
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 3

There was only silence and I could even hear my own heartbeat pounding fast but even so I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath as I said "I said that would you rather than be safe? Even if it is an F - Class dungeon it's not bad to be wary right?"

'Please work' I kept praying silently

"Hmm" Closing his eyes Choi Kwan seemed to be pondering and I became nervous before he suddenly laughed and said "Alright fine, let's not go, but, why do you seem so scared of me?"

Hearing this i stiffened but then immediately thought of something!

Lowering my head I said in a stuttering voice "I- I- I'm actually very nervous when meeting someone for the first time!"

This time it was Choi Kwan's time to stiffen as he asked "What…?"

Yes, the original Kim Han-wool is not only a coward but also very shy this is why he rarely got any friends

But actually, there's a reason as to why he was like that

Because of his different eye color he was bullied when he was young and often got beaten, that's why he befriended the villain who saved him from the bullies

I didn't speak anymore and Choi Kwan suddenly realized something as he also lowered his head and said "I apologize if I offended you, I didn't mean to-…" but before he could even his next sentence we suddenly heard a dangerous slithering sound

With that the sounds of screams came from behind and I stiffened

No way…it can't be…!

"Watch out!"

Before I knew it I rolled to the ground with Choi Kwan

Dust covered us and I coughed, that's when I saw that the spot where I was standing at was crushed by something big

Looking up my eyes shook greatly as I saw a giant colorful serpent

Although I am usually calm but this time I can't think my head through

This is the first time I'm seeing a monster in real life

Before I knew it I subconsciously pulled Choi Kwan and screamed "Run!"


The giant serpent crawled behind us as we ran and I pushed Choi Kwan


The giant serpent bit nothing but air as we separated and I rolled on the ground

The giant serpent faced me and I was terrified that's when I heard the familiar voice

"Han-wool-ssi! Run!"

With a glowing blue sword Choi Kwan dashed towards the back of the serpent as he immediately slashed it


The serpent squealed as it shook it's body Choi Kwan was hit but fortunately he blocked it with a sword

With it's back facing me I racked my brain thinking of what I could do

That's when I remembered I still had the ability! But then…

[But since the host has low vitality the host is suggested to not use the ability or else the host might die]

I remembered the reminder of the system and I hesitated

But seeing that Choi Kwan was in danger I bit my lower lip

What should I do…

That's when I thought of something and I widened my eyes

I screamed in my head 'System! Which part is the weak point of the giant serpent?!'

[Answering to host's question it is the top of it's head]

Hearing this I nodded and I stood up as I looked around and picked up a rock as I threw it at the serpent

This caught the attention of the serpent and before it could even turn it's head I shouted "Choi Kwan-ssi! Pierce the top of it's head!"

Now I can only hope that Choi Kwan heard it and so I started running towards a certain direction


The giant serpent immediately crawled towards me but I was not panicking because before I even stood up I already made a set up in the field

As a chess player I'm proud to say that the first thing that a chess player must do is to set up a plan on the field of the board

Since I have a perfect memory I already memorized the place and knew exactly how to fool the serpent

Running towards a tree I saw that it has a thick tree trunk and I prayed in my heart silently as I thought 'Here we go!'

With a leap I swang on the tree trunk while the serpent ran pass me

As it ran pass me I fell to the ground and before I could stand up I saw the serpent turn around and glared at me!

I was pondering when suddenly I saw a figure at the corner of my eyes

I smirked at the giant serpent and said "Checkmate"

Just as the serpent was about to crawl towards me a figure appeared on top of it's head and pierced it with a sword!


The serpent squealed and tried to struggle but was futile as it died

Seeing it fall to the ground with Choi Kwan standing on top of it's head I sighed a relief

Fortunately luck was on my side today and Choi Kwan went exactly as I planned

Choi Kwan stood coldly at the serpent as if he was a tall cold mountain

He stared at me from above which made me shudder for some reason and all I could think of as this moment is--

The protagonist halo!

I was terrified from his cold stare as his eyes looked like an endless abyss

Ofcourse I did not forgot what type of person Choi Kwan is, he is nice like an angel tp whoever is nice to him but for those who is a nuisance and a threat for him he will mercilessly kill them without any hesitation

I gripped my fist from fear and I broke out in sweat

Choi Kwan slowly walked towards me with his sword as he asked "Who are you really? And how did you know exactly how to defeat that B - Class serpent?"

The strong killing intent made me choke and I couldn't help but blurted out some teasing words "That's supposed to be my question, kuh, how are you this strong?" Ofcourse it's because he's the damn fucking protagonist

Instead of answering Choi Kwan strengthen his aura which made me have the feeling of being strangled

Choi Kwan stood before me like a god and asked "What is your identity?"

Fuck! Even if this is my last moment before I die I won't kneel before you!

"Tsk, I'm just a passerby" What I said was not completely a lie I mean the original Kim Han-wool is a cannon fodder

Choi Kwan just stared at me coldly

I don't know how much time passed but it felt like an eternity for me

Finally as if calming down Choi Kwan sighed and placed back his sword on his scabbard

"Sorry, I got too riled up" He said as he reached out his hand towards me

I coughed and looked at him blankly before I reached out and took his hand as I said "Ah…it's fine…" Fine?! What do I mean fine he almost killed me?!

[Correction host he did not intend to kill you]

System? What do you mean by that?

[He was simply trying to test you]

Simply huh…what a load of crap (Why does he swear so much?)

Suddenly we heard more screams and Choi Kwan frowned as he said "Let's go, it's not safe here"


Ater some talking Choi Kwan and I eventually made it up

Resting inside a cave I then heard the system speak in my mind again

[Why did you not prevent them from coming inside the dungeon?]

Do you think I'm a fool? Why would I do that? Besides even If I did no one would believe me, if I made an oath then they would be suspicious of me and my life of being peaceful would be ruined, afterall I decided that I would quit this academy after this incident


This is the perfect excuse for me to not go here anymore isn't it?

[Yes but why would you want to leave?]

It's simple really, I want to live a peaceful life that's why

Suddenly Choi Kwan appeared and I was about to greet him when I saw that he was not alone

Jeong Ji-ho was also with him.