
Creating a ship/base of operations and a talk with Galactus

A/N: Ok, these are the names for Juno type which one you want in the comments and the most used name, will be his name

Juno the conqueror

Juno the deviator

Juno the instigator

Juno the searcher

Juno the sustainer

Juno the destroyer

Juno pov:

I had, been relaxing on my planet for a long time and life was just.... archectypal. Don't get me wrong, life was great I mean since I created the life on this planet, I could easily bend it to my will and create large mansions, but I needed to explore this universe more, I needed more experience.

I got up from my hammock, and flew up to a mountain I had created, to watch the sunset. I removed a piece of the dirt and formed it into an indestructible metal, think of it as vibranium but alot more durable and stronger to a point where it put's Wakanda to shame.

I placed it in my hand and flew higher and higher until, I was out of the planets orbit, I flew to the closest star, lifted up my hands and allowed tentacle like fingers, and pushed them into the core of the star while holding the metal my hand.

I then started, to absorb the energy from the star and used it's energy to create a mini core. Next, I poured in my cosmic power with the core and saw it react as it flashed a vibrant crimson red. I then merged it with the metal and saw as the metal turned matt black.

This was perfect, I needed a type of material that could work well and react to my energy. I the increased it's mass, to make it the size of a Earth's moon but around, 10x bigger. Now had a metal moon. I then created a long ring, that could act like a gateway, it was long enough to be a planet's ring. I used the left over metal, to create a large orb in the middle of the wring the size of a normal moon, I controlled the metal, that was around the rings and forced them to connect to the orb in the middle and stabilise. I travel inside, and could see that it was remodelling it self to become similair to that of the progenators ship.

I now had a ship, something comparable to Galactus's ship? hell no, his was the size of a solar system. Though it was nothing special, it was still something. I looked down at my still growing planet and saw that I had left the infinity stone in the ship, that I got from the proginator and teleported both the ship, and the stone to my new ship. I moved the ship to the south end of the wring. Mabye, I could use it when I wanted to leave my ship in a certain location. I moved the infinity stone to the middle of the ship and placed it an a containment unit and stored it for safe keeping, I should merge the stone with my celestial armour but i'll do that at a later date.

I was ready to go, I didn't know how long I had been on the planet. Mabye a few centuries? I looked at it one last time before extending my arm and masking it in my energies so that the other celestials, wouldn't become aware of it's existence and try to experiment with the life forms, that would grow on my planet one day in the future.

I travelled to the core of the ship that was surrounded by the rings and sat down and looked towards the stars. I sat down on my ship and placed my arms on a gooey black structure, I spread my consciousness around the ship and set sail to.....

wherever life takes me.


I had been travelling across, the stars in search of adventure or at least something that could save me from the boredom. I was flying around until I came across something.. weird, in the distance, I could see a large floating white brain. If I wasn't wrong this white brain would come to be know as Ego a mad celestial(Im going to change it a little bit and make it that like in the mcu in Earth 616 he's a celestial, because... why not) who was fixated on the idea of terraforming a majority of planets in the universe.

I quickly left, as I didn't want to awaken him later than he should have. After a few more hours, I had found a planet full of life. Not the good kind. I entered it's atmosphere, and landed on a mountain. I turned the ship invisible and flew up into the sky and started to scan the planet's surface, I saw every single life form from the smallest insects to the largest creatures.

Normally were there's good there's evil and were there is darkness there will always be life. but this planet was different there was nothing but evil. Even where there were supposed good guys, I could see that, they were also evil and corrupt. I teleported to the middle of a battlefield. I couldn't care less that they could see me.

When I looked down at them, all I could feel was disgust and anger I left, I hanged my head low in disgust at what I had witnessed. Suddenly the sky turned dark as if the planets sun had been completely been blocked out. then, I heard words that sent shivers down my very core...


I looked up, and saw it was the very person who had awoken me after I had been reincarnated. The destroyer of worlds, so apocalyptic that the Living Tribunal once feared Galactus, for what he could do to the universe, if his hunger ever went mad.

I looked in Awe as he flew down and landed onto a fare away mountain. I saw as thousands of other beings, stopped fighting and started to fire their weapons to Galactus in hopes of killing him. It looks like, they understood that he had ill intention, but heavily underestimated the power he wields. I got on board of my ship and flew higher and higher into the sky, then as I left orbit and was once again, I teleported myself outside of my ship and once again went into my celestial form, and looked down in pity

I didn't know what to feel for the race down below, but there was nothing I could do .


I watched as he lifted his arms up into the air and sent a pulse of energy. It looked like he was sending a signal, to his ship, I saw as it came down from the stars and saw long metal tubes, attach itself to the planet and drawed in the planets life force. I watched in awe and horror as I saw him pour the planets energy into himself and how the planet began to implode on itself. I was about to leave when I saw.... saw him turn his head at


A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter with over 1000 words