
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs

found the Ether

The next morning I portaled to my lab at the house in the county to put the last tiny touches on my gift before I sent it off to my warehouse in shield.

I decided to say some quick goodbyes so no one questions where I'm at, but how am I not surprised that as soon as I show up my brother does something horrible with his new authority.

He ordered the Vampires to kill all the werewolves.

I slightly get why he did it but still a little to far.

I quickly found the kill party and compelled them to not attack my pack and Haley's I prefer them not dead, for now at least.

I found Nick. "Amazing job, a little to far but at least you got there attention."

"Thank you brother, that was the point."

"I've come to say I'm leaving for a bit, it may be a day or more I don't know yet, there is disturbances and I might need to help."

"Why do you help humans, they will die while we live on long after they are ash."

"A couple reasons, I got bored for one, and two if many of these events don't get stopped it would effect even us."

"Whatever brother you have your fun, I'll be here running the kingdom."

"I will and I'm not interested in running this so called kingdom anyway, if you need me I'm a call away."

(Anything on the phenomenon?)

(Reading are still the same you are good.)


I then ran out to the opening, changed my clothing into my suit and flew off towards the Triskelion.

As I flew I stopped a couple of crimes before I landed on the helipad at the Triskelion.

When I landed a couple of agents tried to stop me but I didn't care.

I called Natasha really quick. "Hey honey."

"Honey? What do you want."

"Nothing really I was just wandering do you know if Fury is in his office?"

"I just left to head on a mission so he should be."

"Oh fun, how's Steve doing with his missions with you?"

"It took a bit for him to get use to being a spy but he's a quick learner."

"Good to know, call me when you get back I might stop by, if you're lucky."

"Oh, if I'm lucky ok we'll see about that."

I looked up to see Agent Hill walking to me.

"Hello Hill, Fury come to bring me to him?"

"He'd like to send you away but unfortunately he knows he can't, so yes."

"Good to know he's learned."

When we walked in his office he dismissed Hill.

"How have you been?"

"The better question is where have you gone?"

"My whereabouts is none of your concern."

"It is when I have the council up my ass about all of your whereabouts and you are the only one I can't find."

"I know I encouraged it to make more trouble for you." I whispered.

"What'd you say."

"Nothing, I didn't come here to get questioned, I actually came here to give you a gift."

"You're giving me a gift."

"Of course it's for our long relationship."

And before he could say anything I made a portal and moved it to swallow us up.

I put us right in front of the car. " ta da, a car!"

"A car I have a bunch of cars."

"Not like this I tricked it out.

It's bullet proof, self driving, auto eject if ever needed, can change its wheels into thrusters and fly, and last bit not least it had a AI to help you."

"Not bad but is that it I'd expect better from you."

"Of course there's more the arm rest changes into a gun, all of the glass can be blacked out so no one can see in or out and turn into screens and the cameras surrounding the car will show a perfect picture as if they are glass. This also comes into effect if for some reason the glass can't regrow."

"Regrow? What do you mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention it's made out of nano tech, it has a certain amount of them in storage and of anything breaks it will auto repair that includes all the mechanical parts, but do be warned if under attacked it will focus in the repeatedly attack areas."

"Not bad you actually figured out Nano tech before Stark."

"Yep, and there's more but Lisa will tell you more won't you."

"Yes creator."

"How do we talk to Fury."

"All right Captain this here vessel has many."

"You didn't."

"I mean you have the eye patch, so your a pirate.

Have fun Captain."

Then I sent him and the car out of my private area.

(That was funny right?)

(You're funny as always.)

(I'll take that as a good thing.)

(I wouldn't.)

(I'm ignoring you now, keep watch on the reading and the location on Jane Foster.)

Then I set off to head to Tony's house to show off my Nano watch.

Along the way.

(Thought you should know that Jane found a factory where the worlds vail is very thin, I'm guessing this is where she finds the Ether.)

(Where at?)

(In London.)

(Put it up in my display, thanks.)

I land right behind three people, Jane, Darcy, and i don't know his name Darcy's intern.

They all stare at me, I wave. "Hello I'm guessing you all know me, I'm just here to do some research."

Jane came up to me. "Do you know where Thor is I seen him on tv at New York but I haven't seen or heard from him?"

"Sorry he went back to Asgard shortly after we captured Loki."

"That's disappointing, thanks tho."

"Do you care if I join you?"

Darcy got excited. "Of course you can join your Ethan your smart sexy… good looking…."

"Ignore her, come on."

We walked in and heard some noise.

I noticed it was just three kids and didn't care.

Darcy whispered. "I'm not getting killed in the name of science, wait we have Ethan we are fine."

"Good to know I'm good for something."

Suddenly the three kids came out.

One of the boys. "Are you the police?"

Jane spoke. "No we're scientists. Well, I am."

I chuckled. "Me and her are these two i don't know what they are."

Darcy- "I take offense to that."

One of the boys. "We just found it."

"Can you show us?"

We walked into a big tall room with a cement truck in the center.

The boy walked up and with one hand picked it up.

"Ok, I can do that but I don't think he can so something is definitely off."

Then we walked up some stairs then we stopped and one of the kids threw a bottle off, but it didn't hit the ground it eventually disappeared and reappeared above us, and that repeated.

More and more things got thrown in some did a loop some just disappeared.

I was watching things appearing and disappearing when.

(Jane is following a reading.)

I looked around and noticed she was a floor above us.

I quickly followed and seen her disappear though a wall, so I followed.

I got transported to a big open space with a huge square pillar with a gap that's glowing red.

Jane was walking around it and was about to put her hand inside.

"I wouldn't do that, hasn't your parents taught you anything."


She turned to look at me when she stuck her hand inside and the red glow turned into a mist and went inside Jane, then she passed out.

(Can you get any readings?)

(You're currently not on earth so I can't use the satellites to do proper readings.)

(Do you think I should drink her blood?)

(I don't think it would do you any harm.)


I bent down and drank from her neck.

I didn't feel different.

Darn nice try though.

I picked her up and walked back through the vail.