
Reincarnated As A Wolf : Reincarnation’s A Bitch

At the age of 25 Elizabeth Micheal is assassinated to keep a company secret under wraps. When reincarnated into another world for seemingly no reason she seems to have no care in the world. Will she find her footing in the world and finally set a goal. Will she find out what happened back in her world. Will she be offered a way back. Or will everything fall further apart then it already is. With her temporary new name of snowy what changes will she make to the world and what purpose will they hold. We might just find out.

Lulu_Mather · 奇幻言情
33 Chs

Animal trap


I thought this only happened in movies!?!?

When I finally found hunter he had stepped on an animal trap and was now currently hanging in a net type trap thing a bit off the ground

It was truly a funny sight to behold on the floor under him you can see that he had dropped his only means of escape

His sword


Did he have this the whole time?

Well who really cares

I wonder if like in the moves I can just cut the rope that's holding him up and watch him fall

Like don't get me wrong I care about him just in a if your about to die I might help you but if I can hurt you for fun I'll do it type of way

When Hunter finally noticed me it's like his whole face lit up

"Snowy, SNowy, SNOWY, over here! Help me get down okay Wolfe come on let me down" he looked so pitiful it was hilarious if I could laugh at his predicament I would but sadly all I could do is do a creepy looking floppy smile

I find it kinda hilarious though that he's pleading with a glorified dog to help him down

I slowly pranced over to the rope that looked like it was holding the whole trap up like I didn't have a care in the world

I chewed away at the rope until it was barely anything left and then I just laid down to watch his fall

'I really wish I could take videos now'

I thought with a sigh

It only took a minute before the trap along with hunter fell to the floor and by fell I mean hunter fell on his face bringing the whole net down with him

In my mind I laughed but on the outside I just rolled on the floor with a creepy ass smile on my face

My whole face feels so unnatural when smiling it's weird

It took a few minutes before hunter could finally stand up and when he did he just walked over to me and dropped himself right onto me knocking the wind straight out of me

Out of some sort of impulse I almost bit him and while I was struggling with whether I should try and bite him or just let him stay HE JUST STARTED LAUGHING!


Stop laughing at me you #!?$*#?!#*#?!#?!#*?#!


I quickly get him off of me and start walking away I'm not dealing with this bullshit!!!

It only take a few seconds before he quickly grabs his sword and starts running after me yelling he's sorry


After what felt like hours of him loudly apologizing over and over

We just walked side by side heading back to the village thing that we came from

But He kept staring at me as we walked though and it made me feel all uncomfortable!?!?


As time went on I became even more annoyed but luckily for him once I was about to start glaring and growling at him we could finally see the town thing only a few meters away

It looked prettier then it really was when looking at it when most of it is surrounded by trees when looking in from the forest

After we got out of the forest we started walking through the streets

We made our way back to the shitty inn where Surprisingly the once black out drunk soldiers look perfectly fine Almost like they had a full night of sleep and they're now prepared to continue their journey. They even got a big ass wagon thing to hold everyone and our stuff!



They were completely out of it last time I saw them and now it's like the whole thing never happened

I glared at all of them wishing I could just blast their heads off

Whenever I got drunk I would always get the worse hangovers that would make me think I'm dying! But these guys just magically become fine once their no longer drunk!?!?!?!?!

That's it I hate them all

I just walked past all of them and jumped up onto the wagon where the little cute kid was currently sleeping and just laid curled up against him while grumpily growling and staring at all the knights along with Hunter

But they just acted like nothing was wrong and continued getting ready just like before we had arrived

Hunter joined me on the wagon while the knights finished up the last few things they needed to do before setting off

I was kinda glad I no longer had to step foot in that god forsaken inn though

Just the thought of those disgusting rats gives me shivers

When we finally started moving I just drifted off into sleep so I didn't have to deal with the boredom that usually comes with a long trip

But somewhere inside I knew that most of this trip would be nothing but interesting and oddly eventful