
Regalia : Prince Noir the Eighth

Prince Noir has been mocked his entire life every since he became this prince. With everyone being his enemy or doesn't want to involve themselves with him, he has to struggle his way to ascend the throne while at the same time, an impending cataclysm is coming.

Jakyll · 奇幻
8 Chs

Chapter 1

The Kingdom of Endora is the strongest kingdom throughout Metafal. Population is mostly humans ruled by the great king of Endora, his majesty, King Midas. King Midas governs Endora for the pass 70 years, ever since he was a kid. Now, he lived peacefully in his throne, while giving power to govern every part of Endora to his 10 children separately.

However on one fateful night.

*Merlin knocks on King Midas's sleeping chamber, which woke up Midas *

Merlin: *speaking from behind the door* Many apologies to you, your majesty, but there is something urgent you must see immediately.

Midas: So urgent that it can disturb my slumber?

Merlin: Afraid so, your majesty.

Midas: very well.

- After awhile at Merlin's Observal Room-

Merlin: Your majesty, it seems that a prophecy has bestowed upon us. Though I fear it may not be to your liking.

*Merlin then shows the king his giant astral crystal ball which shows the king the future of Endora in the next year*

Midas: Endora is-

Merlin: Though there is also a way to avoid it.

Midas: Continue. *Said while intensely watching the crystal ball*

Merlin: The king of Endora will be able to stop it. Along with Endora, he or she will also save the world from it's destruction.

Midas: From the way you cower at me. I suppose it is not me?

Merlin: Afraid so your majesty.

Midas: ........ *stares at the Merlin's crystal ball in fear*

Merlin: Perhaps it's time to choose a new ruler?

Metafal is a flourish world, with it's inhabitants is mostly humans. There is also animals, special beings and Kinless. Most human in Metafal possesses a special power called LINK. Most human with LINK has a bright future especially in the kingdom of Endora since it is rare for a Kinless, who is the closest to human to possess a LINK. But there are some human who also doesn't have a LINK and these people are called LINKLESS. One such person is a prince of Endora itself, the Kingdom of Endora's 8th Prince, Prince Noir.

-At one of the empty room in the castle-

*Noir was training his swordsmanship all by himself*

Noir: (Speed, accuracy, skills. That's my only weapon. I need to enhance them) HA!

*After that last thrust, Noir stopped training. Put down his sword then wipes the sweat on his head*

*A sudden clap was heard near the door which surprised Noir *

A knight: Wow, prince Noir, practicing. Well, what else can you do unless with that sword? Am I right?

*The other two knights laughed as the knight who insulted Noir smirked*

Noir: What're you doing here? *Getting annoyed* are you lost?

A knight: Huh? I'm on patrolling when i heard a voice. Seems like we found ourselves a trespasser boys.

Noir: huh? *confused*

A knight: The knights are tightening the security among the castle. So out!

Noir: Me!? * In disbelieve * What the Hell!? *Points his sword to the knights* I'm the prince!

A knight: *Shows a distasteful look* Oh, i'm sorry. Let me rephrase, Out you go your majesty. *Mockingly bow down to Noir*

*The other knights laughed at the insult*

Noir: I had enough getting insulted by you, knights! Know your place! I'm the prince! The heir of Endora.

*Suddenly, the knight activate his LINK making the atmosphere in the room becoming heavy*

Noir: *Closing his mouth* (He's activating his LINK inside the palace!?)

A knight: You should know your place bastard. The heir to Endora? Pfft, a LINKLESS peasant like you is nothing but another peasant outside the city wall. Your majesty~ *Sounding insultingly*

The other knight: Hey, stop using your LINK in the palace, we might get in trouble.

A voice from the distance: What are you doing inside this palace walls!?

A knight: Shit!, Run!

*The knights quickly ran away without looking back who's voice was it from*

*After the knight was away, the room's atmosphere became normal and Noir was able to breathe normally.*

Noir: Stupid knights, just because you have a LINK doesn't mean you're better than me.

Girl's voice: Are you okay?

*Noir looks up and saw his elder sister, Princess Leia, the third princess of Endora*

Leia: They bullied you again?

*Noir stood up slowly*

Leia: You could always come to me and tell me. I'll handle it. I told you before ri-

Noir: Then what? So they can finnaly call me that prince that had to come running, crying to his sibling when it get's tough and can't stand up on his own?

Leia: Noir, that's not it. I'm your sister. I'm worried.

Noir: It's been like this ever since father introduced me here. To them, I'm just a peasant bastard.

Leia: Noir! Your mother is-

Noir: Is what? *Stares intensely at Leia*

Leia: .......... "Ahem", let's drop the case for now Noir. His majesty wants to meet with all the Crown Prince and Princess.

Noir: yeah, and?

Leia: Including you Noir.

Noir: Me? *surprised*

Leia: Clean up and change your appearance. Meet us at the Throne chamber soon. Make haste little brother.

Noir: *nods* (what's this all about?) ......…. all of them…. *Had a bad flashback where he got bullied by his other siblings* is....here....?

-After cleaning up and changing to his prince attire, he walks towards his destination the Throne Chamber-

*As he walks pass the knights patrolling the area, from the royalties to everyone was whispering , bad mouthing Noir*

A royal: He's here too? Of what use is this peasant here?

A knight: His majesty is so kind to not let him felt left out. Despite being a LINKLESS peasant.

A duke: Well, whether he attends it or not, there's not much of a difference. He can be dead somewhere and no one would even notice.

Noir: (You stupid blockheads , I can hear you clearly. I am a PRINCE!) ... *Looking agitated*

-Inside the Throne Chamber, Noir was the last to arrive-

Cedric: *Notices Noir* Huh, who invited him?

Cedric is the second prince of Endora.

Leia: Cedric, his majesty specifically said he wishes to speak to all of the crown prince and princess.

Cedric: Exactly. You don't think this bum is a crown prince do you?

*Everyone inside the Throne Chamber was agreeing. Almost everyone in Endora rejects Noir as an heir and a prince.*

Noir:.......... *Sighs* why did I came in the first place?

Jill: *laughing* yeah, why did you came anyway?

Jill is the 6th princess of Endora.

*Cedric then walks towards Noir slowly. Noir simply looks at his feet, not wanting to meet Cedric's eyes. Then Cedric stops in front of Noir. After a small pause, Cedric then pulled Noir bangs upwards so that Noir would look Cedric in the eyes*

Cedric: Why did you come bum? His majesty called all nine crown prince and princess only?

Veno: Here we go again. *shrugs*

Veno is the 4th prince of Endora.

Leia: Cedric stop this instant! You do not humiliate your own brother in front of the people!

Cedric: Brother? *laugh before he glared at Noir* He is no brother of mine. He is a bastard!

Jill: Woop~

Noir: Stop it *muttered slowly while his face became more and more aggressive*

Cedric: You're just the son of a-

Noir: STO-

Midas: Is all 10 crown Prince and Princess here!?

*With a thundering shout, everyone became silent. Everyone on their knees with their heads looking down, saying your majesty as they realize Midas enters the room, Even Cedric and Noir where Cedric quickly let Noir go and greets his father properly*

Everyone: Your majesty!

Midas: Raise.

*Everyone then stood up normally*

William: Your majesty, did you say, all... 10? crown Prince and Princess?

William is the youngest prince, the 10th prince of Endora.

Midas: Did I say something otherwise?

William: *Looks downward* No your majesty.

*This made everyone in disbelief. Even Cedric is glaring at Noir who is surprise by the turn of events himself.*

Midas: To my front my children.

* All of the crown prince and princess looking at their father, while on their knees as a sign of respect. From the left, the first prince of Endora, Prince Richard, Prince Cedric, Princess Leia, Prince Veno, Princess Belle, Princess Jill, Prince Duvar, Prince Noir, Princess Olivia and Prince William in order*

Midas: Listen to me well my children and all of the people of Endora! No matter who you are or your situation is. One of you will be the next ruler of Endora after me.

*Everyone then started to whisper here and there. All of the siblings were in shock. But the one who is most in shock was Noir.*

Noir: (even..... me?) *Eyes widen*

*But then the murmurs among the knights and royalties inside the chamber was getting louder about how can a half blood Kinless prince is given the chance to be the next ruler*

Midas: Silence!

*Everyone in the room became silent*

Midas: Merlin.

*Merlin who was the court wizard who stood behind Midas nods in agreement. Walks in front of the siblings then present them the Crown of Letum*

Richard: That is..... *Shocked*

Cedric: *Smiling while swelling with excitement and fear* Showing us this, you're not joking around about giving up your throne are you, your majesty?

Midas: This is the Crown of Letum. By the end of this year, each one of you will try the Crown one by one. In which of you who wears the Crown and the Crown shines brightly is the next rightful ruler of Endora!

Belle: Everyone.... including Noir?

*All of the siblings turns their attention to Noir*

Merlin: For the crown to shine when you wear it, you must be fully trusted by the people of Endora, loved by its people as the Crown of Letum is a magical crown, linked with the people of Endora itself. It will chooses only the worthiest among you siblings.

Cedric: *laughing loudly* Then why is Noir here!?

*Everyone in the chambers laughed. Even among the siblings like Richard who is the most composed and cool one among the other siblings*

Cedric: Each of us crown prince and princess was given a land to govern ourselves under the supervision of your majesty and it so happens, the land that was given to Noir was an empty forest with no inhabitant. Noir has no people under him. He doesn't even have his own Left hand Knight and Right hand Knights!

It was common sense to the people of Endora. Everyone looked down on Noir being the son of a commoner who the King fell in love once. Noir was raised alone by his mother and only got visited by his father from time to time secretly. But after his mother died, Noir was brought to the palace to live with the other Crown prince and princess. Unlike the other sibling, they have royalty blood and Noir is only half royalty. Not only that, he is a LINKLESS. Each crown prince and princess was given a land on it's own where they rule themselves as how they seem fit. For example, Cedric owns 4 major city and 5 villages under him alone. Richard on the other hand holds the other half of the Fortress City of Tamiel, the capital city of Endora and other cities similar to Cedric. In their own land, they are the ruler and the only one above them is the king himself. Even when the other siblings goes into the other crown prince and princess's land, they held no power against the crown prince or princess's ruling that land. Noir however owns a vast area near the edge of Endora, far-far away from the Capital with no inhabitants in it. Only trees and animals.

Noir: ...........

Leia: Oh Noir....

Midas: Despite that, he will also try the crown.

*Everyone went silent after that*

Cedric: I guess that is fair. The least we could do with your half blood royalty. Embarrassing you properly *smirks at Noir*

Midas: Next Agenda.

*As Merlin goes standing behind Midas again, Midas stood up*

Midas: I will give each one of you special authority. Within this one year period. Use this authority as you see fit. This will be my last and only gift to you all before the next ruler of Endora arises. A gift to my children.

Jill: Any exception? like for example?

Midas: Are you expecting me to give you an example young lady?

Jill: *Terrified* Uh no your majesty!

Olivia: Then, what if I say, I can ask as much money as I want from your majesty, anytime I want? Like that?

Midas: Granted.

Olivia: Wait, I already used up my Authority!? But more importantly, It's granted!?

*Everyone in the chamber was shocked*

Leia: What's going on?

Olivia: Then, can I have like a hundred million Opel?

Opel is the universal currency in Metafal.

Midas: Merlin.

Merlin: As you wish your Majesty. A carriage will be prepare to send a hundred million opel to your residence princess Olivia.

*Everyone was shocked and surprised*

Olivia: Holyyyy shiiiit! I'm rich!

Veno: We can ask....

Jill: For anything? *looking worried*

Richard: Does it have to be now that we ask for this exception?

Midas: You have a valid point my son. I will give you a week for you to think about it. By the end of the week. Meet me at the council and tell me your request.

Olivia: I have another question. How long will this authority be?

Midas: Until the next ruler of Endora is elected.

William: So we should use this authority to gain the people's heart huh? I guess asking for money is also a safe bet. Can upgrade your own land properly.

Cedric: Hah! You don't have to wait till next week to hear my exception your majesty! I want my exception is that I will always be pardon when I accidentally killed someone.

*Everyone turned silent when they hear Cedric's Exception*

Cedric is famous for his stern ways of governing. Among all of the siblings, he has killed the most, being the General of the Endora's Military and Second in command of the Paladin knights. Despite that, he cannot kill anyone outside his land.

Cedric: Someone as in, anyone.... *looks at his other siblings*... anywhere.... anytime. * and ends up having his attention to Noir*

Noir: *Had a chill runs down in his spine*...…*Gulp*...

Cedric: *laughs jokingly* i'm joking, i'm jok-

Midas: Granted

Cedric: *Turns pale* -king........

*Everyone in the room turns pale*

Leia: Your majesty!?

Cedric: *laughing while being terrified* Seriously? I mean seriously!?

Midas: Do I take as a joke to you?

Leia: krh..... *bites her lower lips*

Duvar: So, if he were to kill you right here, right now, he'll get pardon?

Merlin: How dare you!

Richard: Duvar, the-

Midas: He will!

*Everyone was in disbelief*

Midas: If he wishes to.

Cedric: hoi hoi *body starts trembling*

Midas: Assuming, he could *Eyes started to glow golden*

Cedric: Of course I would not think of such things your majesty. You have my utmost love and loyalty.

Midas: Then any other exception?

Duvar: oh oh I have one. *raises his hand lazily*

*Everyone then turn his attention to Duvar*

Duvar: I wish not to be a crown prince anymore and have nothing to do with any of this anymore.

*Then everyone started shouting and making noises*

William: Stupid Duvar! Everytime you open you stupid mouth!

Leia: What are you saying Duvar!?

Midas: Granted

Leia: What!?

Richard: Then.... *In disbelief*

Duvar: *Smiling happily* seriously?

Midas: You now have nothing to do with the heir and the Crown of Letum. I decree you as a normal citizen of Endora. You are no longer my child Duvar. *said emotionless*

Duvar: Wuu, I guess my LINK finally seems useful. Like useful-useful.

Midas: I'll give you one day to get out of this Palace Duvar.

Duvar: Thank you, your majesty~ *bows down then ran away happily*

Leia: This.... this is all a joke right? Please tell us this is a joke, your majesty!?

Midas: It is NOT!

*With a thundering shout, everyone went silent again*

Midas: How you wish to proceed with this is up to you. In the end, the one who will choose you is the people itself. Even if Duvar showed up at the coronation, I will put the crown on his head if he wishes to!

Leia: But why!? Why all of a sudden!?

Midas: Is the coming of my death suffice to you!? Princess Leia of Endora!?

*Everyone was in shock*

Noir: (Father.... is dying?) *having flashback when Midas was playing and smiling with him and his mother when he was a child*

Merlin: Your majesty..... *looking worried*

Midas: *sighs*.... I have trained you all on how to rule on your own. I am old now. It is time Endora has her new ruler. Your action speaks to the people. You cannot buy the people if you want. In the end, the crown will only shine when you are worthy deemed by the people of Endora herself. *stood up* I wish to speak of this matter only for today. I will see the rest of you at the council next week to hear about your request.

*Midas then left the throne chamber along with Merlin walking behind him, leaving everyone in the chamber speechless*