
Re-do of the Overgeared

As the name suggests, it's a re-do of the Overgeared but with a twist. A fanfic of Overgeared novel that would explore a wider worldview than the original work did. Shin Youngwoo, the Overgeared God Grid, regressed to the time before Satisfy was launched. Now he will use the information before his regression to change the worldview of Satisfy, a lit.rpg game. The readers don't need prior knowledge of Satisfy and it's working to enjoy the fanfic, but it will be filled with many spoilers for new Overgeared readers. The novel is going to create the Myth of Grid and explore the Satisfy's universe even more. So let's take a deep dive into this fabulous journey. Disclaimer: I don't own or have any rights over the original work, Overgeared. Most of the characters in this fanfic belong to the original work. I think, after reading the original work, people would enjoy more of this story. Warning: There are going to be many spoilers from the main novel, so don't complain to me about that. There will also be some assumptions in the concepts and working of Satisfy so that I can explore a wider worldview than the original novel.

Lord_Danny · 作品衍生
4 Chs

Chapter 1

At some point of time...

Shin Youngwoo/Grid's bedroom at night—

[Project 'Singularity' Commencing.]


Year 20XX, South Korea, Shin Youngwoo's home at night—


A deep headache—a mind-rending pain was induced by something very invasive. Youngwoo, who was bearing with such pain, was experiencing something very miraculous. The thing that was giving such inhuman pain to Youngwoo was the invasion of memories.

These were his memories of the time which hasn't passed yet. The pain was so high that his mind became numb just after a short scream and he went into a state of comatose for the whole night—receiving the pouring memories that were foreign yet familiar to him. The memories of Shin Youngwoo—who became Grid in the upcoming VRMMO game called 'Satisfy'; the being who was hailed as the 'Overgeared God' and had embraced every aspect of the term known as 'Overgeared'. A certain instinct inside compelled him to accept and become one with these memories, so he did.

As he did, the memories, which felt his to begin with—were truly becoming one with him...


"Aaghh...!"—Shin Sehee, who was sleeping in her room, was awakened due to a short and loud scream.

'Hmm... What was that? That felt like oppa's voice...'

Still half-asleep, trying to get sobered, she walked to Youngwoo's room to check on her elder brother.

After opening the door to his room, she peeked from a side—

'Hmm... He is asleep, huh... Let's take a closer look. '

'He is looking alright and perfectly asleep. All other things are looking alright too; nothing seems weird or out of place.'—As she took a look at Youngwoo and his unkempt room.

'Weird... then what was that scream all about? Where did it come from? Was it something like an illusion of a ghost since oppa fears them? Anyway, since nothing is out of place and oppa is alright too, let's just go to sleep again... And if there truly had been any problems, oppa would have informed us.'

After doing the short check-up mission, Sehee returned to her room and fell asleep.



At sunrise, Youngwoo woke up with a slight headache after the merger of memories and soul—the process that was ongoing the whole night.

'Aaghh... What's with this headache? What happened... Hmm... My bed and room—why do they seem different?'—Youngwoo, the Overgeared God Grid, who had regressed to his old self before the launch of Satisfy, thought after taking a look around him.

'Hmm... Wait... Doesn't it look like my old residence? How is this possible, why am I here? Let's check the date first'

'Huh... This seems rather old.'—Youngwoo picked up his mobile phone, which seemed like an old model that he had used before the launch of Satisfy.

'So I really regressed to the time before the launch of Satisfy. According to the date and time, Satisfy should be launched in a few days from now.'—Thought Youngwoo after searching for the date & time and about Satisfy thoroughly on the internet.

"What in the world is happening!!!"—Youngwoo shouted hysterically after realizing that he truly had regressed to the time before the launch of Satisfy.

"Oppa, have you gone crazy? Why are you shouting like a madman?!"—Asked Sehee after seeing the behaviour of her elder brother.

She asked—

"Is something wrong with you... I heard you screaming last night?"

"N... no, I... I am alright, I just saw something ridiculous on my phone. Nothing else, everything is alright... Hehehe..."—Replied Youngwoo to his sister while stuttering and making himself calm again after this realization. Even then he cracked up at last due to the absurdity of the situation he was in currently.

'Huh... what's wrong with him today? Did he eat something weird last night?'—Thought Sehee as she left her brother alone.

'Hmm... So let's think about it... I have already pre-ordered the capsule according to my memory, even though I had to take some loans. Huh... now that I think about it, I had a very frustrating and nasty personality at the beginning of Satisfy.'—Youngwoo, who realized his past self's shortcomings, was disgusted by that past behaviour of his now.

'Now let's think about life and Satisfy... Now that I know about the future—let's use this information even better than the future me and be greedy again. Everything should be perfect in this turn; I won't repeat the mistakes I made in the future. Anyway, I should improve my financial condition first through Satisfy.'—Thought Youngwoo after somewhat realizing the importance of the information that could change Satisfy or even the world itself.

"Satisfy... Grid is coming for you again. My friends and loved ones, I am coming to meet you again."—Spoke Youngwoo in a low voice so Sehee wouldn't reprimand him again for shouting.


A few days later—

The time had come, Youngwoo's capsule was delivered. He set it into his room, Satisfy would be going live in about an hour.

After an hour, Youngwoo went into his capsule and logged into the Satisfy.

[Welcome to Satisfy.]

[Choose your User ID.]

"Grid"—replied Youngwoo.

[You have chosen 'Grid' as your User ID, is that correct?]

"Yes"—he replied again.

He then skipped all modifications and went with his original color, hair, eyes, etc. Since modification of face wasn't available in Satisfy, that was the limit up to what all the users could modify their characters to.

[Choose your starting city.]

"Patrian"—he chose the city cause he knew it very well from his memories. He knew about the quests in the city, training grounds, hunting grounds, and other related things. He also thought about Ashur, a magician and earl of the Eternal Kingdom who had fooled him at the beginning of the game, well... It was due to his foolishness as well.

With this Grid took his first step into Satisfy... The Myth of Grid had just begun—