
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs

Black widow


While I was in my lab working on hard light projectors I got informed by Raphael that my clone that's on the council got information that {they are sending Clint (Hawkeye) to takeout one miss Natalia Alianovna Romanoff.} as she put a picture of her on my computer screen.

Good, let's give Fury a visit.

As I walk into Fury's office he's just sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

As I sit down across from him. "I heard you found someone of interest?"

Shocked and confused on how someone got into his office without his knowledge. "What? How? Never mind, I give up on trying to figure you out, I've tried for years, what do you want this time."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I place a folder on his desk. "I want you to take Barton off Romanoff I'm going after her myself and maybe recruit her."

Picking up the file and looking at the photo. "How do you know about this mission, and Why should I let you, what do I get out of this?"

"You think you have eyes everywhere and ears everywhere else, your information gathering is nothing compared to mine, I've been building mine for many more years then you." I say with a chuckle.

Looking serious. "Why do you try this every time I tell you something, I might have worded it as a request but it was an order.

Remember I'm higher then you I always will be." I say while I stand up.

Fury puts his hand up to stop me. "Before you go I have a team I want you to join?"

I look at him. "And why would I want to join a team, I have enough power to do about anything I want myself?"

Standing up and walking to me to hand me a file. "I know that but I have a idea, a mission, I want to put together a group of extraordinary people so when the world faces a threat that we can't handle they will come together to save us."

"Great speech might want to work on it a little though." I walk to the door, "I'm leaving now to find her… and I'll think about it."

I'm current watching one Natalia Romanoff, I'm not disappointed in her skills she's going through the body guards like they're nothing, but I know that's not true they are military trained, what's more impressive is that she's not killing them she's knocking them out in a way that makes them look dead, unless your trained.

I'm following her as she moves along, but for once I'm not using my invisibility spell I want to see if she's good enough to sense me and find me as she moves forward.

I watch as she hesitates to kill her target a simple, politician, I've looked the guy up and he's done nothing wrong he's just got into the wrong persons way.

She keeps hesitating to kill her target, it's written all over her face that's she's over the red room and wants to get away.

After a moment longer it was obvious that she wasn't going to kill him or find me so I used the Immobilization Spell then the sleeping spell to not lose the target and keep this conversation private."

"So the famous black widow can't even kill her target, what makes it worse is that he's sitting right in front of you begging you not to, all you have to do is pull the trigger."

As soon as I start to talk Natalia changes the direction she's pointing the pistol while she looking for where I'm at. "Who and where are you?"

Still hiding, "I followed you all the way in and you didn't notice little old me, my impression of you is going down."

As she starts to move, "I don't care about your impression, stop hiding and face me."

I take out a pistol and shoot at her, but I miss on purpose.

She doges shoots back and rolls to safety.

I change my gun into a ring and put it on. "Despite my entrance I'm not here to take you out, well not kill you I'll take you out if you'd like later.

I'm here on behalf of shield to recruit you." I finish as I walk into the open with my hands up.

"Why should I believe anything your saying, you shot at me." She says while aiming the gun at my head.

"You can shoot me if you'd like it won't do much but hurt for a moment." I said nonchalantly.

"Back on topic yes, I might have fired in your direction but I missed on purpose I wanted to see your reaction."

"What like some test?"

"You can say that," after I finish my sentence I attack her, I throw a jab she dodges to the side while trying to sweep my right leg, I grab her leg "not bad but I've heard you're better, apparently the stories about you are wrong."

When I finish I throw her leg in the air and try to grab her arm but she moves it out of the way and uses the momentum to kick me in the face then she lands in her signature pose.

I touch where she kicked, "not bad, but seriously test is over, I'm here to help you escape and join us if you agree.

She didn't agree right away especially since she had people following her to make sure she didn't run, she was to important to the red room, but after a while and a couple more fights I finally convinced her and we had to fight our way out of the city once her watch detail realized she was trying to escape.

After making it back to the states the first thing I did was bring her to Fury's office and drop her off.

I didn't intend to do anything else involving her nor did I think she would want me involved, so I went back to my house to work on my hard light projectors.

my goal is to make my whole house a computer in a way and use the projectors to display and eventually be able to be used to interact with it as well.

So I was very shocked when I got a call from Fury saying, "if you'd like to Natalia requested that if possible, you go with her to complete her first mission."

Of course I couldn't say no to a beautiful lady as herself.

I decided to use my own quinjet in this mission, we will be skydiving in so after we jump I'll have my clone who changed his looks to fly the plane back to my facility.

After I land and walk outside I see Natalia standing there ready to leave. "You couldn't get enough of me could you?"

As she walks on. "Yes, you caught me I can't get enough of your big strong body and your funny quips."

I closed the hatch, "I honestly can't tell if your serious or not, I don't like it, let's change the subject, what exactly is this mission."

Buckling in, "you agreed to come and you didn't even know what you agreed to?"

We start to take off. "You asked and I decided I didn't get enough time with you, umm I mean I didn't get enough time to make fun of you."

Smiling. "Whatever you say big boy, we are to land just outside Budapest, we are going to blow up a 5 story building, we will lead Dreykov's daughter to the building to make sure that he will go inside. (Dreykov is the leader of the red room.)

And that's what we did but before everything started I changed my face and used illusion magic to change hers I told her it was a piece of technology I've been developing. (Which isn't wrong I have been for a while.)

We set charges in all the strongest structural points to make sure it will go down easy and quick.

She did what she said she would she lured Dreykov's daughter inside, and not to long later someone who looked like Dreykov walked inside the building. Natalia gave to go ahead to blow the building.

So I did but before I did I made a portal under the daughters feet and with the help of Raphael I put Dreykov in the building as it blew.

The after math of the explosion was fun we where chased and engaged in a heavy firefight with the Hungarian Special Forces.

When we escaped I was about to open a portal when she suggested that we both hide and wait there search out.

As we found an abandoned building and went inside I said with a smile. "That was an amazing first date."

"excuse you, what made you think that was a first date."

"For us that had to be the best date ever, I flew you to a different country, then we setup explosives, then we even ended the date with a gun fight, can I say best date ever." I finish with a huge smile.

Seductively She walks up to me and runs her hand down my body. "And let's say your right how would you end the night."

I grab her hand and look at her. "As much as I'd love to do what your thinking how about we talk and get to know each other, your whole life just changed, you can be a whole new person but before that happens I'd love to know your current self.

So for the next 10 days while we hid from the special forces we talked and other fun adventure.

During those 10 days I tasked the night watch to find and eliminate the red room all together and try recruit as many women as possible and to possibly be shield agents or night watch agents.

When we finally left and on our way back to headquarters Natalia agreed with what I said and decided to start anew and I helped her pick a new first name Natasha so from that moment she was Natasha Romanoff.

Once she settled at shield her normal working partner was Clint but every once in a while we'd have those amazing mission dates and we became….. well we still don't know.


As I reminisce and walk into my house from Tony's all I can do is be happy I tasked Raphael to keep a watch on her back then.