
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

39 Chs

catalina: The one who shines in the dark

Niran was a kind fairy tribe that she met accidentally in the woods when she was compiling herbs for the palace when a young fairy in a toddler size came out from the sky hitting an oak tree with his wing and scratched his knees. She was not shocked, she was not scare either, seeing a kid with a wings in qamar forest is not something she should discuss with. However, te odd feeling surpassed her intelligent mind, 'how can the kid did not have anything on his body, as she clearly see he had injured his knee trying to balancing himself on the gound.

"kid!" catalina shouted, and amazed for a second time, how come he is beautiful than a woman herself? It's body was far more precious compare to a field of gold and diamonds, his wings was glittering in lights, the skin from top till the tip of the toe was shimmering a radiant beautiful gold as if his body was made from the element itself. she thought his eyes was merely a hazel brownend - shamely, her misatake niran's eyes was an atonishing golden eyes inhaling sunlight while refelcting them in the darkness, for that she call them

''the one who shines in the darkness''

"where are you from? Where are your parents?" catalina grabbed his hand forbided him to go,

"i'm not a kid i'm 80 years old.'' he replied with a cute voice but did not angry to why the woman refused to let him go,

"my apologize sir, you were so small i thought you was lost in your way and wish to help" The niran was call Mirage because he could create such things to fool around. Because Catalina refused in letting go of his hand, he flew both of them crossing over the border passing through cold mist from near mountains,

"interesting.. someone lived here" Catalina was freezing death for a 10 minutes rides with mirage, above from the sky she had saw many things she had never seen before especially an odd willow trees that showing up leaves made up from gold but still in green colour and covers a certain place she knew well,

Catalina was not sure wheter to fit in their place and collect many informations about their magis, because they were so kind and naive. While she is a demon whom tried to be friendly and would kill them in the end. Despite her saying that, she stayed for a year.

"can i stay? '' she asked, the tribe agreed, she was so happy, later she knew the similarities of their tribe, to never age and to never dies, out of boredom, the young witch took out some experiment seeking to what can kill them, and she did, catalina was very amazed, to how things turn out, sadly, she did not broke its charm, now was filled with guilts and sorrow, she had lose her loved one, "i.. I'm sorry" catalina was not denying love, in fact, she was nurturing them to get rid of the darkness in her heart, but she was scared to let it go, she told Mirage- love is a strong word, but if you felt them, you cannot let it go even of you want to. Comparing to their ages, those fairies was still a child and fooling around, the rare things humans wish to store was their toys,

Due to her unquestionable 3 weeks of dissappearance, catalina was surpired hearing the enemies was getting closer in killing their beloved king whom only 15 years old, as expected she won the war. Tiring task, Even so, she was missing her cute friends daily, insuring the retreats of enemies, she began to beg thw king for a holiday, but he disapproved her,

"your sudden dissappearance was the one that wrecking this castle walls, we can't live without you" enough of begging, she was set for 2 days off from duty, so made a decision to see her cute friends. She was missing them that brought 10 baskets of apples in a carriage as a gift,

one the horseback, she cannot stop smoking imagining Mirage amd her friends fighting over the apples, and on how did those fairies was stealing her apples the entire time and asked for for more.

"you never tasted this red fruit do you? next time i will planet this all over for you okay?" upon arrival, she thought she had lost, so she made a turn again and again, still arriving in the dark and rotten place,

''did they blocked the portal? " she left the carriage and step aside, confused "mirage?!" "hey! " a sudden misery causing her to cry, her knees was falling apart, trembling in fear

"no,.. "

"NO!! I must go back!" she back ignore the carriage and walk barefoot circuling the woods thinking she had made mistake, yes, she still in the same place.

Catalina was speechless, she sat on the ground for many hours, chuckles for a couple of times and began to cry with a giggles, why so?

All she saw was a pile of corpse in a complete darkness with most of it had rotten and buried down back to earth like a wilthered flower, she knew the fairies was dead, the tribe was no more, the wings was torn apart, the eyes, the splendid skin they had was no more, the bodies, was unrecognizeable.

"what have i done? " she mumbling by herself, "i should not have not come here,..they should have not die.. " Niran meant for for eternal, yes she is right, they supposed to live for hundred years and never dies, but those became a fatal just because of her curiousity, she made them lose their immortality,

"who did this? " Catalina wiped her tears and began to think. "I must kill them all! " she was in rage that her eyes turned completely dark. She kneel down when she came across a dead body with a silver ruby bracelet, it was Mirage,

"mi amore.. my son," she took off the bracelet and put on her wrist,