
Reincarnated As A Wolf : Reincarnation’s A Bitch

At the age of 25 Elizabeth Micheal is assassinated to keep a company secret under wraps. When reincarnated into another world for seemingly no reason she seems to have no care in the world. Will she find her footing in the world and finally set a goal. Will she find out what happened back in her world. Will she be offered a way back. Or will everything fall further apart then it already is. With her temporary new name of snowy what changes will she make to the world and what purpose will they hold. We might just find out.

Lulu_Mather · 奇幻言情
33 Chs


I first went back to when I was younger

It went back to a memory I couldn't remember

A tiny version of me who could be no older the five was getting yelled at by a younger looking version of my dad I wasn't sure why he was yelling cause when I was younger I was always into some sort of trouble...

But in my family there would only usually be three types of interactions between me and my parents anyway... one where I was getting yelled at, ones where we were laughing, or the ones where I was getting blatantly ignored

The younger me waited till my mom who was standing in the corner yelled at me to go to my room to start crying while running up the stares in a hope that no one could see the tears

I watched as I had slammed the door to my old room before locking it and sliding to the floor while crying and trying to calm down

I watched as those tears of sadness turned into ones of anger quickly though...

Little me was mad she slowly stood up off the floor on shaky feet and started hitting things with her fist while throwing a tantrum

Anything she could see from the walls to the bed got hit making banging noises heard throughout the house

When her hands started to hurt she just used her feet and her anger got worse as her feet and hands started to hurt from what she was doing

I watched on as she huffed and puffed trying to calm down but every bit of effort put in was destroyed when angry knocking resounded from the door to her room along with a shout from mom wondering what the hell she was doing and for her to come out that instant

Little me didn't even glance at the door instead just ignored it and started making loud noises instead of just hitting things

As I watch this I got kind of embarrassed at the fit I threw

I knew I had sometimes did things like this when I got really emotional but it still was kind of awkward to see

I can only let out a heavy sigh as I hear the knocking stop as the loud noises continue

The younger me soon gets tired but what she didn't expect was a few moments after she stopped for an unlocking sound to reside in place of all the loud noises that had come moments before

Horrified she hurries under her bed in an attempt to save herself from the impending doom that comes from that door opening

I watched as she held her breath under the bed as mom walked in and pulled her by her legs out from under the bed while yelling all sorts of things

Just as I was wondering what was gonna happen next the memory fades away

I was now looking at my thirteen year old self

I sigh knowing that the chance of this ending well were very small if it came from this age

At this age I was realizing every other time I thought I had got really angry was just annoyance and a small version of the anger you could now feel...

I watched as everything came into view which was another memory I couldn't recall

Thirteen year old me playing basketball at the neighborhood park with a childhood friend named Zara

I remember Zara being a decently antisocial person who was always involved in drama and had plenty of people who disliked her at school...

Don't get me wrong though she was an amazing person she just... nevermind...

There would never be a boring conversation with her though so in a way she's a weird type of antisocial person cause once you become her friend she talks like the happiest ball of light you've ever seen

I just watched on as the two teenagers played ball

Just as I thought this might have been a good memory I hear a voice sounding behind us

"Can I play with you guys as well?"

A girl who I couldn't remember walked over the younger me who had no reaction except for a polite smile

But Zara had a completely different expression she looked annoyed

It only took a moment before Zara replied "No you cant Eva leave me alone, were not friends anymore so stop bothering me"

And with that started the argument between Zara and Eva

In the background you could see that ever sense Zara asked for Eva to leave them alone,... A once polite smile that was once on little me's face vanished and a blank face replaced it as the argument went on

As I watched everything that went on and I already knew teenage me wouldn't get involved unless one Zara told her to or Eva ever attempted to be physical in any way

Simply because she didn't care enough to join in the "friendly" conversation between the girls

Just as I thought the argument was about to finally end Eva decided to do what I would say the stupidest thing she could have done in that situation which was trying to push Zara to the ground

Before she even could touch Zara teenage me was already in front of her gripping onto her arm without restraint right where her joint from where her arm meets her hand is

Before Eva could do anything else except let of a yelp little me had already got right beside her and kicked the back of her leg causing her to drop down to the floor in a kneeling position while still having her arm gripped by me

Only after Eva was on the floor did Zara give me the sign to stop as she picked up the basketball from the ground and we just walked away to play basketball else where without any... distractions

That was where the memory faded out again

Then there I was two years in the future, 15 now

This time It was a memory I remembered all to clearly

I'll post at least one chapter tomorrow for sure and maybe even two going further down... memory lane so to speak if you have any ideas for the type of background she had feel free to share them and I promise ill find a way to add them in also If you hated the way I did this chapter just tell me and ill try my best to redo it for you! Sorry for the long wait since its spring break ill try posting a tiny bit more but with my schedule I can't make any promises

Lulu_Mathercreators' thoughts