
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs

Ironman meets Ivan

The next morning as I sit and eat breakfast I realized that longer time goes bye somehow I'm forgetting the small details in the movies, I'm remembering all the big events but I'm forgetting some details in between.

I put a clone on the task of trying to figure out why and how to fix it, but while he's doing that I go straight to fury's office to ask him some questions.

I walk into his office and I don't try to be quiet. "Why did you put Natasha on the mission to study and evaluate stark, I could have told you what you wanted or you could have put someone else on it."

He looks at me. "You would be biased and she's the best we have for this mission."

"I would have liked a heads up at least you know I'm at starks a lot, I didn't like being blind sided." I say while walking to the door.

"You seriously came over here just to tell me that and leave?"

"Yep, and don't do that again, I knew she was in town but it would have been nice to know she was working so close to home." I said then walked out.

My next stop this morning is the the pentagon, while the military are trying to steal Tony's suit they are also trying to get me to be there test subject, they think my powers are just a newer version of the super soldier serum, once I told them that I don't have any way to give them my powers they want me to be a lab rat.

So I'm here to put a stop to it, if after my visit today it doesn't work then I'll call my people to get rid of it, I'm trying to do it publicly so no one can question what happened.

On my way back to my house I got a call from tony. "Turn on the tv I'm about to go race."

"What! Aren't you at Monaco to watch other's race?" I say while speeding up.

"Why not, what's the point of owning a car if you don't drive it yourself."

"If this is about you dying, I will solve it if you truly can't, I don't want you to go killing your self."

"No it's not I'll be fine, just watch me win." Then he hangs up.

After he hangs up I call Natasha. "Hello, what can I do for you darling."

"Don't darling me it would have been nice to know your not making it to our date, and do you know what tony is doing because I just got a call from him and he told me he is racing himself."

"Darn ok thanks for calling." As she hangs up.

I mutter to myself "she ignored my comment about our date."

After I finally get home and step into my house. "Raphael turn on the Monaco race."

As I sit down on my couch a huge display formed out of nowhere in front of me, and on it was the race.

I get comfy and watch the race for a few laps before I get very confused and surprised at the same time to see someone walk out onto the track as his clothes disappear on his upper body to display a exoskeleton like machine with electrified whips extending from his hands.

"Raphael please tell me that's not who I think it is?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that he looks like one Ivan Antonovich Vanko."

"How does he have the arc reactor technology I made sure his father was no where near this tech I even moved him away after he tried to join in on the project."

"I don't know how but I'm guessing that he acquired the blueprints during that failed attempt to rob your facility."

"That makes no sense, like you said it was a failed attempt."

"Yes but after the attempt we went through all our items and the only thing missing was the blueprints, I never informed you because I thought you moved it to your house after stark came back from the cave."

"What! No! How could you not inform me, even if you had the slightest hunch I should have been informed.

I pace while thinking then I stop. "We'll doesn't matter I'll question him on how he got inside before I kill him later I want to watch him get destroyed by tony."

As I turn my attention back to the screen I see Ivan slash cars in half as they drive by, you can see tony rounding the corner not noticing the man on the track until it's to late and Ivan cuts off the front end making the car flip.

As tony gets out of the car he quickly pulls off his glove and hits a button on his watch, once he hit's the button he jumps back and falls barley missing a whip.

He keeps getting close calls as he makes his way backward.

That's until something comes flying from behind him and hitting Ivan in the head temporarily getting him out of the way.

What lands In front of tony is a suit case.

But when he steps on it, it turns into boots and a place to put his hands, he puts his hands in the gloves and stands up and the suit fills in the rest.

While Tony is suiting up Ivan gets back up and tries to cut Tony.

He dodges and fires a blast at him and hits, Ivan gets back up and throws the whips at tony, he grabs them and wraps them around him and makes his way towards the suit until he pulls off the reactor.

"Raphael inform me once tony leaves from Ivan's interrogation room I want to talk to him myself, set that up please."

A few hours later. "Sir tony is going inside the building now."

"Good is it setup for me to go inside after?"

"Yes, they are ready for you and waiting."

I don't say anything and open a portal no to far away from the prison.

I walk up to the gate and after checking my ID and go through a weapon check (very funny I am a weapon.) I'm allowed in.

On my way to his holding cell I pass tony and tell him I have to talk to him.

After I walk inside they shut the door behind me. "Nice tech you made for yourself, but I'd like to know why you went after tony and how you even got the technology.?"

Turning to look at me. "I was wondering when I'd see you.

Then he turn back to face the wall. "Your family is a family of bullies and thieves, my father once tried to help build the arc reactor but your father didn't even give him a chance and got him deported."

I sit next to him as he continues. "So I decided to go after you and tony for the life I've lived since your family stole my life."

Looking at him. "Me and tony would have the life we have now with or without the reactor, so we stole no life of yours."

Then he starts to hysterically laughing. "And stealing your blueprints of the original reactor was to easy, hire some thieves and slip inside when they are busy."

Standing up and walking towards the door. "Not going to lie, I'm kinda impressed, no one has stolen from me before. But look what it got you, you failed tony and me are just fine."

"Did I? If you make a God bleed, then people will stop believing in them."

As I knock on the door to let me out. "Well tony may have gotten a wake up call but I'm still up and unbloodied."