
Reborn in MHA as Anko Mitarashi (DISCONTINUED)

Discontinued! check my profile for the other version.

coolusername2007 · 武侠
8 Chs

Anko vs All for one!

After the UA admission test I received the letter and took it to my room to open it with my parents, a hologram of Gran Torino appeared saying that I scored 63 points in the exam because of the 11 rescue points for saving the participants from the zero points and also for saving the girl.Then saying that I was accepted into the school and that I would be in the classroom 1-A.

my parents were very happy, saying that I would start my life as a hero at UA school.

When the afternoon arrived I decided to train in the forest near my house to improve my skills.

When I got there I decided to meditate on a tree trunk that was lying on the ground, I spent 24 minutes meditating, after that I got up and used the snakes to swing me from a tree branch.

The snake wrapped itself around the branch and then I pulled myself up, making me staying in the air.

I threw another snake that wrapped itself around another branch of another tree and I repeated the process jumping from tree to tree.

After a few minutes of jumping from tree to tree I let go of the branches causing me to fall to the ground while the snakes disappear on my sleeve.

After I was on the ground I started thinking about doing the training that Kakashi did in the anime, which was practically focusing the chakra on my feet to climb a tree.

I closed my eyes and imagined my energy going to my feet, and then I felt my chakra going there making me feel like I was floating.

I placed my feet on the tree trunk and then the other, and yes, it worked. My chakra made me stand on the trunk with both feet without falling.

I climbed the whole tree until the top.

Arriving at the top I saw a beautiful view of the city because I was quite high, perhaps I was in the tallest tree in the forest.

I was admiring the view for about 5 minutes after that I left the tree just going down with my chakra feet on the trunk, I didn't want to jump either because it was too high.

Arriving on the ground I said:

"I better go home and rest a little."

"Nice quirk you have there brat." someone said.

"What?" I said while looking around confused.

'that voice, I know it from somewhere.' I thought

"I'll give you a chance to join my group, your quirk should be very useful to me." he said.

He came out from behind a tree revealing himself, man with short white hair

wearing a black suit.

'All for one?' I thought.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm just a person who wants to change this world." he said.

"Now tell me" he said

"Will you join me?"

After he said that I gathered courage and said:

"No way!"

After I said that he raised his hand towards me and said:

"What a shame."

A red energy comes out of his fingers coming towards me.

"Shit!" I said.

So I use my chakra to dodge the energies that were coming.

After dodging, I use my quirk against him.


And several snakes came out of my sleeve and went towards him, but he just avoided them by jumping, causing the snakes to hit a tree, causing dust to rise.

"So you have two quirks. I must say that I'm impressed." he said smiling.

I throw more snakes towards him but he creates a fire shield making the snakes retreat and return to my sleeve.

"Are you going to use fire hm? How about fire against fire then?" I said smiling.

After that I make hand seals doing the fire jutsu.


I feel my stomach burning and then an immense amount of fire comes out of my mouth heading towards his fire shield.

the fire collides with the shield, breaking it, but he avoids it by jumping to the side.

"But what is this? 3 quirks? I'm even more impressed now." he said.

He after getting up, throws an Air shockwave towards me.

I dodge it by jumping and landing on a tree branch.

the air attack crashes into a tree causing a large explosion.

I began to protect my eyes from the large dust that rose from the attack.

After a few seconds waiting for the dust to settle, he starts looking for me in the trees.

"Now where is she?" he said.

He finds me in the branches of the tree that was 10 meters away from him, he then throws a beam of light towards me.

I use the snakes to give me momentum, then the snake wraps itself around a branch of another tree, I pull it making me jump and land on the ground.

the attack hits the tree causing another large explosion.

'Man he's a lot stronger than I thought. Better think of a plan.' I thought as I protected myself from the dust of the explosion.

I close my eyes, put my hands together and begin to focus my chakra all over my body in order to gain speed and strength.

I feel my body lighter, after 10 seconds I open my eyes and see a white aura around my whole body.

'I think it worked.' I thought.

He appears in front of me but before he can do anything I start running towards him at an absurd speed, when I got close I punch him in the face making him fly and hit a tree.

After the dust has settled he stands up and says:

"what insane speed. Is it another quirk? you never stop surprising me." he said smiling.

He starts to prepare a lightning attack and he throws it towards me but I dodge it easily.

I started running towards him, dodging several energy attacks that come out of his fingers, when I get close I throw another punch that makes him fly and fall to the ground.

I start running towards him again but before I can punch him I feel an impact on my face that makes me fly and crash into a tree.

I get up from the floor spitting blood and then I start doing hand seals.


the fire goes towards him but he avoids it by just jumping to the side.

I decide to use the snakes to bite him.


Only one snake goes towards him but he easily avoids it, then another snake appears, biting his foot and then throwing him against a tree.

After getting up, he throws a beam of light towards me but I use my chakra as a shield, protecting myself from the attack.

After the explosion and the dust settles I take off the chakra shield and start looking around for him,but before I could do anything someone puts their hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay girl?" the voice behind me said.

I look back and see a hero with several police officers accompanying him.

"He escaped." one of the police officers said.

And behind them my parents appeared and they ran towards me a little worried.

"Are you okay daughter?" my mother asked.

"Did he hurt you?" my father asked.

"You don't have to worry, I just got hit in the face." I said.

"My god! we have to take her to the hospital!" my mother said looking at my bleeding face.

After that they took me to the hospital, the doctor said that I would be fine as the injuries were not serious.My parents then told me that they started hearing explosions and they called the police, after a while some police officers started to ask me questions about the person I fought, I said that it was a person with short white hair wearing a black suite with several quirks. They then said that it was All for one for sure and they will protect my parents if the villain attack.