
Reborn as Jorah Mormont in GOT

Step into the extraordinary realm of ASOIAF, where a man emerges, destined to embody the legendary Jorah Mormont. Prepare to be captivated by the unfolding tale of his remarkable journey. What secrets lie within his past? What deeds did he undertake to reshape the world of Ice and Fire? Read next chapters at - patreon.com/ayrus2011 Unlock the mystery, embrace the adventure, and follow the path of the greatest Northern Lord, whose endeavours reverberated across the realms. Prepare to be enthralled as his tale weaves together elements of passion, power, and fate. Embark upon this spellbinding voyage, for within it lies the key to understanding the profound impact of his actions on the ever-changing world of Ice and Fire. The story begins...

ayrus2011 · 作品衍生
61 Chs

Ch 58: Change of Plans


"Great. Please contact them as soon as possible. We need to buy some slaves and this is an urgent need." Jorah spoke with a smile but Lady Maege nearly jumped on her feet listening to this.

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"Have you lost your damned mind, Jorah? Involved in the slave trade?" Lady Maege's voice resonated with incredulity and a touch of anger, her pregnant belly lending an air of gravity to her presence.

"Aunt, please, tread softly and let your temper cool a bit. Your due date is fast approaching, isn't it?" Jorah responded, attempting to soothe her frayed nerves. "What I propose is purchasing these unfortunate souls from their captors and granting them freedom here on Bear Island.

Timothy brought nearly five hundred individuals from King's Landing, yet few among them had any substantial skills. They were once beggars, now turned fishermen and farmers. Our island needs more skilled hands—scribes, craftsmen, tutors, and proficient sailors and shipbuilders.

There are hundreds languishing in iron cages in Astapor and Slaver's Bay. Then, there are the renowned and costly Unsullied. I require a handful of them for a very crucial task."

Jorah articulated his intentions plainly, aiming to pacify his aunt, who was pacing about Bear's Keep.

Lady Maege's expression shifted from anger to contemplation, her hand resting gently on her belly. "But Jorah, we've always prided ourselves on our honour. Can we truly justify participating in a trade that has caused so much suffering?"

"Aunt, I understand your concerns. This isn't about condoning slavery, but rather, it's about rescuing those who have been oppressed. We will provide them with a chance at a new life here on Bear Island," Jorah replied, his eyes filled with a mixture of determination and compassion.

Master Rodrick, ever the voice of reason, chimed in, "M'Lord, our soldiers are already fiercely loyal and brave. Why spend coin on acquiring Unsullied?"

"Because only they can execute ruthless killings without hesitation. They make for perfect soldiers destined for death, and I don't want our own men bearing that burden," Jorah stated with an icy resolve.

"Who?" Lady Maege asked.

"Ironborns. Picture a small unit of Unsullied, hacking through their ranks, carving a path straight to their keeps, and then hurling themselves against their iron doors. That should pave the way for our true soldiers," Jorah explained, sending shivers down the spines of all present in the room.

While they knew Jorah harboured a deep-seated resentment towards the Ironborn, the meticulous planning he'd undertaken against them was a revelation. Planning of this magnitude, sustained over years, was unheard of.

They'd been diligently training their army and sailors. Three groups of soldiers scoured the north, hunting down bandits with unwavering determination. Additionally, their sailors engaged in daily sparring with the soldiers, all in the pursuit of enhanced training. 

The newly formed Bear Army from the Frozen Shore, the Moose Army led by women, and the regular troops from the mountain clans and Free Folk bolstered their ranks. Their numbers now rivalled, if not surpassed, even the mightiest houses of the North, such as the Starks and the Boltons.

"Secondly, I want to expedite a few matters. We need ships—war galleys, to be precise. Let us procure them directly. Master Tumbor has served well, but in the past year, we've only added five galleys. It's disappointing, but he's reached his limit. So, along with the slaves, I need ships and skilled sailors," Jorah asserted, and Master Gibbs nodded in agreement.

"Lastly, the armaments. Shields, swords, spears, arrowheads. I require a warehouse stocked with enough to arm our army twice over. Twice," Jorah declared, his tone resolute.

"Why not acquire them from the dwarf lion?" Lady Maege suggested.

 "If I order more, I'll draw the Old Lion's attention. Sooner or later, he'll exploit that knowledge. Plus, I want to keep the details of this gold agreement under wraps for as long as possible," Jorah explained, and everyone grasped the gravity of his concerns. Tywin Lannister was not to be underestimated.

"And our trade? Are we severing ties with the rest of Westeros?" Master Rodrick questioned.

"Absolutely not. That would be sheer folly. However, our approach to trade must change. Previously, we sought to maximize every copper coin we could earn, selling our wares at modest prices. Our profit lay in volume. Now, we must shift our focus to rarity. I'd rather sell a select few items for a premium price. Our stores will carry only a minimal inventory and hold regular auctions for sea pearls and precious furs.

We'll store everything we purchase in the North, but we won't sell it all at once. Currently, a bear fur sells for a galleon. I want that price multiplied tenfold or even twentyfold. Additionally, we'll revamp our entire fishing village and the market at the docks. I envision a larger, more organized space, and we'll open the market once it's complete.

Then, those traders will come here if they want our fish and furs," Jorah clarified, addressing each query in turn. Governing requires careful decision-making especially when you are the one who makes all the decisions and wants to keep the governing council at peace.

"Will they truly come to Bear Island for our fish and furs?" Lady Maege wondered.

"They will if the profits are substantial. To ensure that, our auctions must make a resounding impact, drawing Lords and Ladies from the South," Jorah responded, his gaze fixed on a list of influential houses in the South that could potentially be their patrons.

"In that case, I'll oversee this. Let Gibbs manage the matter of the slaves," Master Rodrick proposed, and Jorah nodded in agreement. Master Gibbs did not object.

In this manner, Jorah delegated new responsibilities to everyone on the island, infusing a renewed sense of urgency into his people. The next morning, without informing Jorah, Tyrion departed along with every merchant who had arrived on the island, bound for Lannisport.

Jorah observed the departing ship through the eyes of his falcon and felt a pang of sadness. Tyrion was a good man, but he was a Lannister, and Jorah was the Lord of Bear Island. Sympathy could be extended to his character, but beyond that, Jorah had to consider his own future and that of his people.

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