
Reincarnated as an Enderkin with a system

A fan of Mha gets reincarnated and becomes an Enderkin with a system. will he shake the story with his powers?

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · 漫画同人
11 Chs

First day at U.A

It's been a two weeks since the entrance exam and I'm finally at U.A, I was put in class 1-A and apparently due to what I can only guess the butterfly effect, both class 1-A and class 1-B, have 21 students in their class not the shows 20.

I was flying to U.A due to the fact that I lost track of time training in the dreamscape, that I forgot to ride with Momo to school.

As I was approaching the school, I saw deku running aurond looking for class 1-A, I stealthily flew behind him and made my wings dissappear.

"Hey Deku, how it been? First day at U.A, you look nervous." As deku yelped and turned around at the sound of my voice.

"O-Oh its just you Owari, Y-you scared me just now, but im fine and I'm doing great thanks for asking I just a little nervous."

"Yeah, sorry for scaring you didn't mean to do that to you, and ya I can tell your nervous but relax even if it your first day, don't forget that the other students just as nervous as you." Grabbing the door handle I gesture to deku to follow me and meet our new classmates.

"Take your feet off of that desk now! Tenya voice rang as the both of us entered the class and witness the scene.

"It's the first day, and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin! Tenya was pointing at Bakago's foot on the table

"Your kidding me right? Did your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you just born with it? Bakago looked at Tenya defiantly as Tenya tried to make peace with him.

I sighed as I saw the familiar scene play out, no matter how many times I see Bakago, his attitude somehow manages to piss me off.

I quickly made a dash to Bakago's desk, and I preformed a Thai kick on his head and threw him to a nearby wall.

"Ugh, what the hell-- oh is that how you want to play you four-eyed freak, let's see what your hiding behind those glasses after I beat the shit out of ya." Bakago hands were already making little explosions as he looked at me with blood dripping from his forehead.

"If your both here to cause a ruckus, then the both of you can pack up your stuff now." Aizawa was looking at the both of us as he was on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag.

"Welcome to U.A hero course, it took eight seconds for you all to shut up and to already start a fight." Aizawa said in his usual depan voice as he unzipped his sleeping bag and stood up.

"Look, here how it's gonna work, time is precious and rational students would even understand that, Hello my name is Shota Aizawa, and your teacher." As the class was baffled at the knowledge

Aizawa started to hand out our field uniform and lead us outside for a quirk assessment test, were we going to throw a softball with our quirk to see how far it could go.

Bakago went first due to getting the most points during the entrance exam, and he managed to get a distance of 705 meters.

Then Aizawa started to reveal the true reason for the test, and told us that the last person to pass the test would be expelled from U.A.

I was put in a test against Tenya and Tsyu, to see how fast we would reach the finish line at fifty meters.

As the three of us were getting ready to start, I used my control over Ender to put my energy into my legs to give me a boost of speed.

When I last used this method to strengthen my legs to see how fast I was I ran at 200 miles per hour, and when I was finished I felt like as if I had came off an adrenaline high and felt super tired and my vision was blurry.

This time I used less Ender, and I crouch down and I imagined lightning and that I was that lightning as I ran.

I invisioned myself like Barry Allan, his speed, the flow of electricity as I moved, and when the I heard the beep to start, I felt the same sensation as when I was flying or teleporting, becoming more and more natural and foucs.

When I opened my eyes, I was shocked when I heard the number for my speed it was exactly 1.5 seconds from when I left.

Tenya and Tsyu were shocked at my speed, especially since you could still see the purple sparks of lightning from my speed.

I look to my side and I see Aizawa looking at me as if I was suspicious, probably due to the fact that my power was similar to that of Black Haze, my vigilante persona.

I began to watch the others as they did their fifty meter dash against each other, the first two were Uraraka against Ojiro.

Ojiro won due to leaping with his tail with a time of 5.94 seconds, while Uraraka got a time of 7.15 seconds while using her anti-gravity quirk.

I was interested in her Quirk, the ability to nullify the gravitational pull of anything she touched would be useful in a number of ways both good and bad especially if mastered.

I congratulated her on her time and we talked a bit before watching Aoyama vs Ashido, I was a bit irritated by Aoyama due to his attitude and I also heard from some Manga leaks that he was a traitor for All for one.

I looked at Ashido and I was real interested in seeing her Quirk in real life, as well as using some of her acid to test the corrosive properties of Ender to see how strong it truly was.

I watched the both of them race and Ashido was ultimately the winner due to Aoyama not being able to sustain his Naval Laser for more than a few seconds before stopping.

After the both of them were finished with dash, the next to race was Momo against Tokoyami, which was interesting due to that fact that it was really close with the both of them using their Quirk with Tokoyami using Black Abyss and Momo creating super fast roller skates, but in the end Momo won.

When the both of them was done I congratulated her on a job well done passing the test and being able to use her Quirk with a greater efficiency than before.

That is when Tokoyami, came up to me real interested to talk to me.

" I heard from Dark shadow that you are full of darkness inside of you, Is that really true? Looking at me like a puzzle to solve

"Yes, it is true that I have darkness within me just like your Quirk, but unlike you who merely adopted and learned to live with the dark, I was born in it until it changed me to the point I barely feel human." I was referring to my Endkin bloodline and my title as Ender king

The both of us continued to talk to each other, and learn more about each other and how similar we were to each other in some aspects.

Then it came Deku and Bakago's turn to preform the dash and it pretty much was the same thing that happened in the anime.

Then came the second test, the Grip Strength test were we supposed to grasp a device that read the force of the grip in Kilograms.

There really wasn't much to it as my grip Strength was 200 kg due to my training exercise I preform every day.

Then was the sit-ups and that was fairly easy due to it was how many you can do before stopping, I was already used to this type of training due to Fuji training me like a drill Sargent and had a score of 890 sit ups before quitting.

Then was the seated toe-touch and that was easy as well.

Then the class did the distance mile run, and the other thing that bugged me was I didn't use my wings to quickly finished the run and to feel the wind in my face as I fly.

Then we returned to the P.E field and did the standing Long Jump, for our next test and both bakago and Aoyama cleared it with their Quirk's.

I passed this test with out difficulty, basically due to my teleportation powers, and I cheered on deku when he did the jump and helped clean the sand off when he landed in the sandbox.

The next test was the Repeated side steps, and I know that I am regretting thinking about this, but Mineta's plan to use his Quirk to bounce between the lines was brilliant.

And, as soon as Mineta gained a candle of respect in my eyes, he immediately shows again his true degenerate self when he tried his normal pervy antics at the girls which made me have to stop him.

And finally the last test, the Ball throw and surprisingly, Both myself and Uraraka got infinity on both of our turns, mine was due to fact that I used a lot of Ender that I coated the ball with before I threw it and watched it soar pass the sky.

I was a bit tired after all that, and Momo being the life saver that she is gave me someone her snacks to replenish my energy, though I manly used my aura to absorb and take the emotions of the other students, mainly Deku nervousness about the test.

I came up to him and told him it's fine and to keep a level head when it was his turn, and to imagine his power like a glass of water and to take small sips of his power to minimize damage to his body.

"If Midorya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." Tenya crossed his arms as he looked at deku going up to the circle to throw the ball

"Huh, of course he is going home, he nothing but a Quirkless loser." Bakago loudly proclaimed pointing at him while looking at Tenya

I didn't even let Tenya open his mouth to speak as I created a Ender arming sword, and pointed it at Bakago's neck covering it with purple particles pulsating at my rage.

"Take that back Now Bakago, or else you will regret it."

"Oh, look the four-eyed freak is standing up for the Quirkless loser, you wanna fight huh? Well I was planning on paying you back for what happened this morning." Heating up his hands ready to fight

"You may have a powerful Quirk Bakago, but ca you honestly say that your explosions are faster than my sword at your neck?

"I could strike you and sever your vocal cords before you could even raise your hand." I took off my sunglasses and made Bakugo look deeply into my serpentine eyes, and smiled as my eyes made him feel uncomfortable and looked away.

Just then I received a warning from the system; "Warning host rage and BPM is reaching breaking point, any more feelings of rage will result in overdrive and monster transformation."

I immediately tried to calm down, I didn't want to expose myself here and considering that if I transformed right now I would lose all sanity and began attacking people without any thought.

When I finally calm down, I was still angry and I could still feel the pain on my back where my wings would forcefully extend and reveal themselves.

I put my sunglasses back on and watched as deku used One-For-All on his arm to throw the ball when Aizawa canceled his Quirk.

"Your not ready yet to use your power, what we you planning to do? Wait for someone to save your useless body? Grabbing deku with his cloth to capture him and bring him close.

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle for other heroes." Looking at All might and telling Deku that he wasn't fit to be a hero.

Deku went back to the circle to try and throw again while thinking on what to do, when he looked at me and saw what I was doing.

I was holding a small ball of Ender on my finger and playing with and looking at Deku, he understood when I meant to try and imagine his Quirk as sipping on a glass of water.

He nodded at my direction and picked up the ball to throw it again using his Quirk, but this time instead of pushing it all out with his arm, he concentrated his power through his finger to minimize damage to his body and have a stronger attack when using his Quirk.

I teleported right next to him and smiled at him. "So, Midorya how you feeling now that you found out a way to minimize damage done to your body?

"It was all thanks to your advice on how to control my Quirk, thank you so much for the help." He gave me a warm smile as he got out of the circle and walked back to the group.

I was about to tell Midorya not to worry, and that I was helping him as a friend who had a similar situation with their power when Bakugo started yelling about Midorya having a Quirk, and I sighed as I made two barriers.