
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 19

Gathering around the training field Kang Min-Jun and I stood face to face as he said "We Lost"

I raised the corner of my lips hearing this and i reached out my hand as I said "That was a nice game isn't it? I hope we can play more in the future?"

Kang Min-Jun and the others were strucked as they thought 'Game…? Did he thought of this as a game all this time?'

Staring at my hand with a frown Kang Min-Jun sighed before he reached out and shook my hand as he said "Well said"

With that the match was officially over and me, Choi Kwan, and the others walked in the hallway to go back to our room

As we were walking I suddenly spoke and said "Gon Won-shik"

Being called out Gon Won-shik flinched and asked "Yes, Instructor?"

"Did you heard what I said earlier?" I asked without looking back

Gon Won-shik tried to recall it but was too many so he asked "What part exactly Instructor?"

I stopped and everyone else behind me also stopped, turning around I said with a smile "About that being a game, remember?"

Hearing this Gon Won-shik frowned and said solemnly "Yes…Instructor I would also like to ask about that. Why did you call the fight a game?"

I showed a confused expression as I said "Aren't we playing catch the flag which is the game? Besides…"

Suddenly I narrowed my eyes at him as I said "You should've known better what I'm talking about if you are a true strategist"

Hearing this Gon Won-shik unknowingly shuddered as Ihe thought 'What?'

Turning around I started to walk again as I said "That will be my assignment for you, find out what I'm talking about"

Everyone else looked at Gon Won-shik first before following behind

Gon Won-shik stood still as he clenched his fist and frowned as he thought 'Just what exactly am I missing?!'

Knowing that he wouldn't get any answer he heaved a heavy sigh before following along.


As we got back to the room I pulled out some papers and handed one to each of them

Reading the contents of the paper Bin Seo-jun was surprised as he said "This is-…!"

Leaning on the wall I crossed my arms as I said with a smile "That's right, this is for your training, I've already written just now what your flaws is and what you could possibly do to make yourself stronger"

"That fast?!" Cha Si-woo exclaimed

Confused I asked with one eyebrow raised "Yeah, what's so surprising about that?"

"Pfft-" Choi Kwan laughed and covered his mouth immediately as he apologized

This confused me even more

What's wrong with them?

Shaking my head I sighed and said "Anyway, now the class is over, see you guys tomorrow"

As I said that I was about to leave when Gon Won-shik suddenly stopped me and said "Wait!"

I stopped and asked "What is it"

Gon Won-shik seemed to hesitate but made up his courage and bowed before me as he said "Thank you so much for your guide instructor, I'll definitely do my assignment and won't let you down!"

I widened my eyes momentarily before I smiled and said "I didn't do anything, actually we won because of you ability"

"But-" He wanted to refute but I cut him off and pointed at my forehead as I said "I wouldn't be able to think of that plan if it wasn't for your ability, you are much more valuable than you think Gon Won-shik, that's why I have high hopes for you remember that"

As I said that I turned and left the room.

After I disappeared Gon Won-shik stood up straight and thought 'I won't let you down'

Cha Si-woo felt that there was something wrong and took his paper

Startled Gon Won-shik tried to retrieve it but Ch Si-woo said "I'll just have a peek alright?"

After saying that she read the contents of the paper but froze as she stuttered and said "T- This is-!"

"What's wrong?" Suspicious Bin Seo-jun looked at the paper but also froze

Being curious everyone gathered and read Gon Won-shik's paper but all had the same reaction

Chay Mi Kong gasped as she said "I didn't know instructor has such great knowledge when it comes to planning!"

Bae Chul nodded in agreement as he said "He is five steps ahead of his enemy when it comes to planning!"

Choi Kwan narrowed his eyes as he looked at Jeong Ji-ho, Geum Beok-seo and Lee Mi-Nyeo as they all remembered their fight with the hydra aswell when I said that I play chess

They all nodded simultaneously as they thought 'No wonder'


Going back to my room I sighed and suddenly heard a rustle

Looking at the window I smiled and said "Good evening little chomper"

That's right, I raised little chomper and putted him in a flower pot near the window

As I sat on the bed I stretched out my hand and suddenly heard Cronus

['Cronus' Is it a good idea to teach your students that much information?]

I smirked and said "Why not? I don't want to be responsible if they die"

['Cronus' True]

Laying down I slowly closed my eyes as I thought 'I feel like I'm gonna get close npw to having a good life…'


The next day

'Or not I guess?'

Why?! Is! Oh Hyun Ki! And! Kang Min-Jun! Along! With! Their! Students! Standning! Infront! Of! My! Classroom?!