
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 28

Cold sweat broke out of my back and I gulped, as of this point I cannot deny it anymore that I knew him so I said "Yeah? What about it?"

Dolion shrugged as he said "Nothing I'm just interested in what else you know" he said as he narrowed his eyes

I frowned and stood up as I shook off the dirt in my pants and said "That has nothing to do with you"

Dolion laughed before he said "Are you not scared of me?"

Shaking my head I said "It would be a lie to say no"

"Hoh is that so?" He said with a smile

Rolling my eyes I picked up the wood and said "Don't worry, I won't get in your way anymore" afterall the hero will defeat you in one way or another

"Why? Aren't you worried about the mankind? Or unless, you know that we'll lose?"

Suddenly I burst out laughing as I said "What nonsense is that? Do you think I'm a god or something that will know everything?"

"Correction even the gods doesn't know everything" Dolion said

Frowning I asked "What exactly do you want from me?"

"Good question!" Dolion clasped his hand and pondered before he said "How about we make a deal?"

"A deal with the devil? No way" I said and started walking away until Dolion suddenly spoke "What if I go to the human's side?"

Suddenly I paused but grinned as I said "Aren't you the demon king of deceit? Do you think you will easily deceive me like that?"

"What I said is true" Dolion then said "I can even make a life and death contract if you want"

Hearing this I frowned and said "In return?"

Dolion grinned and said "In return I want to come along with you, and introduce me as your 'friend' to the people we meet that questions my identity"

"That's it?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him

"That's it" Dolion looked at me as if he wanted to question what else do I want?

Staring at him hesitantly I sighed and asked in my head 'System, is what he telling true?'


Hearing this I slightly widened my eyes and pondered the pros and cons

If one of the demon king is really on our side then that would be good news but, what is his goal exactly?

Should I take the risk?

Just as I was pondering Dolion suddenly appeared beside me and patted my shoulder as he said "You can think as long as you want, no need to hurry to give me the answer"

Saying the he hopped towards the direction of my house

My eyebrows twitched as I thought 'He really is annoying'


Going back to my house Dolion welcomed himself as if it was his own and sat on the couch

Rolling my eyes I ignored him and brought the wood over to the side and put it there

Looking up I saw the hole in my ceiling and just as I was thinking on how to put the woods there the woods suddenly floated as black magic floated it towards the hole

I was in awe and forgot that he was the demon king for a moment

Just then I turned around saw more woods floated up with Dolion's black magic

Grinning he said "Want some help?"


In the crack where we were before two figures wearing a cloak appeared

The two were Choi Kwan and Jeong Ji-ho

Choi Kwan was the first speak "How about it? Will you accept the truce and join forces with us?"

Jeong Ji-ho sighed regretfully with a frown as he said "Although I hate it, I think that person is right"

"You mean Kim Han-wool-ssi?"

Jeong Ji-ho nodded reluctantly and Choi Kwan said "You're right"

Jeong Ji-ho sudddenly spoke and said "I'll accept the truce in one condition"

"What is it?" Choi Kwan furrowed his eyebrows

Jeong Ji-ho stared seriously at him and said "I want Kim Han-wool to join us"

"What?" Choi Kwan was stunned but in his heart he agrees

That person, Kim Han-wool knows something and with that knowledge maybe the war between humans and demons will be over

Choi Kwan pondered before saying "If it's against his will then I will have to decline your offer"

"What's more, we don't know his whereabouts--"

"I already know where he is" Jeong Ji-ho cut him off and turned around as he walked towards the exit where he came from

Choi Kwan frowned but followed behind.


The next day

"Ahh, it's so refreshing"


Both Dolion and I cheered as we finished the house which now doesn't look a single bit of that shabby house before

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed delusional about my peaceful life when--

"Kim Han-wool-ssi?"

Hearing a familiar voice I froze and my smile stiffened

"Oh who are these guys?" Dolion raised an eyebrow with interest

Turning around I saw Jeong Ji-ho and Choi Kwan

When they saw me they smiled but the moment they saw Dolion they became vigilant and hostile as they unsheathed their sword and said "Kim Han-wool get away from him!"

"That boy- he's a demon!"


How am I supposed to explain this now?


From Author: Change of updates I'll be uploading one chapter once a week since lately I'be been getting busy and the updating day will be every Friday.