
Rebirth: New Beginning

A new VRMMO called ‘New Beginning’ had just been released. It boasts a full 100% immersion and fully realistic NPCs. It has an limitless character development and world development. Alex an ordinary man with a troubled past decides to give this game a try. However Alex has a secret, he’s from the future. He knows that this game will affect more than just people’s entertainment. This game will bring about a new era, yet also hardship. Alex must get strong enough to protect himself and his loved ones. * My new book for this WPC has just been launched! Check it out and see if you find it intriguing! The Owner of Dawn: The Store * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. * * Dropped*

Oliie · 奇幻
56 Chs


Alex and Claire had finally arrived at her house. It was a simple two-story house where she lived with both of her parents. Alex walked her up to her doorway and said his goodbyes. While Claire seemed to be deciding something, Alex started to walk away. Suddenly, Claire called out to him and rushed up to him. She gave him a little peck on the lips and quickly ran to her house, blushing. Alex stood there motionless for a few seconds before smiling and starting to head home. Meanwhile, Claire was crouched behind the door, beet red, and berating herself.

"Oh my gosh! How could I do that!? We barely even know each other! What if he thinks I'm an easy woman!? Or if he's disgusted by my behavior!"

While Claire was berating herself inside her thoughts, a slight cough broke her out of her trance.

"Howard, I didn't think we raised our daughter to be such a, a, a fickle woman."

"Ehh? Mom!?"

Claire stared in disbelief as her mom, dad, and little brother were staring at her. Her already red face became even redder. She was barely able to get out a comprehensible sentence from the incomprehensible mutters.

"H-h-how long have you been there?"

"We saw everything."


Claire just looked down, attempting to hide her beet-red face. Her parents were all smiles and giggles, finally thinking that their daughter had found someone.

Alex arrived home late at night when the New Beginning servers were about to reopen. Alex went inside his VR pod and entered New Beginning. He was back inside the room he was in before he logged out. Now that he had more time on his hands, he wanted to look at the items he received.

[ Grimoire of Light

Rank: Epic

Gives the user the early comprehension of the Light Element and the spells: Heal, Flash, Purify, Cure, Invisibility, Shield of Light, Sword of Light, Light Detection, Sanctuary. ]

[ Blessing of the Goddess of Light

Rank: Legendary

Gives the user a 10% increase in all attributes, increases reputation with good-natured races by 500, and grants the skill Eyes of Heaven. ]

[ Stone of Patience

Rank: Divine

Equip Requirements:




Type: Skill

Detects similar stones in a 50-mile radius.

Cooldown: 1 day.


Description: One of the 14 stones from Chaos and Order. It holds unparalleled power, however, can only be used by those it finds worthy.

Bound to Lucifer ]

[ Seeker Eyes has detected a similar skill ]

[ … ]

[ Seeker Eyes has devoured Eyes of Heaven ]

[ Seeker Eyes has analyzed Eyes of Heaven ]

[ Seeker Eyes has incorporated Eyes of Heaven into itself. ]

[ You've gained the attention of Chaos and Order ]

Alex looked at the system notifications in disbelief. To think a legendary quest would give so much. To even get a natural divine item, an item that can affect reality. Then to gain the attention of beings he had no idea existed, yet are the cause of the birth of the divine item. Alex looked at the new improved Seeker Eyes skill.

[ Seeker's Eyes

Type: Skill - Passive

Element: None

Seekers seek knowledge and the truth. The more they know and the more knowledge they have collected, the stronger and more powerful their eyes become.


A seeker's eyes are supernatural. They are able to see farther, clearer, and they also have natural night vision. Through analyzing Eyes of Heaven, you are able to see in different types of visions. Ex: X-ray, UV, and Thermal.


You are able to see a person's Karma.


A Seeker is able to see the flaws that make up the world.


A Seeker can easily remember all the knowledge they have seen.


Your unconscious mind can easily reference what something is based on your knowledge and previous experiences.

*True Nature

You are able to see the True Nature of people.

Red-Evil, White-Neutral, Green-Good.

*Peer ( Active )

A Seeker can peer into an object or a person's being.

Mana Cost: 5

Cooldown: None ]

Alex looked at the improved skill Seeker's Eyes and couldn't believe how strong it was. To be able to use different types of visions in combat. Also, to be able to tell someone's Karma and nature. Karma is something that you either receive or lose from every action. Positive Karma means you have mostly done good actions, while negative karma would be the reverse. Alex then used the Grimoire of Light item.

[ Heal

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Heals non-fatal wounds

Mana Cost: 20

Cooldown: 30 minutes ]

[ Flash

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Flashes a bright light

Mana Cost: 5

Cooldown: 10 minutes ]

[ Purify

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Purify low-level curses and diseases

Mana Cost: 30

Cooldown: 1 hour ]

[ Cure

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Cure any high-level or below disease

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 6 hours ]

[ Invisibility

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Bend the light around you, making you appear transparent.

Mana Cost: 20 per minute

Cooldown: 1 hour ]

[ Shield of Light

Type: Spell

Element: Light

Conjure a shield made of light that can withstand a tier 2 blow.

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 3 hours ]

[ Sword of Light

Conjure a sword made of light that can deal a tier 2 blow.

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 3 hours ]

[ Light Detection

Detect Light in a 5m radius, making a detailed map around you.

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 2 hours ]

[ Sanctuary

Make a bubble around you that can block up to a tier 3 attack and lasts 5 minutes.

Mana Cost: 300

Cooldown: 3 hours ]

Alex clutched his head and crouched down. His head hurt like hell and lasted 30 minutes. After the headache had gone down, he stood up and began to look at the forum. Every update, the game itself would post what had been added with the update, well some of the things. Some are hidden; however, most of the new functions are posted there. On the forum, the game itself had the message.

"Added Content:

Real-life exchange marketplace,

Added Relationship System,

Added World Bosses,

Race Changes have been made available at lower levels."

The Real-life exchange marketplace is simply a place where players can post their coins and use them to exchange them for credits. The relationship system allows players to form romantic relationships with the residents of the game. World bosses are self-explanatory, and so is the race changes. Alex had plans on changing his race as humans are the lowest-ranked intelligent race. Of course, they have some benefits; however, they were negligible. While changing races is beneficial, it's difficult to do. To change races, you either have to get a special item or complete a special scenario. Alex wasn't sure what race he wanted to change into yet, however, he already had a few in mind. At the moment, Alex's priority is to make money and advance to tier 1. Every advancement of a tier is a major point for someone's evolution. With each advancement, you gain mana purity, mana familiarity, attributes, and body metamorphosis. Body metamorphosis is the change in an organism's body structure. Advancing a tier lets people do things that are impossible to do or comprehend from a lower tier. This can include moving your body in a way thought to be impossible or casting a spell not available to you. Alex was already level 20, and all he had to do was complete his tier advancement quest.





Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, also I'm not completely sure about my upload schedule. As I'm still in school, however I should have a more reliable idea in a week or two. Have a good rest of your day or night!


If you haven't already you should go see my other work A Last Wish. You may like it, you will never know unless you check it out.