
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs


Shortly after he got his new costume, captain and his team, the howling commandos set off to slowly, but successfully start taking off Hydro bases, one by one.

While him and his team did that, I made two clones,

first one is to research the hydra weapons I got.

The second one is to help Howard in my stead, I want to help the captain.

As he made his way through the bases I used the spell (Invisique) so no one could see while I took out the stragglers.

What always amazed me is that every time I helped, he always managed to find me, and I can't figure out how I am invisible and I'm making sure no one is looking while I take out my guy, but still somehow, he's always able to locate and spot me out so I had to keep wiping their memories of me being there, so he doesn't have questions later on.

On a certain mission I didn't help them I made a portal in the conductor's room while invisible because that is where Dr. Zola is located. (The hydra weapons designer)

While captain and his team makes there way towards the front I search through his memories, I'm looking on his designs and knowledge of the tesseract and weapons made from it.

After I'm done looking, I went to go help the captain save Bucky from falling out of the train.

Unfortunately, I took too long searching through his mind to help, buck had already fell out of the train.

Once I realized that I was too late, they had already captured Dr. Zola and started their way back to land.

After they made it off the train, I made a portal to my house to use my new knowledge to help my clone on the research of the weapons.

When they made it back to base with there prisoner,

Colonel Phillips took him to be interrogated.

After a surprisingly short meeting after the colonel got the information he wanted we would do a all out attack on the main hydra base to hopefully stop the red skull from bombing the United States.

While captain America was making his way into the base to intentionally get captured.

I changed my look to a regular guy from the assault team. I had to join the final battle and I didn't want to hide or at least at first.

As we made our way into the base mowing down the enemy, they kept saying "take down one head two more will take its place, "so one time after a straggler said that to Phillips shot him down, he said "let's go find two more." And kept walking like he just didn't make a bunch of the soldiers laugh.

As we made it to the huge hanger, it turned into a humongous shoot out.

They had hundreds Upon hundreds soldiers there waiting.

It became a huge mess of people, so I decided to go invisible and change back to my alias and speed around and have fun just using strength and speed. with no magic.

{master I've noticed that Phillips and Peggy have used a car to pick up the captain to catchup to the plane, but the problem is that they are going too fast and if my calculations are correct which they always are, based off the movie when they started to slow down, they will drive off the cliff."}

Dang it! The one time I don't pay attention to any of them.

I sigh and for the first time in a very long time I use my vampire and werewolf side to boost my speed to make sure I can catch them; my pupils glow yellow as I take off running to catch up.

As I catchup to the car, I noticed that they have turned the car facing the hanger trying to drive in the opposite direction to slow them down, I run to the front and grab the car just as it's about to fall off the cliff and pull it back up.

"How did our car stop and go forward with our back tires off the road?" Peggy asked while looking around.

While trying to figure it out himself Phillips said, "that's something I can't answer."

I already decided to be part of shield in its creation, and I didn't plan on keep my secret from the founders, so I decided to lift the invisible spell and to fully introduce myself.

As I lifted the spell, they both became defensive ready to fire, until they saw my face then they became very confused.

"How did you just appear?"

Was that you who stopped the car?"

How did you catch up to use?"

Did you get a serum like Steve?"

They kept talking over one another asking questions, so I stopped them.

"I think it's time I introduce myself fully and be truthful." After saying that I change to my actual appearance and bowed dramatically.

"My name is Ethan Mikealson, and I'm the original monster. I'm a mixture of many species and I've been alive for a very long time.

But I think we should talk about this later we are still in a war zone.

(I chose the title "original monster" instead to "original tribrid" because I'm not going to be just three species and I have other powers then those of the witch, werewolf, and vampire and I plan on adding more so I thought this name fit.) cc* plane^

In the control center. "Come in, this is captain rogers do you read me?"

Before the soldier at the station could speak Peggy pushed him out of the way.

"Steve is that you, are you alright?" *

"Schmidt Is dead." ^ (red skull)

"What about the plane." *

"That's a little tougher to explain." ^

"Give me your coordinates and I'll find you a safe place to land." *

"There's no way to do a safe landing these bombs are timed and ready to blow, but I can force it down into the water." ^

"I'll put Nathan on the line, he'll know how to help." *

After I hear my name, I take everyone out of the room, I know there is no disarming them and I know what he will have to do, so I make sure he has some alone time with Peggy before he is submerged.

"There's not enough time it's moving too fast and it's going towards New York I have to put it in the water." ^

"Please don't do this, we have time, we can figure it out." *

"Right now, I'm in the middle of nowhere if I wait any longer a lot of people will die I have to do it now." ^

After I heard those words, I stopped listening and walked away. With my head down sad, I don't know the layout or what it looks like, or I would have gone on there and saved him.

After that battle the war was pretty much over, we won.

Captain America aka Steve Rogers became the first superhero to go down in history.