
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs

New Mexico

After leaving I decide to go to New York and blow off some steam by doing some superhero work.

The next morning I get onto my plane and make my way over to New Mexico.

If my calculations are correct, here soon Thor and his hammer should be coming to earth very soon.

Once I land I walked towards where I know Jane Foster and her scientist group is located.

I sat and waited for night to come while I watched the sky, so I don't miss anything that might change.

Later that night the wind started to pick up, and a van decided to drive into the wall of sand and wind.

Shortly after they drove inside, the wind and sand calmed down to reveal that the van hit a tall muscular blonde guy who they tased and now are trying to load into they van to bring him to the hospital.

After they loaded him inside I put everyone to sleep before they could take off.

I want to see if Thor's blood will make me stronger as he is, I don't know if Odin stripping him of his power will effect the power in his blood.

I slid open the door and used magic to lift him up and pull him towards me, I grabbed him and sank my fangs into his neck to drink a little, and I got nothing it's like it is a human I tried a couple more times and I still got nothing.

I'm not angry, disappointed maybe but not angry I expected this in a way I was hoping for a easy power-up but I still have one more chance for more power.

I used telekinesis to put all of them back as they were.

Once I woke them back up I asked Raphael, "have you noticed any hammers or anything else other then Thor enter the atmosphere?"

{"the satellites noticed something 20 miles north of your current location."}

Turning in that direction. "Thank you for the help, your as useful as ever."

I ran north and like Raphael said I found a crater with a hammer in the center.

I walk down into the crater to stand in front of the hammer, I wrapped my hands around the grip, and I couldn't move it at all, sadly I'm not worthy of Mjolnir.

I decided to study the hammer and see if I could get any useful data of the enchantments and ruins.

I lost track of time and was studying the hammer all night and a guy in a truck snapped me out of it.

"Hey! How did this happen? Did you see it fall?"

Looking up to the top of the crater. "No sir, I just found it here last night on a walk, I can't seem to move it at all."

I walked to the top of the crater because I realized my research time has come to an end.

When I got to the top, the guy looked shocked. "You look like Ethan Mikealson."

Shaking his hand. "That would be because I am, let's not tell anyone I'm here, I'm just rolling by to anyone else I was never here."

"It's a honor to meet you I can for sure do this."

"Thanks for the help." Then I sped back towards my plane.

When I got on my plane I called Fury. "Hey, I just thought to tell you that you might want to send some agents to New Mexico, I was just there and there is a hammer that can't be moved, that will catch everyone's attention very quickly."

"How did you find out before me we just found out ourselves that something happened there and I was about to assign some agents to head that way."

"Remember you might have eyes and ears everywhere but mine are better, and before you ask again I'm not giving it to you have a nice day." I said with a smile I love taunting him on this.

"Before you hang up, I have given tony all his fathers belongings that was left at shield."

"Good, he should figure out the key to his heart now, thanks for keeping me updated."

After I land i head over to Tony's house to see how much progress he has made on the new element.

As I pulled in Agent Coulson was heading to his car. "Coulson, what brings you by Tony's?"

"Sir, Director Fury originally assigned me to watch over Tony to make sure he didn't leave the property, but I just got reassigned to look over a 0-8-4 (an object of unknown origin.)"

Walking to where the door should be. "Well you have fun I'm going to see how Tony is doing."

As I walk into the living room I notice the house is still a huge mess, I then walk to the garage to see Tony mess with huge tubes. "I see you figured out what we left you."

Tony looked at me confused. "We? I thought it was my father."

Looking around. "No me and your father figured out the new element it was just at that time we didn't have the technology to synthesize it.

But it was your fathers idea to redesign the expo to the makeup of the element, so hopefully you'd figure it out in the future.

quite smart, both of you are geniuses I can't tell you who would be better because of the technology of your times."

"Thank you, question though, you and dad are Founders of shield?"

I'm checking his calculations to make sure he's correct. "Yes, me and your dad along with Peggy Carter are Founders, I'm still involved time to time but after your fathers death I stepped away for the most part."

Looking at me annoyed. "My calculations aren't wrong."

"Didn't say they were, I'm just checking you never know."

Walking up to me. "Did you know about Natasha then, shield put an agent into my company."

Making one of his tubing level. "I'm not going to lie, of course I knew but that's not only because I mess with shield, it's because I recruited her and we are something."

Walking back to the door. "I did tell you she's mine the first day you met her.

Well you have fun, I just came by to see if you made progress."

After I left Tony's house I decided to go by my company, I haven't been to my company in person for a while, I have to show my developers and engineers some of my new inventions.

Later in the day after I left my company I decided to call Natasha on the drive home to see if she has landed yet. "Hey Ember have you and Pepper landed yet?"

Yeah we landed not to long ago we are heading to the expo now, are you going to make an appearance?"

"Why would you ask that? Can't I just simply ask where you're at?"

"You could but I know you."

"Fine, you caught me, I might make an appearance but not in a good way, keep you guard up tonight."

"Thanks for the heads up I will."

I finished the drive home and went to check my clones to see if they finished my cape or at least made some progress.

Sadly it's not to my liking just yet we are making progress but not finished.

"Sir, I'm letting you know like you asked, Tony just landed on the stage at the Expo."

"Thank you, inform the night watch to help the civilians and to keep out of the public eye, they are authorized to use compulsion to erase there memory of them if caught."