
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 8

The next day after going out of my dorm I looked right and left to see if any of the main characters are near

"Phew…" I wiped away my non-existing sweat when I didn't saw any of them

Starting from this day on, I decided that I'll try to become more stronger (Flexible) in order to be survive (Escape) certain death flags

Today is sunday so there is no school, and today is the day I'll be collecting (Stealing) some golden artifacts to make me much more capable of surviving

Ofcourse I'll be stealing some that the protagonist Choi Kwan should've founded ACCIDENTALY but he's already strong, and! I'll be only taking some that can make my attributes stronger so I'm still nice enough to not steal everything from him okay?

As I walked (Sneaked) in the hallway I avoided every possible route that the main characters might take and successfully escaped the academy!

For now atleast…T_T

Taking a pair of glasses from my hang bag I wore it and also dressed up like a normal citizen

I don't have any intentions of letting anyone know that I'm from the Theos Academy or else it would cause a commotion

Waiting for the train I sat on a bench and read some newspaper looking out for unnoticed news (Gossip) that I haven't known or heard about

Fortunately or not I didn't read any news about the things I don't know about


Hearing the sound of the train I stood up and walked inside as I handed the ticket to the conductor and as I did he was surprised and asked "The Anemone Mountain? Kids these days sure are bold" after saying that he left and went to the other passengers

Ofcourse I knew why he reacted like that, because the Anemone Mountain where I am going at is a mountain filled with different types of flowers, but! Just as the saying goes the more beautiful it is the more deadly it is

The more prettier the flower is there the more dangerous it is, it could either be poisonous or a carnivorous flower that eats people

But there's a reason why I'm going there!

The ancient artifact called 'Barak' which is the lightning artifact that can make the owner of it have inhumane speed just like Flash! You know? The superhero flash? No one? Alright alright I'll stop

Anyway that's what I'm here for, afterall combining with my ability this should be very good for me knowing that I have a weak body

I have absolutely no intention of training and doing exercise! Why else do you think I chose chess as my sport? Ofcourse it's to seat still and enjoy the game

After an hour passed I finally reached my destination and got off the train

A cold breeze blew past me as I smelled the air that faintly smells like honey

It was addicting which was very dangerous and I ignored the smell and looked over at the giant mountain filled with different types of flowers

It was very beautiful but inside is rotten

Like the saying goes don't judge a book by it's cover I guess

Looking around I didn't saw a single living being which was good for me so I don't have to hide my face

Afterwards before me I saw three paths that looked similar so I asked in a low voice "System, which path is the safest?"

[Answering to host's question it is the third path which is on the right]

Hearing this I nodded and walked on that path


Minutes later I find it very strange that the path I walked on doesn't have much of beautiful flowers

Not that I'm not thankful but, I just feel uneasy for some reason

So I asked the system "Is this really a safe path?"

[Compared to the other two paths it is]

So it means it's not safe!

Fuck! Fuck you system!

Immediately I raised my vigilance and took out a dagger from my hang bag

After a long time without anything attacking me I sighed in relief and was just about to step forward when I tripped and found that a vine entangled my foot!

I tried to untie it but it won't budge!

Just as I was about to use my dagger it suddenly tightened and in a blink of an eye I was hanged on air upside down by the vine!

Immediately afterwards the ground shook and a giant purple ball suddenly appeared out of it

… I was silent for a moment but as I took a closer look it suddenly torn apart and a giant mouth with countless of sharp teeths were revealed!

Shit! Is this how I'm going to die?!

It's a fucking chomper! A chomper from the plants vs zombies!

I can't believe I'm about to die from the hands of the game that I loved playing!

Just as I was about to activate my ability the vine suddenly lowered me and the chomper lowered it's head towards me as if asking for being pet on the head

….Wait wut?

Am I imagining things?

Just as I was confused it whimpered and crawled towards me in a very very slow pace as if being scared that I would be startled and run away

This time I couldn't help being dumbfounded and asked the system in my mind 'System, does it harbor any ill intentions towards me?'

[Answering to host's questions it does not]

[Would the host like to hear the thoughts of the Chomper?]


I pressed the 'yes' button blankly and did heard the chomper's thought

[The Chomper is requesting to be pet on the head by it's owner]

Wait a minute, owner? Is it talking about me?

But I don't recall owning a chomper in my previous life…could it be talking about the plants vs zombies game?

Even though I was pondering as if it has a mind of it's own my hand suddenly moved and petted the head of the chomper gently

The chomper let out a satisfied growl and I heard it's thought once again

[The Chomper is very satisfied]

[The Chomper would like to help out the owner in any possible way]

It would like to help ey? Alright! I'll be shameless and ask for help!

As I stood up slowly I asked "Does little chomper know if there is any other monster hidden along the way?"

The chomper tilted it's head as it's leaves held it's chin before it nodded and shook it's head

Just as I was about to ask what it meant I heard it's thoughts

[The Chomper knows there aren't any more monster along the way]

Hearing this I was satisfied and almost kissed the chomper out of gratefulness but held back

I already know where the artifact is hidden and all I need to make sure of is that the surroundings is safe

Now that I've confirmed that it's safe I was about to walk away when I heard the chompers thoughts once again

[The Chomper would like to come along with the owner]

Hearing this I was even more grateful and smiled as I said "Sure"


After that we were able to surprisingly go to the ancient artifact smoothly without any trials!

It's as if it was set up for me or something I dunno

The moment I reached the cave I smiled and was about to go when my stomach suddenly tightened and I saw the vines of the chomper circling on my stomach as if preventing me from going'

I turned my head and asked "What's wrong?"

The chomper did not listen to me but instead pulled me behind it and let out a threatening roar at a certain direction

Instantly I tightened my hold on the dagger knowing that there must be danger near by

Just as I expected a large beautiful ruby red flower appeared

It was a Lycoris radiata

This is what Choi Kwan fought before he got Barak, and it was surely strong that it made him almost half dead at that time in the novel!

And this time, it is my turn to fight it if I want to get my hands on the Barak.