
Reincarnated as a Deviant(Multiverse Travel)

Mc is a villain, but he will not r*** but instead takes pleasure in killing, that's it. He didn't care who he kills, Children, Women, Men, Animals, Gods, Devils, or any type of creatures. He will kill and evolve to become the most sinful being who takes pleasure in killing and becoming the new Demon. Also, no romance. Even r-18 is non-existent in this fanfic. Verses Mc traverse to currently: 1. Naruto 2. Demon Slayer/Tokyo Ghoul/Overlord Mashup 3. Dragon Ball 4. Record of Ragnarok 5. FFF Class Trash Hero

Happy_Villain · 漫画同人
35 Chs

V. 2.5 Chapter 17 - Leaving

Looking outside the building, I see many skyscrapers standing tall that you feel like you can see the other side.

" Lord Akuma, The Yggdrasil game has been released. What's the next order, Lord? " My one of twenty subordinates said.

" Tell all of the citizens of Solaris (the Haven's name) to play the Yggdrasil game and become the top 1 guild. I want them to get all the world items from that game that will be released as I needed them for something." I said while sipping some wine.

He nodded and immediately teleported inside the Haven I created from my EMS. It's been 20 years since the war between Ghouls and Humans and another race has been born. It's 2032 and the long awaited game, Yggdrasil was finally release.

While for the past 20 years, I made another child and this time. She's stronger than her older siblings because of the Bloodlines and my abilities I've got. Her name is Miwa Otsutsuki and the catch is, she has the three personalities of her older siblings. Sometimes she become an evil person, some become good and most of the time she is neutral to all things that happened.

The thing I like from her is that she is obedient like her older sister and independent like her second older brother. While Merciless to enemies like her Eldest Brother.

Smirking, I looked at my side to see Kaguya looking outside.

" Want some more?" I said with a smirk in my face.

Kaguya understanding what I'm talking about, blush and nodded. With that, three days had passed since then. All of the citizens of Solaris that's totalling of 10k Plus was the top 1 guild of all time in just three days of the game being released and since the Solaris citizens are rich. They buy all in-game items and not leaving anything at the market at all, making the other players angry. Some of those Items are World Items I needed and it is an awesome items as I can control the weather to all realms in just a click.

The guild's name was the same name of my Haven, Solaris. Since I also played this game and with my Gaming Master Ability I've got. It become easier as if it's an extremely easy mode. I know how the mechanics of the game works, the strategy to win some wars, the keys to do combos and many more that is in the game categories.

I also destroy the Ainz Ooal Gown guild and the other top guilds to become the only top guild of Yggdrasil. I also hacked the game to make a map that locates the world Items. With my Godly Hack, it's super easy and undetectable. I also buy the remaining shares of 42% that totalled 100 billion yen.

This makes me the number 1 shareholder of Yggdrasil game.

" Sigh, It's getting boring in here and the Yggdrasil is getting easier with my Gaming Master and Godly Hack. I should go to action type of Multiverse" With that, I decided to leave in about 12 more years. Since, the transmigration will begin in 10 years, Year 2042. I also like to stay at the New World for 2 years and consuming those strong NPC's.

I put my helmet on and click the play button with my mind.

[ Game Launching... Entering... Complete...

Level: 45

Name: Akuma

Character: Demon Lord ( Upgraded from Demon)

Inventory: Location to All World Class Items (Map)

World Class Item:

Ahura Mazda - Ahura Mazda is capable of inflicting massively powerful area of effects on targets with a negative karma value across an entire world.

Longinus - enables the user to pick whichever target to delete or remove from existence. Modified to not cause anymore price needed to cast.

World Savior - A club-shaped item, which is very weak in its initiatory stage, but gets stronger with time. ]

' I now have three world class items and today, I will find the Billion Blades World Class Item. This Billion Blades, as the name implies. Can summon numerous blades and control it with the mind.' I thought as I looked at the vast sea.

' Also, the Atlas seems to be in the same place as the Billion Blades. It's at the bottom of the ocean. Thankfully, I came prepared and buy many Items needed to go underwater' Changing my clothes to my diving suit that has an increase of 200% agility when I swim at the ocean. A stick light that brighten the dark ocean like it's in daylight.

I jumped towards the Ocean with my personal sword, I dodged and counter many sea creatures levelling me up many times. Making my level up to 50.

Soon, I arrived at the bottom of the Ocean and saw an altar that had a cube floating around that has a blade design and a chain that seems to be the Atlas. I swam towards the two but a serpent with two tails dash towards me.

[ Tazei the World Class Guardian.

Level: 245 ]

' Oh shit, a level 245 Serpent. Fortunately, I have my Longinus with me. ' I thought and took out the Longinus, the shape is a book. I write down the name of the Serpent and click death. The Serpent immediately crumbles into pixels.

That was easy. I swam towards the two and teleported it towards my Inventory.

[ Two World Class Items acquired by ??? from Solaris Guild.] An announcement was released by the time the two items was put into my inventory.

' Fortunately, I hacked the Announcements to make my name not appear' I thought and swam back towards my boat.







Ten years later, the Yggdrasil game was announced that it will end in ten minutes. I looked at the screen and see the timer going down.

' It's been a long time since I played this game. I also acquired all the World Items from the natives, ruins and many more. All 200 World Class Items is in my possession. ' I thought looking at the 200 Items lying around. Also, I looked at the NPCS I created and all of the descriptions in them are absolute loyalty to me and the Solaris.

Some of this NPCS are city destroyers and the lowest of them all can destroy the village in a single attack. I looked at my Citizens of Solaris.

" All of the Citizens of Solaris must go back. I'll stay here till the end of the game." I told them as they nodded and log out.

"Sigh, this is the most boring thing to do but who cares. Waiting for ten minutes feels like eternity" I muttered as the remaining minutes reaches 5 mins.

Tapping my finger at the chair, I wait and wait until the announcement was released telling that the game is officially closed.

I close my eyes and feel a pulling force that seems to teleport my body somewhere different. I opened my eyes and see a green field spanning for many kilometers, I also feel my power coming back.

" Ahh Finally. Now, The killing spree begins. " I said and spread my wings. My appearance in game was a black demon that has wings and tails. I fly towards the closest civilization that I sense and arrived.

Landing at the center of the town. The Town Lord who's watching and see me landing in a speed of light got up on his chair and order his men to see the situation.

" Full of life force, this is heaven. FIEND DEATH" I muttered as smoke immediately spreads throughout the town and not even letting the Town Lord escapes. Killing the People, kids or adults. All people are killed as the souls float around.

" Death Ruler" The souls that's floating around transform into something hideous.

Death Ruler - Rules the dead by using the souls of the beings and transforming them into your subordinates or slaves.

Fiend Death - A mist spreads in a rapid speed that when the mist touches a creatures. It will bring death to them and the souls will float with no direction.

This is one of my abilities I've got from the game and it's also the one I always use to mass murder as it compliments my Absorption. Since I am a Deviant Progenitor, I can implement my Absorption abilities to my other powers and absorb them.

" All of you! Spread out and kill as many creatures as you can. " I said as the ghost slaves nodded and dash in a random direction. I also looked at my pocket dimension I got. It's one of the world class item that let's a place goes inside and I put my guild in this orb.

The killing sprees continues for 2 years of me staying in the New world. All of the Ghost Slaves increases while my abilities also increases that the system didn't even list it in my status since it knows that I will not use it in the near future.

Also, My four children was in this world with me for a year since they told me they are bored, so I let them out.

" All for of you, I am going to a different Universe. Go back at the Solaris and I will let you go when the Reincarnation Cycle is finished" I told them and they nodded. They immediately teleported to the Solaris as I activated my Reincarnation Cycle and before that, I destroyed this barren realm since the population was already extinct because of the killing I did for the past 2 years.

I pull the lever, the wheel spins until it stops at Adaptive Muscle Memory, Omnilingualism and Self Sustenance.

Then, a new wheel appeared and this time. It's for the next verse. I immediately pull the lever and the wheel rotates clockwise while I ate my sandwich.

Moments later, the wheel slowed down until it stop in a red card.

I picked it up and the word is...




Dragon Ball.

That's cool, I'll meet with Yama soon.

[ Background Choices:

1. Become the older twin brother of Vegeta.

2. Become the Older Twin Brother of Goku

3. Become the Illegitimate Youngest Son of King Vegeta from Goku's Mom

4. Become a Namekian

5. Become a Tuffle

6. Become a Human

7. Become a Frost Demon ]

That's too many choices and it's hard to choose. Might as well let the reader's pick my choice.




Sike, I choose to become a namekian. Those wishing ball is awesome.

I click the confirm button and a pulling force immediately appeared as my soul was sucked from it.





Age 430

In a planet that's full of greenery, An egg was seen shaking and seems to be struggling to get out.

Moments later, A namekian kid comes out of the egg and crawl.

" Holy, I'm so weak right now. I should look at my status to see the changes" I said as I open my status board.

[ Name: ???, ( Akuma Otsutsuki, Kibutsuji)

Age: 1 day

Species: Namekian

Power Level: 20

Abilities: Self Sustenance, Adaptive Muscle Memory, Omnilingualism.


DS Sheets -/+

Naruto -/+ ]

'My Power should be around Genin or Chunnin. Well, this is acceptable for a being who's just been born from an alien race' I thought and look around to see many Namekians walking around.