
reborn with skill authority.

the mc died and was then granted some wishes and sent to a different world. I decided I wanted to use the same power,different rob,and different worlds.

Daoisty4n49c · 其他
2 Chs

Mc died and got wishes

Hello my name is gabriel,and I just died. How did this happen well lets see. I woke up in the early mornings of 4:30, did a few excersises and showered. Now I was hot by many means, guys and girls hit on me, though I stayed loyal to my boyfriend ethan. We met 2 years ago during last year at college and we hit it off. So I made some breakfast and ate and read my book on the dragons language from skyrim. Now I loved video games,manga,anime and light novels. I only read some light novels and manga, yet anime and video games were my favorite. skyrim was my most favorite, and I could say I was a master at the thu'um language. I then head to college as I was studying to be a game designer in digipen. I got to class and the lectures began. I diligently took notes, reviewed code on a game I am working on and then classess were over. Ethan: Hey gabriel lets go grab some drinks. I guess I could drink a little. Gabe:Okay. I followed him to a bar we both like and we drank,though I had the high tolerance bordering on alchahol immunity. My boyfriend though was drunk as hell. I drove him home and then started going to my apartment then the tragedy struck. As I was waiting at a stop a truck rammed into the front of my car, killing me in the process.

that brings us to the situation now were I was now floating in the void for years, only kept track to the trillions because, and practicing the dovah tongue, and wondering what my boyfriend was doing. then a throne appeared with a woman dressed modestly, wearing a red shawl. Woman: Hello I am sorry you had to wait this long, my name is rose. Gabriel: Well hello my name is gabriel lucia. Rose: Well hello gabriel, now lets get down to business, you died way before your time. So as an apology to you and official certification test for me to be reincarnated if you choose with 10 wishes. Wait ten wishes for reincarnation, this is my dream.. wait. Gabe:How is my boyfriend. Rose: Well he mourned hard for you and got into a relationship again ten years after your death, though he still mourns for you. Well I guess I am happy he moved on. Gabe: Hey will the world I am going to affect my wishes. Rose: No they will not, that is a rule.

Gabriel: Okay I wish to go to the harry potter world crossed over with skyrim, as I mean have both the worlds combined but the elder scrolls world is only known by the magical world roughly 300 years before harry potter. then for my first wish is to have my skyrim character with all my stuff I had during the game. 2nd wish is to have the skill authority. 4th I wish to have instant mastery and comprehension. next for my fifth wish I wish to have absolute adaption and absolute immortality along with a system of my design to manage and be the admin of, and can I save my last four and my 6th wish is to have the skill card extraction ability from the skillfull lockheart fanfic. Rose: Grant now you will transmigrate there with you characters history,experience,system,and mods placed, so have fun. I then see myself turning into blue particles and I dissapear.