Suddenly hurled into chaos, Minzie is now a student of RC University, where only the best of the best can survive. Will Minzie be able to withstand all the challenges hurled unto her or will she get trampled on by the other students? Will she be able to make allies or will she go down by herself? Where does Minzie belong in this chaotic world? Watch as the truth unfolds, where obstacles appear one after the other.
[Day 1]
Chancellor: "Our University has a long history of producing the finest students, but with such privilege comes responsibility, and that is to strive for perfection. Now my dear students, let the chaos begin!"
A loud roar came from the students as they cheered for our Chancellor's welcome speech. Oh dear, what kind of mess have I gotten into? Why is everyone so hyped about chaos? Someone send help!
That being said, I'm now in front of room 76. *Sigh*
Student: "Excuse me, you're in the way?" said a voice from behind me which startled me a bit.
Minzie: "Oh, I'm sorry," I said while moving aside.
Student: "You should come in, the instructor will be here soon".
Minzie: "Right....".
With a heavy heart, I went inside and sat on the farthest corner of the room.
RC University is recognized as the top magical school in the world, it's very difficult to get in but even more so for staying in it. The school is owned by the An clan and is currently ruled by the two daughters of the main family, Li An and Ni An. Rumors have it that ever since the two of them took control of the school the number of graduating students plummeted.
Oh boy, I just had to enroll when the odds for success are low. I'm really terrified now even more than when I took the entrance exam, that day was really frightening as well. Each person was outstanding in their own way, I almost gave up hope of getting in. The entrance exams consist of a written test and a magical assessment and I remember this one girl who had such a strong magical power that a lot of people stopped what they're doing to watch her.
I was reeled back in reality when I heard the door open. The instructor signaled us to stand up and so we did.
Instructor: "Attention class, this is how you greet your superiors" and she showed us how to bow, we place our hands in front of us and gently bow our heads.
Instructor: "Improper posture is a sign of unwillingness to learn, and now that you are here in RC University you should give it your all, after all, we are just here to guide you, you're the one to create your own path, succeed and you shall be blessed, fail and you'll be trampled on."
Then the lesson about the basic rules proceeded, and I'm telling you it was quite a challenge not to doze off in front of the instructors. With a few blinks, stretches and yawns, she finally announced, "Class dismissed".
Without nothing to do, I decided to head straight to the dorms. After a few minutes walk, I finally reached my destination, o-m-g. I checked the pamphlet with the map on it, and I was in the right place, but how on earth is a dormitory like a palace?
After spacing out for a while, I shrugged it off, "I should expect the unexpected, from the Chancellor to the Instructors, of course even the buildings are hardcore".
The inside of the dorm was just as mesmerizing as the outside. The floor is shiny, the chandelier sparkled, the central staircase is massive.
Before my jaw could completely fall off, I decided to find my room. Room 303,
"Okay, I got the key", *click* I slowly opened the door and was once again mesmerized.
"This room is bigger than I expected, oh the beds are nice", I hopped around while checking out the room, the study desk was spacious, the bathroom had a tub, the balcony had a nice view.
It was 2:40 pm when I decided to lie down on one of the beds and without realizing it I had already fallen asleep.
My body jolted up when my consciousness came back, I looked at the wall clock and it was already 5:15 pm. I got up and looked in the mirror "man, I'm a mess".
I tried to reach for a comb but there's nothing on my desk. "Huh?" my mind was blank for a second and as if I was hit on the head it dawned to me.
"I forgot to bring in my luggage!", I immediately headed towards the door, but before I could put my hand on the knob, it clicked.
???: "Yeah, you should've recruited her as well-" three girls stood in front of me, and they were all gorgeous. I froze on the spot, just staring at them, till one of them cleared her throat.
Minzie: "I'm sorry, I just woke up".
Girl 1: "Oh you must be our other roommate", the girl with a bob haircut and round glasses said.
Girl 2: "Hey, weren't you that girl in class 76?" the one with long straight hair asked
Minzie: "Ah yes, I'm from that class"
Girl 2: "No wonder you seemed familiar", she added.
Girl 3: "You know each other?", the girl with the short bob asked.
Girl 2: "We're from the same class"
Girl 1: "Anyway let's get in first"
Minzie: "Oh, you guys go ahead, I need to pick up my luggage"
Girl 2: "No need, we brought them with us"
Minzie: "Oh, thank you-??"
Girl 2: "Ah, I'm Niira"
Girl 1: "I'm Fuzakena, Fuza for short"
Girl 3: "Vasilisa"
Minzie: "I'm Minzie". I smiled and shook their hands one by one.
We all then decided on who gets which bed and desk. While we were all unpacking our stuff I couldn't help but steal a few glances at them, Oh dear God, all my roommates are stunning, I feel like a potato in front of them, especially with my messed up hair. I huffed as I twirl a strand of my long curly hair on my finger. I flopped on my bed and glanced at Fuza, she noticed me and smiled warmly at me, flustered I immediately looked away. This is gonna be a long school year, I told myself as I felt my eyes gradually close.
=Character Info=
Year and Class: 1st year, 76
Year and Class: 1st year, 76
Year and Class: 2nd year, 54
Year and Class: 1st year, 78