
Rebis - The Dotta

《Intergalactic Travel Guide》 — "Top 100 Interstellar Vacation Destinations," No. 55 "Datta Vadhi Planet" Amid the frequent interstellar conflicts and adventure narratives, Datta Vadhi stands out with its tranquility and understatement. Despite only securing the 55th position in the "Top 100 Interstellar Vacation Destinations" from the 219th issue of 《Intergalactic Travel Guide》— an awkward and easily overlooked spot — it continues to attract tourists with its unique charm. After all, beyond the label of a vacation destination, it's hard to encapsulate this planet with mere words. A constant influx and departure of tourists encapsulate the daily life of this planet. And similarly, it encapsulates the everyday life of Leen. "If everything could stay the same, I wish for these days to loop endlessly to my end." So, what exactly shattered the routine? A casual gathering on a day off, An unexpectedly assigned task, Or perhaps, a raindrop falling on the brow? Leen keeps retracing the past, tugging at the threads, attempting to find the tangled beginnings. "Just a little more, just a little more, just a little more..." Eventually, all threads led to that day, a day ordinary yet extraordinary. When he looks back, The past has become a whirlpool. "What does it feel like to put your hand into the whirlpool?" "Surprisingly, I don't want to pull it back."

3Moth3 · 科幻
15 Chs

The Moment the Gears Turn, a Taste of Nothing in Memory.

In Dotta's Golden Harbor, the authorities have tacitly allowed replicants and humans to form "emotional companionship" relationships.

A stable, long-term job or substantial savings are the qualifications for applying to be a companion to a replicant. If you are financially capable, you can even establish emotional companionship relationships with up to three replicants simultaneously.

Furthermore, to maintain replicants in their prime condition for the first ten years, they are required to return to the store every eight months for routine check-ups.

Unlike adult replicants, young child replicants are spared from experiencing this process in person. Protected under the "Peter Pan Order Rule," their consciousnesses are submerged into a dream state and taken to the "Neverland Circus." There, they can play with other child replicants and enjoy spectacular circus shows until the maintenance is over. For replicants with a childhood phase, this special day is known as "Pan Pan Day."

Lean had never pondered what kind of performance that would be.

Nine months ago, when he first opened his eyes, what greeted him was the 𝓣-shaped silver badge handed over by his team leader.

By then, he was already 23 years old.


For new immigrants in Dotta, public service replicants like Lean often hold great appeal. They not only have a stable income themselves, but their affiliated institutions also take care of all maintenance checks. However, forming an "emotional companionship" relationship with a public service replicant is challenging. It involves a complex registration and verification process, and for those affiliated with special departments, applicants undergo rigorous background checks.

Lean, however, is an even more exceptional case among them. He is an experimental replicant from the Ecological Security and Order Bureau — 🝖 a Healer. He must strictly follow specific social interaction norms, the most crucial being the prohibition of forming any intimate relationships with humans. This means that apart from duty-required interactions, he is restricted from engaging in any actions that could be interpreted as crossing boundaries, whether physical or emotional.

At least, this remains true for the duration of his tenure.

When the 🜛 symbol in Lean's pupils lights up, his restricted identity becomes unmistakable, bound by layers upon layers of circular rules, subjected to the strictest of constraints. This was predetermined even before his creation.

Nonetheless, this doesn't mean he is incapable of feeling emotions. Every fluctuation of emotion, every ripple in his mood, sways like a pendulum in his heart, leaving indelible marks. However, these marks are restrained by the invisible walls of ironclad rules. He has long learned to compromise, no longer entangled in these futile internal struggles.

As he was immersed in these thoughts, something that appeared before him suddenly captured his entire attention. What he truly desired was now presented right in front of him—

A pristine white porcelain plate was placed on the table. In the center of the steaming dish were two plump tofu puff sandwiches, their surfaces golden brown and crispy, perfectly fried. Lean carefully sliced them along the middle, and instantly, rich cheese sauce and hot ham filling oozed out, filling the air with an enticing aroma, even the soft background music seemed to enhance the moment:

♫ Tens na mão a faca e o queijo,

 Tens a noite e o dia

Lean raised his fork, the tofu skin dripping with sauce, looking exceptionally appetizing. He opened his mouth, eagerly anticipating the enjoyment—

Suddenly, a mission briefing popped up in his line of sight, interrupting his motion.

The food on his fork hovered just a few millimeters from his tongue. He felt surprised and confused, not only because a mission was assigned on his day off but also because the 🆃 symbol clearly indicated it was under the jurisdiction of District 10.

Before he could gather his thoughts, a dazzling golden trident appeared in his vision.

Lean's eyes widened in disbelief; this symbol belonged to the Golden Harbor "Eight Stars" Administrative Inspection Bureau and was also the highest governing body of Dotta's Eighteen District Order Patrol Team. Such high-level missions are usually assigned only to patrol team leaders. Why was it sent to him?

He put down his knife and fork, his expression turning serious as the mission began to load automatically—

✦Ψ✦ Mission Order ✦Ψ✦

Task Number: INFE-D10-AGRI-01

Issuing Authority:

Ecological Security and Order Bureau,

Administrative Inspection

Division Briefing:

Potential biological threat detected.

According to Helix analysis, an On-2 type infected organism is approaching the Black Sand Beach from the Eastern Bay, expected to reach the designated area within 30 minutes.

Response Level: Off-10

Task Summary: Order Patrol Team of District 10 urgently dispatches 2 members to assist in isolation, monitoring, and containment operations.

1. Isolation: Deploy CycArray-12 type modular robots to execute three-dimensional isolation measures, restricting unauthorized personnel from approaching.

2. Assessment: Continuously monitor the target organism, evaluating its infected behavior patterns and potential dangers.

3. Safety: Task force members must be equipped with Level IV biological protective membranes and strictly follow safety operation procedures.

4. Communication: Maintain clear communication with the command system and closely collaborate with the Ecological Security and Order Bureau.

Note: During the task, behaviors that violate system directives or order regulations and impact the mission will be reviewed and penalized.

Appendix: Task area 3D map · Real-time monitoring footage of the target · Infected organism data · Emergency response manual · Biological protection and isolation guide · Communication protocol · Order regulations and ethical guidelines · Task assessment report

As the detailed contents of the task appendix were unlocked, information about the infected organism, evaluation data, and real-time tracking surveillance unfolded layer by layer before Leen.

The information surged like a cold and intense stream, bombarding his pupils and brain, gradually forming a set of clear three-dimensional images.In this flood of information, he understood this was merely a task defined as "routine" by the system. The likelihood of On-2 type infection spreading is extremely low, and the infected organisms typically do not initiate attacks, only exhibiting self-defense behaviors when provoked. To date, such cases have never led to secondary infection spread, posing minimal threat.

He meticulously processed every character, waveform, and pixel of the task details. The overwhelming flow of information rushed towards his visual nerve module, causing a tear-like liquid to gather in his eyes. His fingertips swiftly glided across the table surface, capturing and analyzing these fragmented pieces. Suddenly, his fingertip motion halted. Lean's brow furrowed slightly. Certain fragments caught his attention, prompting him to focus on dragging and deeply analyzing them.

In the next second, he had grabbed his hat and coat and was dashing towards the café's door.

"Sir, your plum sauce and toast aren't ready yet!" the staff called out in surprise.

"Ah, wait for me—" His words trailed off as his figure disappeared outside the door.

The thin layer of steam that had risen from the coffee table slowly dissipated into the air.

On the porcelain plate, the split tofu puff and oozing filling now appeared like remnants of an unknown ritual.

 "Fodo Medoo!Wishing you a peaceful day!"