
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 2

'--The protagonist appears'

Standing in the middle of the stage there was a youth with bluish blck hair with saphhire blue eyes, he looked very outstanding and handsome

The female students let out a gasp as they secretly blushed

The youth on the stage- no, the protagonist Choi Kwan smiled and said "Greetings everyone, my name is Choi Kwan and will be your new classmate from now on, please take care of me"

The girls giggled while the boys let out an ugly look

I stared at Jeong Ji-ho's back and I couldn't see his expression but I know based on the novel that he is currently right now snorting coldly at Choi Kwan

Seeing these scene I sighed inwardly and thought 'Good grief, I'm about to have a hard life this time probably'


It was the training session now and everyone wore a military black uniform as we stood at the entrance of the dungeon

This world I am in now has abilities, dungeons, and monsters just like any dungeon novel

And this is the dungeon where there will be a great disaster and countless of students died, and the original Kim Han-wool also died.

This dungeon which was supposed to be an F - Class dungeon suddenly turned into a S - Class dungeon

The original Kim Han -Wool who was a coward pushed the protagonist towards the monster and left him but after a few days the protagonist ofcourse survived but because of his hatred he searched and searched for Kim Han-wool until eventually he found him and killed him in the dungeon where anyone couldn't see, except for the villain that is which saw the entire scene but couldn't do anything because he was badly injured at that time, that was when the hatred of villain for the protagonist grew stronger

And now that I'm in the middle of it, I--

I wanna go home!


There are two instructors that will be coming along with us who will also die, one was a female and one was a male

The male instructor said "Alright, today we will be facing a real dungeon so in order to make sure that there will be no problems we have decided to pair everyone into two pairs fairly"

Fairly my ass you mean you partnered me with the protagonist right?

The male instructor let out a cough as he said "I'll be announcing the pairs, Im ha-eun and Bae Jiah, Nam Bong Cha and Seo Chu, --…"

The names continued until lastly

"Jeong Ji-ho and Baek Chan-yeol, and lastly Choi Kwan and--"

It's me right?

"--Kim Han-wool"


After saying this the instructor then coughed and said "Well then everyone, go and find your pair"

Aigoo, this is troublesome

Suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder and I was startled, looking back I saw that it was Cho Kwan

Fuck, don't scare me like that!

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you" Choi Kwan apologized sincerely

I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment and said "No, it's alright"

Choi Kwan smiled and reached out his hand as he said "My name is Choi Kwan"

I looked at his hand for a moment before I reached out and shook it as I said with a smile aswell "Kim Han-wool, nice to meet you"

Unbeknownst to us Jeong Ji-ho looked over at us from the corner of his eyes as he frowned.


After entering the dungeon the instructor let us scattered and I and Choi Kwan walked over towards the north

As we walked I carefully observed the dungeon from the top to bottom

Seeing this Choi Kwan chuckled as he said "First time?"

I smiled embarrassed and nodded my head

That's when I caught the line and asked "How about you?" Ofcourse I already know the answer but if i acted like I know him well that will become suspicious

Choi Kwan smiled and shook his head as he said "No, it isn't my first time"

I nodded my head and said "I see" with a look of surprise (I'm acting)

Reaching an edge Choi Kwan said "Let's go forward still"

No no no! Don't you dare!

I already know what's beyond that edge and that is a pack of B - Class Serpents!

I shook my head and said "I don't think that's a good idea"

Hearing this he turned his head towards me and asked with a teasing smile "Why? Scared?"

Scared my ass ofcourse I am!

With that I have to destroy my pride and nodded as I said "Yeah"

Probably not expecting my response he froze for a moment before he suddenly burst out laughing

Veins popped out of my forehead as I crossed my arms and said "Are you done?"

Seeing me like this he immediately zipped his mouth and said with a smile "Alright alright don't be mad I'm sorry, anyway don't worry with me you'll be safe I promise"

As expected of a child (26 years old actually) he still has a lot of loose in his mind

Even though I was angry I still calmly handled it as I said "I think it's too dangerous to go over there"

Choi Kwan raised an eyebrow as he asked "How do you say so? Isn't this just an F - Class dungeon?"

This time my I couldn't hold back my temper anymore and said "Would you rather die than be safe?"

With this Choi Kwan suddenly froze and he said with narrowed eyes "What do you mean by that?"

Oops, slip of the tongue.