
Reborn in MHA with a diet SCP-4001

A young man is sent across the multiverse at the whims of a Random Omnipotent Being, with his cheat power being his own copy of SCP-4001, Alexandria Eternal, an extradimensional library that is a veritable Akashic Record. Except, there's a catch. The library is completely empty and the mc has to fill it himself! And he is pissed! Watch as he wrecks the worlds he visits and challenges all notions of protagonist-dom. First world is My Hero Academia. Support me on patr-eon for future extra chapters for all my fics! .https://www.patreon.com/goldenfingers #ruthlessmc #manipulativemc #cunningmc #evilmc #chessmaster #mastermind and most importantly, #noharem

GoldFinger · 漫画同人
61 Chs

50. Cry havoc.

With Hawks down, I rushed back to the Central Crossing, teleporting in alleys and backstreets, out of view of cameras.

Once I was back at the food court, I took a seat, opened Iida's book and began the wait, until three hours later, when Iida spotted him.


I slammed his book shut and opened my phone, checking Iida's location with the tracker I installed earlier.

"Hrmmmm!" I moaned, stretching, before running out, straight towards the idiot.

And while I was at it, I gave Deku a call.

He was interning under a hero in Hosu too.

Would do him good to get some experience dealing with this shit, with superpowered Nomus.

And if he dies, even better!

With him having vouched for me in the event of my father's death, he had already lost any further use to me.

"Hey! Deku, you see that location pin I sent you? Come over." I said, teleporting to a roof.

"Uh..Matsun, the thing is...." Deku replied, as something zipped past him, "I'm already here."


I chuckled.

That's one less chore for me.

"Hold on then." I added, "I'll be there in a minute."

Ending the call, I leapt off the roof teleporting further ahead as the alley came into view, glowing blue with Iida's Recipro Burst.

Channeling OFA into my feet, I flew off the roof, leaving cracks in the cement, maneuvering past the buildings between me and my destination, pushing off shelves to avoid collision.

As I neared it, I moved the power into my fist, pulling back my fingers, and snapping them forward, causing a gust of wind that cushioned my fall as I rolled into the street.

"Library Kamen is here!" I said, coming off the roll into a kamen rider pose, books flying everywhere.

"Matsun!" Deku cheered, from the floor.

"Yuji-san! You can't fight him!" Iida warned, from the other end of the alley, also on the floor.

Idiots got paralyzed in the 20 seconds it took me to get here!

"Wha- now who the hell are you?" Voldemort's younger, shittier cousin growled.

"Didn't you just hear- you know what, nevermind!" I sighed, rubbing my temples, as I swayed to the side, dodging his blade.

"Surprise attacks? How heroic of you Stain!" I snarked, grabbing his scarf, pulling him into a knee.

"Tch. I don't need to be heroic to deal with scum like you!" He retorted, cutting his scarf off, pushing one hand off my knee and rolled onto the floor, before retreating back.

Nice. Dude's got some skill.

Especially with that counter, just now.

No wonder he could hold his own against the heavy hitters of the hero world.

A man after my own heart!

Forming into a low stance, I beckoned him with a knife hand.

"Deal with me? How cute." I taunted, "Why don't we take a tussle and see if you can even put a scratch on me?"

Stain raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What makes you so conf-" He asked, before rushing flat against the wall, as shelves slammed into the alley from above, carefully avoiding the three downed victims, but covering the rest of the alley in shelvage.

"Ooh, great reaction speed. Didn't think you'd spot that!" I said, climbing onto the nearest shelf, and hopping over to him.

Stain stabbed up at me, slipping between the space between the shelves where Deku lay.

Putting the sword between his teeth he pushed off the shelves, jumping up to my level, when I suddenly unsummoned them all, putting him off balance.

I jumped down gracefully as he tumbled to the floor, rolling away.

Mid roll, Stain pulled out a knife from his side, sweeping his arm out, trying to chuck it at me.

Yeah, nah.

I slammed a shelf into his arm, bending it in ways human arms were not meant to. The knife flipped form his hand and went flying past him, cutting his ear off.

"Aaarhh!" He cried, grinding his teeth as he got back onto his feet with sheer force of will, swaying like a drunkard.

He tore out what was left of his scarf, tying up his arm in a makeshift sling with one smooth motion.

Touching his ear, hanging from strips of skin, he winced, before pulling it off completely.


"You sure that's a wise choice?" I asked, clearly more concerned about his well being than he himself was.

Which wasn't much to be honest, and that's saying something.

"It'll just be a bother." He replied coldly, "Can't take you down if I have to worry abput it flapping in the wind."

"Or...you could just surrender?!" I offered.

"Never." He answered, picking up his sword, as another shelf slammed into his good arm, dislocating it from the shoulder down, and spraining his ankle.

He gurgled in pain, stumbling back, grinding his teeth, as he stood back up determined to fight to the death.

I sighed.

"Dude. Just give up already." I pleaded.

"A righteous warrior never gives up!" He shouted, rasping for breath.

"A wise warrior knows when to give up, so they live to fight another day. Besides, your fight won't last much longer." I countered.

"Go ahead then!" He laughed, limping towards me, "But I refuse to bow down to you!"

"Oh no no no. I wasn't talking about killing you. Gods, no.

You will watch. And you will learn, with much horror, the futility of the failed exercise in morality that is your crusade against fake heroes." I smiled, in a sinister fashion.

Cracking my knuckles, I slapped away his feeble attempt at biting me, before giving him a solid kick in the family jewels, something he withstood without a peep.

"A groin cup!" I chirped, turning to Deku, who was slowly getting back on his feet, "See, a man of culture. He knows how to prep for a fight. You could stand to learn something from him."

"Phtew!" Stain spat out some blood from his mouth, and leveled a glare at me, only to be rewarded with another slap, and another one. So on and so forth, till he fell on his butt, concussed.

"Deku, mind calling the police now?" I requested.

"About that..." he replied, pointing to a corner, where a shattered cell phone lay.

I sighed again, pulling out mine.

"Here." I said, throwing it to him.

"And as for you." I turned back to Stain, who was crawling away.

"Eh? What happened to not giving up? Righteous warrior!" I mocked, stepping on hia back, stomping him into the floor.

"Damn you, you fake hero! I'll have your head!" He cried, as I pushed his head down.

"You'll try!" I corrected, with emphasis, "And you'll fail, again. Though, it's more likely the public safety bureau will have you commit suicide with 37 shots to the back of your head before that ever happens, turning you into soem sort of martyr for a grassroots revolution.

But see, that's where I come in." I said, pulling off his pants, and armaments, before cutting off the straps holding his makeshift armor on, stripping him completely naked.

Next, I cut his clothes into a strips, tying them together, before wrapping him up in them, bondage style.

Picking him up, I stacked shelves by the side of a nearby streetlight, and strung him upside down from it, dick hanging free in the wind.

All throughout he screamed, and cursed begging me to stop.

Of course, I didn't.

I was going to ruin his stoic antihero image, once and for all.

"Deku!" I called out, "Start filming. Let's see how people like a bondage pervert as a martyr."

"You monster!" Stain cried, tears streaming down his face.

"Huh?" I put a hand to my ear, leaning towards him, "I didn't hear that. Was the exhibitionist crybaby saying something?"

"This doesn't feel right, Matsun." Deku complained.

"Deku, do you have amnesia? He was trying to kill you just minutes earlier!"

"And he's a murderer!" Iida added, snatching the phone from Deku.

"Someone understands!" I said, pointing at Iida.

"Ladies, and gentlemen!" I announced appearing in view of the camera, "Welcome to today's episode of, To catch a predator!"

"Today, we have a guest star! Our local celebrity and amatuer exhibitionist, the one and only, Hero-Killer Stain!" I continued, twirling theatrically as Iida brought the camera onto Stain, hanging from a pole.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!" Stain screamed.

"And look at that enthusiasm! One could almost mistake you for a common street punk rather than the cold blooded murderer you are!" I teased, smacking his butt with his own katana.

"Let me go!" He pleaded.

"I would love to, really! But you just murrdered a pro hero in front of our eyes and then tried to kill us!

This is self defence, I tells ya! Self defence!"

I turned back to the camera, putting on a showman's smile.

"Now our friend here thinks himself a righteous warrior, on some holy crusade!

He wants to start a revolution, to root out the e~v~i~l fake heroes that plaguebour society.

But he made one fatal slip!" I said, wagging my finger, "Stepped in one big doodoo, if you will. He attacked my friends.

He crippled, " I said, taking the phone from Iida and bringing him into the picture, "Iida's brother, Ingenium. He'll likely never walk again. Tragic!

Don't you think?!

All because he FEELS that what he's doing is right, without any concern for the lives of others.

He doesn't care who he hurts, or how many families he destroys.

No. Just like the fake heroes he seems to hunt, he's an irresponsible piece of shit, that brings death and destruction wherever he pleases."

"So while yes, this seems a little extreme, hanging him naked in the street.

But consider this, is it worse than murder?

Is it not some small justice?

Because let me assure you!"

I turned my expression into a serious one and continued, "If the police simply arrest him, and convict him like a common criminal, he will be turned into a martyr by other murderous psychopaths who will use this as an excuse to hurt more innocent people!

To prevent further bloodshed, to protect the innocents, the children, who like us could have gotten caught in his murderous rampages.

This has to be stopped. He has to be stopped from becoming a martyr for a noble cause!

So here we are. To all those who adore him and his ideals!" I said, pointing to Stain, "Look upon you hero, and carve it into your minds. This is your leader. This is the face of your revolution. Let him be a reminder to all of you who wish to follow in his footsteps. You're next!" I finished, putting down the phone and ending the recording, before uploading it onto the internet from a fake account.

I choked back a cacophonous laugh, and smirked.

Cry havoc, and let lose the dogs of war.

For I am not coming.



baby, that was an intense chapter!

how ya guys feel about that?

any changes, suggestions?

anyeays, thanks for reading. and this is the extra chapter for 400 powerstones as promised.

donate yo powerstones and add to yo library.

no chapter tomorrow cuz i hav exams.


GoldFingercreators' thoughts