good, i wont need any time to acclimate to a new body.'

With my conundrums out of the way i reexamined my status.

I used my hand to tap on the race card and a new panel popped up,


(Demon) SCP-096

[You are a unique entity that has never been seen before, and your species type is most similar to that of demons]


'Huh, nice to know that I'm unique... and what was that about demons being real?!'

I quickly went back to my status to get my mind off the fact that yes, this is a new world.

'Whoah, look at them stats, I'm strong and fast as hell. Though what does it mean to have MAX vitality?'

I shook my head, 'No use in thinking about something I cant confirm. Hmm, seems i have average, or close to, mental stats... though what is RES?' I quickly tap the stat,



[Resistance is how durable your body is to different damage types. As you are damaged there is a chance you will gain a 1% increase in resistance to that damage type]


'Does that mean eventually nothing will hurt me, bro, thats fukn AWESOME!!'

Images ran through my head of me charging through my enemies attacks, blades and bullets falling uselessly against my skin.

I pulled myself out of my daydream to continue inspecting my stats. 'The (Shy Guy) skill seems obvious on what it does, but I still need to check.'


(Shy Guy)

[If any huminoid entity witnesses your face in full you will fly into a rage until the entity has died. When in a rage all physical stats will increase to MAX. If entity revives rage will NOT renew]


*Sigh* 'Yep about what i expected. Though, it is nice to know i dont have to cover my whole face when I interact with people. And I wont have to walk around blind, plus i wont rage at any animals.'

This was quite good for him because he likes dogs, cats, and just wildlife in general.

'Holy shit!! I'm immortal?!'



[Due to having <MAX VIT> any phisical ailment will heal, from a paper cut to decapitation and dismemberment it will heal. Your antibodies will destroy any poison, venom, or disease upon contact and will not have any effect. You require neither food, water, nor sleep. You will not age. WARNING the soul and mind are not protected from harm]

'Well thats bad, i need to up my mind stats pronto. I don't like feeling this venerable.' I shivvered at the thought of my mind being destroyed and ending up like the original Shy Guy. I would rather die than live like that.' With that that thought in mind he vowed to be impervious in mind, body, and soul.

With a hard gaze and determined face resumed his prodding.



Congratulations, due to reaching a strength rating of 50 you may choose 1 of 3

Related skills:

[Stunning blows]

[Oaken fists]



'Ahh, so the system includes milestone skills. What do they do then?'


[Stunning blows] - Every unarmed strike has a 10% chance to stagger an enemy.

[Hard hands] - Your fists harden and the skin thickens. Parying strikes no longer inflicts damage to yourself and unarmed strikes deal 10% more damage.

[Gains] - Gain 10STR instantly.


'Gains is automatically out, it sacrifices eventual growth to the short term. Between the two remaining choices I'd have to pick [Hard hands] because one, i want to end fights as quickly as possible so I should go for dps, and two, It will increase my defense.' I tapped [Hard hands] and felt my hands itch. I looked on in curiosity as the skin on my hands thickened and darkened into hard segmented plating, I noticed shortly afterwards that my palms and inner finger were hardened but didn't thicken.

'That's good,' I thought in relief, 'This will allow me to close my hands without any problems.'

I looked at the rest of the milestone skills and my eyes sparkled in exitment.


[STR-100] - [Heavy handed]

Increases the density and weight of your hands. Increases damage of unarmed strikes by 10% and can now block enemy attacks without any damage to yourself.

[DEX-50] - [Explosive speed]

Movement during combat is increased by 20%

[DEX-100] - [Hand-eye coordination]

Your body control is increased.


'[Heavy handed] caused my hands to almost double in size as well as feel heavier by almost 5 times, [Explosive speed] physically increased my muscle definition, and [Hand-eye coordination] didnt make any visible changes but greatly helped in keeping my hands and strength in control.'

I nod to myself in thought, 'The reson i chose these three over the others is because for one they're passive, and during combat i need to be able to move without worrying about whether or not i should do one move or the other. The second reson why is that the're more combat oriented, because I have a feeling that this world is much more dangerous than earth. I based this on the facts that I'm stranded in a forest, demons exist so other races should as well, and third I'm not human.'

My brow furrows as i think, 'Humans are not very excepting of differences, slavery and the world wars are proof of this.

I let out a dejected sigh, 'I'll need to be prepared to kill to survive. I'm not against it if I have to, but I want to avoid it if I can.'

"Inventory" I speak.

A screen appears in front of me.

On the screen is a 10x10 of empty squares, but my vision is drawn away by the equipment section. More specifically by myself. 'Huh, so thats what i look like'

Everything above the shoulders was new to me, and not to brag, but I was looking good. I had a square jaw, and if I'd have to pick I'd say that my features leaned twords a more german style, blue eyes, all in all I'd say I'm quite handsome.

'Heh, damn shame I gotta hide this beauty from the world, i could pick up sooo many chicks.' I thought jokingly. Though it does suck that he always looks angry.

Done inspecting his appearance he turned his attention to the actual inventory.

'Whoa, thats a lot of space, 100 squares of storage.'

He picked up a rock from off the ground and pushed it towards the screen, the rock disappeared from his hand and into the first square. Next, he pushed his hand into the screen and thought of grabbing the rock and when he withdrew his hand the rock was there.

'So thats how the inventory works.' He thought as he dropped the rock.

*Sigh* 'Guess I can't keep holding this off'

Logan took a deep breath before beginning his trek into the woods.

Current stats


Name: Logan

Age: 16

Race: (Demon) SCP-096

Level: 1 (0/50)

Titles: N/A

STR: 125 - N/A

DEX: 100 - N/A


INT: 13

WIS: 7


-- Skills

Passive: (Shy Guy) (Immortal) (Hard hands) (Heavy handed) (Explosive speed) (Hand-eye coordination)

Active: N/A



Hay guys this is my first story so tell me how I did.

Updates will be infrequent because i just write whenever I feel like it.